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My second question is about opposites. I hear many people say that to have peace on must have war, cold - heat, etc.But I was wondering who defines opposites but ourselves. Arent opposites defined by our own limitation and what are opposites but two sides of the same coin. like cold a lesser form of heat. So who says opposites need each other? the universe we live in is a dynamic one, so opposites are understood through variations of intensity, like different levels of frequencys. So who can say there are two set of opposites that need each other to exist? who says that it is not more like a circle where there are no bounderies, we define the bounderies? I understand that to know cold one needs heat, but where does heat end and cold start?
good and bad, are they not the result of each other? if one has no good, one has no bad, so peace is a reaction of war, or rather peace is war made less intense? could the concept or abstract of good and bad be destroyed, and would that not be peace

2007-07-09 09:29:43 · 5 answers · asked by Lorenzo de' Medici 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

5 answers

Most people who favour dualism pick as opposites either 'existing' and 'not-existing' or relative quantities of 'more' or 'less'. In those senses, it probably COULD be said that the universe is dualistic... everything exists or doesn't, and you can usually have more or less of just about everything up to a point.

But what most dualists are really talking about isn't what's necessary for existance (although they like to express it that way), but what's necessary for perception. If everything was always the same temperature everywhere, then you would probably not notice temperature... it's always the same. It's only when there is a difference that it stands out. And that is probably a function of the human brain - people notice the commplace less, if at all.

Where dualists end up on really shaky ground is when their fondness of opposites makes them label things as opposite that aren't - like pleasure and pain. These are not even mutually exclusive... it's quite possible to enjoy a kiss even though you have a cut on your arm that hurts, nor is it necessary to have to cut to experience the pleasure. Same with war and peace, love and hate, and many many other false opposites. These may each exist in relative quantities, but one is in no way dependant upon the other.

2007-07-09 09:54:52 · answer #1 · answered by Doctor Why 7 · 1 0

A very good observation my Friend. Just like Ice is actually quite hot in relation to its melting point or its changing from a solid to a liquid. The dualistic reality we live in is a perspective concept while each of us have our own understanding of what defines the differences the differences exist none the less. There are cultures that find testing the extremities of this dualistic reality a sort of religion in itself.[Yin, Yang] The phenomena that you are near to understanding is the fact that our creator,[The omnipotent energy that is, was, and always will be.] is not bound to a dualistic understanding of existence. He, She, It has nothing to learn for they know what is to be known. So just how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?

2007-07-09 17:15:07 · answer #2 · answered by Beneplacitum 3 · 0 1

Well, what is your opinion on the Cold War? Was it war? or was it peace? Or something in between?

Good and evil. Most film makers let the audience know who's good and bad. A good cop shoots and kills a bad serial killer. OK, that's simple. But take a look at the movie Blow with Johnny Depp. His character was a major coke dealer but most people considered him "good" and felt sorry for him when the movie was over. Why? I think it's because the audience could easily identify with the character because Johnny Depp was playing it. So the police officers who arrested him in the movie; were they the "bad" guys? No... Only when you analyze and understand both sides' perspective can you truely claim one is good and the other bad/evil.

In life, we; human beings like to catagories and label people and draw artificial lines to divide states, nations and continents. Because it makes things easier for them.

Hot and cold? I'm usually sweating my a## off whereever I go. And others ask me if something is wrong because to them, it's so cold that they need to wear a jacket.

Only in criminal law; there is only black and white. Guility or not guilty.

With war; I find it funny when I am playing video games (the main character is from a fictional US Army ghost unit.) You go through the entire game thinking you are the good guy and they are the bad horrible rebels but when you listen to what they are saying in Spanish; they are calling me a terrorist. (While I'm there to rescue the people.)

Same goes with North-South, West-East. You fly East continuously for hours or evem days; upi
d reach East. Like you said; it's like a sphere and everyone is good and bad at the same tim.

All depends on your perspective. Iraqis think we are the bad guys...

2007-07-09 17:11:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh my god your deep. I bealive peace is something made by humans not war.I also think war and bad things have been created by humans.opposites were created by the basic human who just looked at the world as if it was up and down just as it passes.heat starts at warm and cold starts as cool.

2007-07-09 19:40:54 · answer #4 · answered by serendus g 3 · 0 1

Wow!! That's too deep. I'm speechless!!! :0

2007-07-09 16:45:16 · answer #5 · answered by inka 7 · 0 0

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