As someone at university you are free to mess about, you are free to fail. That is your choice.
University courses are almost all designed so that each year feeds into the next. If you don't retain any knowledge from your first year then you will find subsequent years more difficult; which probably means more hard work or a lower classification of degree (which you carry with you for the rest of your life).
You should aim for balance - which means working out a method of time management that works for you. Schedule in messing about time AND learning time. Getting the balance right results in a good level of learning and being able to have the time of your life.
Finally, if messing about is a big part of your motivation for going to Uni then you might want to consider if you are ready to go. The subject you study should interest you. You will be studying it for three years (possibly more), and it may be your career - so span decades of your life. It should grip you, engage you, and motivate you.
One way to focuss your messing about (if that isn't a contradiction) is to get involved with the Student Union. What things are you interested in apart from the academic stuff? If you're into football / tennis / frizbee as a player then join the relevant sports club. If you're into extreme ironing and there isn't a club for this - form one.
University is about transition much more than school. What do you want to be? Who do you want to be?
2007-07-10 04:54:08
answer #1
answered by philipscown 6
Freshman year in college is the first year of your professional life. The rest of your life every time you apply for a job you will have to hand over your college transcript and the marks you got as a freshman will be there for your new boss to see.
And, you will be taking advanced courses in your major for the next three years. If you screw around as a freshman then all of these courses will be harder because you didnt learn what you were supposed to learn in year one. If you decide to go to grad school (which you need for most careers these days) your admission to grad school will depend on your GPA from all four years of college.
A difference between adults and children is that adults know how to have fun and get their work done, too. So time for you to grow up. Work comes first, then when all the work is done, you can have as much fun as you want.
2007-07-10 10:08:26
answer #2
answered by matt 7
I think it is important. You should have a basic understanding of math and verbal written communication skills. The math is sometimes excessive, but basic skills in this area are used for everything.
As for the verbal and written communication skills, I think it is really important. Think about how often you write something out at your job, or when you go on a job interview. The higher up you get in almost any career, the more you will use one or the other, or both. You have to interact with people, give instructions, etc. The more articulate you are, the better.
2007-07-10 10:01:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It depends. I studied Law at A level and went on to a Law Degree. The first year just went over the A level so was a total waste of time and I had a blast! Although, by the end of the first year I was totally disillusioned with the degree and left...
I'd say it is important but you need to balance having a giggle with making sure all your work is done etc....
2007-07-10 10:01:49
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
just finished my first year. you could call it unimportant because it doesn't actually 'count' to your actual degree classification but like has already been said you do need to pass your exams and you may get a lot of work- I did- so you can't really just mess around. the first year you're introduced to concepts which you may need throughout the rest of your degree, even if you don't need the actual information. probably one of the most important things you'll be learning in the first year is how to reference properly which you will be needing throughout your degree. you will probably get familiar with important theorists which you might need later on and again it's handy to understand the concept. I know people on my course who have messed around for the first year and skipped a whole lot of lectures and scraped through with exam results. I guess it will show next year whether it matters or not.
2007-07-10 10:13:33
answer #5
answered by hey_mcfly! 2
For me it was important from another aspect. Mentally! Cause in first year I realized I won't be a good lawyer! But I didn't change my field and I got depressed until graduation! So try to gather the informations about the field that you are studying. It's the best thing to do in my opinion.
Good luck!
2007-07-10 10:05:43
answer #6
answered by - 3
As long as you are sensible I think you can do a bit of both.You need to have fun before you go out into the big wide world and take on responsibilities for your own survival,but you don't really want to waste the whole of the first year and put yourself into a catchup situation.Good luck.
2007-07-10 10:10:09
answer #7
answered by chezliz 6
balance everything. get ur work done and pass ur exams. but make sure u have fun cause its pretty much the best year of ur life too if u make the most of it. suss out ur course and make sure you know enough about it to realise if its really for you. plus, what u learn in first year, i found anyway, is a grounding for what you get thrown at u in second year. if i hadnt writtn the essays in first year and realised how bloody shite i was at writting, i wouldnt have been able to improve it so i could do better in second and third year when it matterd. if that makes sense.
2007-07-10 10:15:11
answer #8
answered by ophelia 3
Maybe you can use the time to grow up and quit messing around? You'll need to, sooner or later.
2007-07-10 09:59:51
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
well, you have to pass your exams to get onto the 2nd year so while you probably won't need the info, you will need to work a little
2007-07-10 09:57:24
answer #10
answered by Jody W 4