You're the PERFECT Democrat; All insults, and no facts. You'll be right at home with folks like Alec Baldwin, who's daughter must be a Republican, too.
2007-07-09 03:10:40
answer #1
answered by liberalus_destructus 6
Common sense.
I am a Republican. I believe I have a bettter idea of what needs to be done with my money than a Democratic, spendaholic Congress does. I believe the vast majority of my Federal tax dollars should be returned to the state they originated from to be spent at the state and local level. I believe it is not my responsibility to provide for welfare mothers, homeless bag ladies, unwed mothers, other lazy people. I believe a strong national defense, including national borders, are essential to this country's survival. I believe free trade is the key to everything from income equity and human rights to superior education and affordable, comprehensive healthcare.
I also believe the Grand 'Ole Party is the party of progress and change. Through the careful use of tax breaks and other incentives for investment, the Republican Party has the potential to lessen the burden of the American people's significant tax bill and still spur the world economy into atmospheric, albeit controlled, growth, while at the same time eliminating the national debt, unfair "progressive" taxes, and the "death" tax. Every dollar a person makes should remain in his pocket, not in someone else's pocket half a world away.
2007-07-10 17:38:19
answer #2
answered by jogimo2 3
You're no psychologist either...
You are also not much of a debater. You claim that Republicans can't really mean what they say; what are you talking about?
Republicans passed or pushed for;
an end to slavery
voting rights for freedmen
women voting rights
a strong military
civil rights act of 1964 (greater percentage than dems)
ending malaria in Africa
fighting AIDs in Africa
building the Panama Canal
starting the Space program
getting the US out of Vietnam
and freeing people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nicaragua, Angola, South Korea, and Cuba.
Which of these do you disagree with?
2007-07-09 01:56:11
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The Republican Platform is always solid and protects the Constitution of the United States and protects our freedoms without fault.
The elected politicians defame their own platform which renders their platform moot. The Republican politicians simply suck at leadership and telling the truth worse than Clinton or Clinton's wife who are equally liars as many Republicans and Democrats are.
2007-07-09 03:25:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Insulting half the country, oblivious to why someone might disagree with you.
I'm a democrat. I'm intelligent to understand when they make a good point, when they make a point I disagree with but that still is understandable given their values.
You don't? You assume that half the country, because they disagree with you is therefore stupid?
You treat half our population to insults and then build your own self-esteem based on that?
There are more sane, healthy, and patriotic ways to build your self-esteem without letting others know how LITTLE you are capable of comprehending.
I'm sure a lot of psychologists and psychiatrists out here have the answer.
You might not want to hear it.
2007-07-09 00:59:30
answer #5
answered by mckenziecalhoun 7
Please don't be confused. Democrats and most Republicans are the same now days.
Clinton, Obama, Edwards, McCain, GIuliani, Romney, Thompson all belong to the same foreign policy organization CFR.
NONE of them will get us out of Iraq right away. NOT even Obama. His checkpoints iwll take years. This is an occupation not a war. and we are there because of the Federal Reserve and the CFR foreign influencers that want to get oil and contrl of the middle eastern monetary system.
Look for ROn Paul a Libertarian Republican and a Doctor. That does not partake in the lucrative congressional pension that these senators voted for themselves.
Ron Paul R3VOlution
2007-07-09 02:13:38
answer #6
answered by Beauty&Brains 4
I am a strong liberal/democrat, and have asked myself the same question frequently.
I think people are republicans because everyone around them is republican and their parents were too. They base much of their opinion on their religious feelings (anti-evolution, anti-global warming, pro-creation, etc.) and they don't use a great deal of their own rational, deductive reasoning. They based most of their decisions on emotions.
I also believe that Repulicans live in fear, and believe that humans are basically evil (for example the Christian doctrine of original sin.) while liberals believe that humans are basically good.
I have started reading from some older Republican/ Conservatives such as Barry Goldwater. I truly wish that the republicans of today were more in line with these historic conservatives.
I myself could be a conservative if they would go back to their original philosophy of smaller government, and fiscal responsibilites. Under the current President, they increased the size of government and deepened the debt to very scary depths.
2007-07-09 01:20:29
answer #7
answered by craige09 2
Funny you ask that question. I ask myself the same thing, Why would anyone openly choose to be a Democrat? You choose a party on your personal convictions, what you believe in your heart and soul. I can't believe that anyone would choose to end the life of a small human with a beating heart, but they do, and I pray for them. That alone is reason enough for me to be a republican. You need help or to go to work for Howard Dean or Al Gore. You would fit in great with those two.
2007-07-09 01:13:36
answer #8
answered by bombinbrian 2
I don't think there is anything wrong with Republicans except they claim to be the Christian party but would rather give tax breaks to Corporations to make themselves more money, than to help their fellow man. Other than that I agree with a lot of their views.
2007-07-09 00:59:21
answer #9
answered by grumpyoldman 7
Entitlement? you're on the wrong side there bud, it the sorry a-s left wing, welfare crowd who feel entitled. What wrong with republicans, I don't know why don't you ask Abe Lincoln he was the first real Republican and look what he did. Shameful
2007-07-11 12:08:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous