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IF by learning, we learn there's always a lot more to learn, even unlearn, we never stop learning, so we can never conclude on anything...what is knowledge then, that we know nothing, ignorance? How can this be?

I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance....Socrates.

2007-07-10 07:04:56 · 13 answers · asked by Alex 5 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

THANKS for your comments!

2007-07-10 07:05:39 · update #1

13 answers

I admit...I am ignorant.


2007-07-10 08:03:02 · answer #1 · answered by PLUTO 6 · 1 0

I know nothing seems to be the very circularity that got the Vienna Circle into trouble. Or you could go with Descartes Cogito Ergo Sum. My favorite though is Wittgenstein's of the things we cannot speak of, we must pass over in silence' Essentially, Wittgenstein wonders what the point of a pointless question is. A question asked when the answer is already known to be elusive and unobtainable. And so a question like this is nonsense, mere circular argument.

More to the point however, the epistemology behind knowledge is fairly solid based on the question being asked. Is there a brain in my head? Of course there is, you don't have to look to find out because it is a self-evident truth. A first year freshman will then ask how you know anything exists at all. You have my permission to slap him in the face and ask him if that exists.

2007-07-10 14:56:45 · answer #2 · answered by brandon c 2 · 1 0

This is deep philosophical question, an answer to which might go over many pages and even books ... as a matter of fact the answer to this question, as a proof to the question itself, might never reach it fullness. I therefore adopt simple and pragmatic approach: when for instance it comes to getting rich no amount of money ever enough, there is always need, greed or an incentive for more. And yet what a man would need: two times a day meal, just one bed to sleep on, and just one place to be at a time. One surely knows what he or she would need to be normal, happy and comfortable but this strange thing with the money that it become a need for itself.

I think same is true with knowledge. We need to know certain things about ourselves, to fulfilll our physical needs, about the people we live with to fulfil our social needs, the society and few more about the world we inhabit for purpose of the fulfillment of our extended intellectual and spiritual needs. But the information of new knowledge is never enough. Once we start we hardly know how to stop from knowing, but only with the help of faith and humble acceptance of the fact that we are ignorant in face with the reality of our own existence. Who am I? I really do not knwo, and still this is all I have to be me not all that I need to live.

2007-07-10 14:25:57 · answer #3 · answered by Shahid 7 · 1 0

Any conclusion is relative to the level of knowledge available at the time the conclusion is made. Therefore, you can conclude that conclusions are merely milestones made during the learning process and can evolve as more knowledge is gained (or lost). This conclusion is only valid until more knowledge or wisdom is gained upon the subject at hand.

2007-07-10 14:19:06 · answer #4 · answered by lars2682 2 · 1 0

2 clouds+2 clouds=5 clouds? 1 cloud? 0 clouds with a light rain?

Math only works perfectly in its own, abstract realm...

Socrates...Like many other philosophers (and indeed the majority of humanity,) is batsh!t insane....But the man makes a good point...Conclusions are for jerks, and the only way to accomplish anything is to (consciously,) take liberties with assumptions...

See all the declarative statements I just made?

I am fully aware that I am certain of nothing...That sentence is contradictory and at the same time true, and is typical of the kind of nonsense that a "normal, sane person" will defend until death as the one and only TRUTH...(I only think its as true as long as someone takes it the right way, otherwise, it would obviously be bunk, and I would need to try to get my point across differently...)

What we must do is REALIZE that language is an imperfect, symbolic representation of reality. Understand that our accumulated knowledge and sciences are GUESSES, and work only as long as they actually work, (science is constantly being revised and corrected.) But we must live on faith alone, without attachment to the opinions that most people perceive as fact...It doesn't make sense to modify EVERY STATEMENT with "I think," or "as far as I can tell," those things are understood...Knowledge is what we THINK we know, and we can make good use of it...We just need to be alert for the inevitable moment that it will fall apart...

2007-07-10 14:45:37 · answer #5 · answered by Dr Bob 4 · 2 1

Everyday there is a learning experience. Sometimes the things we learn doesn't always have to come from a Book.
You take this process one day at a time.

As a child, you learn how to get dress, tie your shoe laces, use the bathroom, etc.

As a teen , there are other things to learn.

As an adult, many others. Program your mind to lead your thoughts in the right direction.

2007-07-10 14:14:16 · answer #6 · answered by Seeanna 5 · 1 0

That's true however 1+1 is always two so you can conclude a correct answer always. You can learn forever but many things can be learned straight to a positive and correct conclusion.

2007-07-10 14:09:17 · answer #7 · answered by vinster82 5 · 3 1

Learning is a paradox. The more we know, the more we have to learn to unlearn what we thought we had learned before, and in so doing are learning more.

2007-07-10 16:52:35 · answer #8 · answered by TJ 3 · 1 0

you have to accept that you are ignorant, as well as that you know. yes there is always more to learn, but isnt that the beauty of life? to always strive for more, to always know that there is more out there. we may have to unlearn. but look at a baby, the first time it smiles, rolls over or crawls. it knows nothing but to keep knowing more.

2007-07-10 17:13:42 · answer #9 · answered by weirdo103 2 · 1 0

When you are done learning it's time for the six foot hole. You can conclude on what you already know to be true. Think bright thoughts.

2007-07-10 17:20:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Every conclusion is a commencement. Γνωσει Σεαυτον , in the end knowledge of our deficits lead to questions that search out wisdom.

2007-07-10 14:16:02 · answer #11 · answered by Fr. Al 6 · 2 0

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