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I have a rescue mare and we have given her a 4-shot combo and West Nile vaccination. She is due again for West Nile and I was wondering if I should do her Booster at the same time. We've read that Boosters are only needed if they are around lots of other horses... she lives with her 2-month-old colt and 2 other mares (no foals) currently. However, being a rescue (we got her a couple months ago) I think she might need it. Any suggestions...?

2007-07-10 04:00:07 · 2 answers · asked by squishie bug 3 in Pets Other - Pets

2 answers

My theory is that when in doubt, vaccinate. But please ask your vet first.

That's a chump answer to be sure - but each area of the country (US) has different vaccination needs, etc. so it's hard to tell for sure.

2007-07-10 04:05:14 · answer #1 · answered by Barbara B 7 · 0 0

I would ask you vet and see what they say but i think i would give her the shot

2007-07-13 22:49:34 · answer #2 · answered by kitty450 1 · 0 0

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