Personally, I'm not about to pretend that my Native ancestors didn't exist. I may have ancestors that immigrated, but I also have those that were already here...and technically that also goes back (and back and back) to some of the earliest groups of people on this land who were their (and my) ancestors as well.
I may have lost out on knowing that part of our family tree, or ever really being able to know where they came from since I was not raised with their culture, but I thank them for being a part of what makes me ME, without them, or any other ancestors, I would not exist.
What are they going to do, break off my hands and send the rest of me back over seas? Then again, make it my mind, eyes, and heart that stay here please.
2007-07-09 12:42:35
answer #1
answered by Indigo 7
2007-07-08 15:59:56
answer #2
answered by white_painted_lady 5
Its not the quantity of Native American Blood that flows through your veins but the quality of it...
You are correct there are 1000's and 1000's of people in North America that have a degree of Native American ancestry. If they choose to follow that part of their ancestry and culture then they are Native American, if they follow the European or "white" part of their ancestry and culture then they are European immigrants. Now if your ancestors arrived from Europe or Africa long ago and you were born here you are an American...
2007-07-09 06:53:06
answer #3
answered by Coolrogue 6
well i am what they would call a half-breed. I am half native and half white. However, i don't think that just because i am not 100%, i am not native. I love my culture and everything about being native. I was not able to choose who my parents were or what ethnicity i was going to come out as. I get made fun of all the time for not being 100%, which has made me hide the fact that i am only half, but when i think about it, theres nothing i can do to change who i am. I have figured that no matter what, i am going to leave this world the same way i came into it: a "half breed". feel that yes, native americans are the only real indigenous people to the area now known as the United states, but who is to say who is a true native american or not? yea they assign us # (also known as our CIB) but, i feel that blood quantity should not matter, as long as you know where you came from, who your ancestors were/are, and who you are as a person. Now i dont know if this even answered ur ? at all but this is just my opinion =)...
2007-07-09 03:45:14
answer #4
answered by KBegay 1
initially community human beings have been used via racist to stay away from the immigration of different ethnic communities in u.s.. for the reason that then the U. S. made it a criminal definition of AMerindians who's organic selection is with in teh US. There seems to be a gray section for Hawaiians and Inuits in this definition. very few human beings have been the 1st in any land, yet we could end this cycle. Mass immigration is destabilizing and we could constantly no longer help it. in basic terms because of the fact the international wa lawless does no longer mean we could constantly enable it to proceed. some human beings has been right here for it sluggish, improve this country. we could constantly have precedence to the infrastructure in-built it. it truly is not honest that some human beings in basic terms stroll in and take our problematic paintings.
2016-10-20 08:47:52
answer #5
answered by loy 4
New DNA EVIDENCE shows that native Americans may have evolved from Denisions, one of the many original human forms who evolved before Homo Sapiens, alongside the Neanderthals. They were based in the high Tibetan ranges and died out around 15,000 to 40,000 years ago.
2016-08-29 19:33:03
answer #6
answered by King Ragnor of Waterford 7
You make a good point..
Alot of black and whites have native american ancesty. It seems like it would make some of us the true inheritants of the United States...Although I think one needs to be a least 51% N. American to be one.
2007-07-08 15:59:54
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Actually, there's evidence that over 2000 years ago and earlier there were Africans and Europeans living in North and South America. One of the reasons the Aztecs were defeated easily was that when the Spaniards arrived, the Aztecs thought Cortez was the white, bearded man-god their prophecies said would one day come (or something like that).
I can't remember all of their names, but one African tribe were called the Olmecs. There is evidence the Egyptians, Hebrews, Phoenicians, Romans, and Vikings all made it to the west at some time or another in the past.
2007-07-08 16:02:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Pit River Roll 536u-XXXX
In OUR (indian) world there are no PARTS.
If you follow your culture you ARE.
There is no BLOOD QUANTUM that gets you seen by other skins as a SKIN.
I know FB's with names like todd an trevor that have absolutly NO idea what is means to be INDIAN. And so to me they are NOT SKIN.
Those guys are the ones that call themselves 'native american' or reduce themselves to "NA"
2007-07-08 17:19:20
answer #9
answered by Mr.TwoCrows 6
I'm absolutely sick of people brag about whatever little Native American heritage they have.
If you're not 51% Native American, you're not a damn Native American!
2007-07-08 16:19:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous