stop and smell the roses. take the time to enjoy life. you are only a kid once so enjoy it. alot of adults try to recapture their youth. carpe diem
2007-07-09 09:24:00
answer #1
answered by BuddhaDaddy 5
I went through the same thing when I was your age, I think a lot of kids do. Now that I'm 16, I'm starting to accept getting older - I have a job and I almost have my license. I never thought I would do the things that I'm doing now. To help you - don't feel like because you're getting older or because everyone else your age is doing it that you HAVE to do anything. Just take life day by day and don't worry. Now here's really what helped me (and you might think I'm a little crazy when I say this and so will tons of other people, but that's ok) - Just trust in God and know that He's in control of everything that happens to you. When you think about it for a while it makes you feel better. Sorry didn't mean to write an essay lol hope this helps!
2007-07-09 16:34:30
answer #2
answered by ACR613 4
Learn a little social history and you will realise how lucky you are not to have to worry about things, untill you are 18.
When I was 14, unless you were in college, as against a secondary modern school, you started work at 14.
It was also expected that you contribute to the family income,
this meant that you were left with very little out of your early wages.
I suspect that many young people would be much happier, in employment, rather than following so called educational courses, in which they have little or no interest.
When you are working a five and a half day week, you don't have time to worry about whether or not, you can cope.
2007-07-12 14:55:51
answer #3
answered by macdelanoche 4
You're too young to be worrying about getting older. Stop freaking out and enjoy being a kid, you grow up so fast and always look back to the days when you had no responsibilities, live it up. There are a lot of things to look forward to as you grow up anyway. The bills suck but being on your own, doing everything for yourself, sometimes its hard and frustrating but you get a sense of fulfillment from knowing that you will always be able to count on one person. I freak out about my age all the time but I am over 10 years older than you, I never worried about getting older until I hit 22, then it hit me.
2007-07-09 16:25:04
answer #4
answered by littleone 4
Stop worrying and start enjoying life or you'll be old before your time.
You have a world of life ,love and adventure before you so grasp it with both hands and live it to the full.
I work hard,horse ride,go bowling, travel the world,enjoy music,surf the web,love cars and driving,go dancing,go to shows and live gigs,decorate,garden,go to the gym etc.etc.and I'm 60years old!
The first few years of working and paying bills will seem hard but if you are determined and hard working the world is your oyster, enjoy it and live each day as it comes and if you fill your time getting old won't matter.Have a great life!
2007-07-10 22:33:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
You are 14 and you're worried???? I am 58. I was 14 in another lifetime.
Take a deep breath. You have been on this earth for only a few seconds. There is nothing to freak out about, my dear.
Enjoy your youth. You can NOT imagine how fleeting it truely is.
2007-07-10 19:34:21
answer #6
answered by I am Sunshine 6
I sure did! It home when I started secondary school! I'm 16 in under 4 months and I freaking out! Got GCSE's coming up, licenses to get!
My advice ... Live life to the full before all the stress gets to you! Theres nothing you can do hun its called growing up!
2007-07-09 16:22:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I've got bad news for you - it only moves by more quickly as you get older. Before you know it you're going to be an old man - and the alternative (dying) isn't any better either! I've felt like that my entire life - so cherish every day and don't waste any of them.
2007-07-09 16:22:05
answer #8
answered by utarch 5
Yeah, I always felt like that. Just remember that people make out having a job and paying billls like its impossble. It's not that hard once you get used of it. 14, you still have 4 years, and in those years you'll feel better
2007-07-09 16:24:39
answer #9
answered by Judge me by my music 4
Stop freaking out u still got a lot of time i am only 13 and i have a lot of time so u r only a year aheaad f me u got time! HAVE FUN AND GOOF OFF!
2007-07-09 16:21:02
answer #10
answered by this screaming inside my head 6