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Some students simplify
2x^2 - 32
x - 4
2x - 8
bottom cancels out..

Choose the values of x to show this is not true. then simplify it correctly?
how do i do this? im completely lost..

2007-07-09 12:34:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

2 answers

2(x^2 - 16) / (x-4) = 2(x+4)(x-4) / (x-4) = 2(x+4) or 2x + 8
for all values of x

except when x = 4

2007-07-09 12:38:55 · answer #1 · answered by gfulton57 4 · 0 0

Choose x = 0:
The expression equals -32/ -4 = 8
The 2x - 8 equals -8

Factor the top first 2x^2 - 32 = 2(x^2 - 16) = 2(x + 4)(x - 4)
The expression becomes:
2(x + 4)

2007-07-09 19:43:18 · answer #2 · answered by jsardi56 7 · 0 0

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