Yes she is teething. What you can do for is give her teething rings. Some of them can be place in the freezer and then given to her once they are frozen. That will help to cool her inflamed gums. Which is probably why she does not want you checking her mouth. baby-orajel can also be used if her teething becomes to painful for her. There are teething biscuits; although I do not commend using them. They can cause plaque build up on her teeth and they can get to be very messy when a child uses them. If she gets a fever; which does happen sometimes, call her doctor and find out which pain relievers she can take safely before you give her any.
Aspirins can lead to Rye syndrome in children under the age of eighteen.
You can also try giving her a sterile clean white wash-cloth that has been soaked in cold water and the allowed to be frozen to gnaw on until you can get her some teething rings.
If you have any ice cubes you can rub that on her gums as well. But don't let the ice cubes get too small, or allow her to hold them herself. For it could risk the chances of her choking on the ice cub. So, do be very careful if you use them. And it is normal for babies to put their fists/hands/ & fingers into their mouths when they are teething. Just make sure her hands are kept clean. Baby wipes, or a wet wash cloth kept nearby comes in handy for that.
2007-07-09 19:53:30
answer #1
answered by Tarlyng 4
Sounds like teething symptoms, she will probably get
pretty cranky when the teeth start to erupt. You will be
able to feel the teeth thru the gums as they get closer
to the surface. One old trick that helps with the
teething pain is to take a clean washcloth, dampen it,
wring it out somewhat and put it into the freezer until
it is sort of crunchy, let the baby chew on it, the cold
helps numb the pain. Of course its pretty messy, but
teething babies drool so much anyway.
Another thing that worked with some of my baby
brothers is green onion- some babies will like it, some
don't. Just cut the root end off, cut down the greens
so you have about 5-6" of onion, wash well and let the
kid gnaw on it--the onion also has numbing properties,
plus its got antibiotic properties.
They used to have some plastic rings that had a gel
center that you could freeze and give to the baby to
chew on, but I think the plastic had one of those chemicals
that they now think is dangerous. So I don't know if those
are available. There are also some oral gels that you
can rub on the my grandma's day, they used
brandy (that's so not PC nowadays...but after you go thru
a baby teething, you can understand why they used to do
Anyway, good luck, just remember that this phase will
2007-07-09 19:37:17
answer #2
answered by Caiman94941 4
She could be but this is also just what four month olds do. They drool, they put things in their mouth and chew them. Does she seem like she is in pain? Has there been any changes in her eating or sleeping habits? If so she could very well be teething but this could go on for months before she actually has a tooth come through. She can start eating baby food at 4 - 6 months old. It would be best to speak with your doctor about starting solids as there are factors other than age that determine whether she is ready or not.
2016-05-22 02:55:31
answer #3
answered by ? 3
My son got his first 2 teeth at three-and-a-half months old. I didn't even know he was teething - he didn't make a peep or complain at all. But he had been drooling like crazy since he was 2 months old and always putting things in his mouth.
I think he is teething now, again, at 7 months. And now it is bothering him. He is fussy and had a bit of a fever and won't let me touch his mouth.
It is very possible that your daughter is teething. If she seems in pain or has a bit of a fever you can give Tylenol as her doctor recommends. You can also try putting a wet washcloth in the freezer and letting it freeze, then give it to her to chew on.
I got something called a Raz-Berry Teether for my son. It massages his gums and when he bites down on it it helps push the teeth through. See the link below.
2007-07-09 19:37:24
answer #4
answered by jennsuzy 3
she's definately teething! I used to give my kids a cold wet clean washcloth to just chew on. They loved it. If it get's really uncomfortable, infant tylenol. Dr.'s say they have no other symptoms, but my kids (3 total) always had sever rashes and fevers with their first few teeth.
Good luck! First teeth usually show up around 6 months old.
2007-07-09 19:36:15
answer #5
answered by Who Knew! 3
For as long as your little one has no teeth ... a cool carrot feels soooo good on her gums. When her little teeth start poppin' up, trade in the carrot for a fridge gummer ... a plastic teether, than can be put in the freezer for a bit before you give it to her. If the gummer doesn't provide her with enough relief (when her gums hurt) a little bit of baby Orajel will help to alleviate some of the pain.
Gosh ... remember when we got our wisdom teeth? Imagine having teeth trying push through your gums constantly ... poor lil' babes ... :(
2007-07-09 19:35:24
answer #6
answered by ♥Carol♥ 7
Hyland's Teething Tabs -100% homeopathic so it is completely safe and healthy, unlike tylenol or ibuprophen products. Everyone I know that has used these for their baby has said they work wonders and since they are natural and homeopathic, there are no bad side effects or long term effects. My sister who had never used anything other than pharmacueticals or over the counter drugs now swears by these and recommends them to all of her friends with babies.
2007-07-09 19:36:41
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Oh yeah, she's teething. Here's what I would suggest....
1. Give her some baby liquid Tylenol if she really seems to be fussy or uncomfortable.
2. Get some baby tooth gel at your local store (topical)
3. When you buy a teething ring, put it in the freezer. It will feel good on her little gums, and also be a bit harder. (Just don't get one with any parts that may be loose).
Good Luck!
2007-07-09 19:36:55
answer #8
answered by MoonGoddess 4
hi, well i am a mom of one 1 year old and am pregnant with my second so from some experience here's my advice you can give her oragel,freeze a teething ring, you can wet a washcloth and freeze it let her chew on them you can even use frozen waffles to give her some taste she is in pain if it gets to bad give her some baby tylenol these are all suggestions my pediatrician gave me and they worked oh and if she will let you rub her gum with your finger.
2007-07-09 19:34:58
answer #9
answered by narrys_girl 2