Kinda. Things got going in the second round. I don't think they should've waited until 6:30 West Coast Time, that means a 9:30 start here, and that Derby went past 12 midnight. People would've missed the ending.
Luckily, when the Home Run Derby returns to YANKEE STADIUM next year, the balls are gonna FLY! No more highest scores of 5 in the first round - I'll be surprised if anybody hits any less than 8 HR's in any round. It's gonna be that amazing.
2007-07-10 06:21:42
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You can never expect too much in an exhibition like that or you will be disappointed. Sounds like you were expecting too much. Remember, the sponsors putting up the money to put this exhibition on don't care about shadows, they want an audience. The later start on the east coast was more than offset by the pick-up on the west coast.
2007-07-10 06:35:41
answer #2
answered by Frizzer 7
I agree with you to some extent.Yes the lights and shadows really bother some of the hitters.Either way no ones fully satified here.At least now its prime time and viewers from the east got to see it as well.As for the HR derby,it wasnt that bad and Rios did more than we all expected.The Jays and our fans here are proud of him.I know he will do well tonight and get a hit.
2007-07-10 06:40:57
answer #3
answered by jimmyl929 3
i was VERY dissapointed with the derby last night but not with the contestents i was just pisssed that they didnt hit homers. i mean i woulkd rather see Alex Rios hit 30 hrs than see Alex Rodriguez hit 10 in the derby, a lot of people take the derby to be a popularity contest but i just care about how many home runs are hit
2007-07-10 06:29:09
answer #4
answered by Dan 2
Excuses, excuses..... Baseball players getting paid millions of dollars saying "the sun was in my eyes".....
If I was getting paid millions to play baseball, heck, bean me for all I care! All they could have said was "it was an off day", "AT&T Park is proven to favor the pitcher" or "my dog ate my homework".....
I've watched tons of HR's getting hit during BP at Pac Bell park during twilight, and even saw lefties hit the water and some Milwaukee Brewers almost hit the glove in the bleachers recently.....
Wear shades or something if the sun bothers you, but please don't complain like a little leaguer.....
2007-07-10 08:39:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It's not so much the shadows as is that park is not a home run hitters park.
2007-07-10 06:47:44
answer #6
answered by Silvio 5
Couldn't expect a lot from it, because AT&T Park isn't a big homerun park. So, not really disappointed.
2007-07-10 06:51:55
answer #7
answered by techplayer77 3
the 1st round wasnt too good, but after that it was awesome
yea, they should of did it earlier so there werent any shadows
2007-07-10 06:27:27
answer #8
answered by That 70s Show Dude 6