who else favorite baseball player is barry bonds? I can't wait for him to hit the HR record!
19 answers
asked by
➔ Baseball
No hating on the man just cause he's the greatest baseball player ever
15:56:28 ·
update #1
IDK if he did take steroids but their is no logical proof to say he did. Until their is don't incriminate, just sit back and enjoy the game.
15:59:17 ·
update #2
Yeah Michael Vick is awesome
16:08:03 ·
update #3
wow sorry "andre p" I put "there" in the wrong context if all you have to do is point out gramatical errors, you have a sorry life.
05:17:47 ·
update #4
He's not my favorite but he is definitely up there on the list. He is pretty damn amazing!
2007-07-08 15:52:20
answer #1
answered by Veritas et Aequitas () 7
Nope, I don't like him. I don't hate him, I just don't like the fact that he is a steroid abuser who relied on cheating to break the most important record in sports. Does that make me a hater too? Go ahead, Barry, break the HR record, it's only a few years until A-Rod breaks it and probably becomes the first player in the majors to hit 800.
LET'S GO A-ROD!! Number 500 is only a couple of weeks away and he won't even be 32 until later this month!!
2007-07-08 23:01:31
answer #2
answered by Jeffrey S 6
He isn't my favorite player, but I don't mind him. He can be a jerk, but it's also unfair that the media blows the steroids deal out of proportion when it hasn't been proven that he's using them.
Either way, Bonds should cherish the time in which he has the record, because as long as A-Rod stays healthy, that record will be broken again real soon.
2007-07-08 22:49:58
answer #3
answered by butterlover55 3
I can't wait either for the cheater to break the record, have everyone put an * by it and hopefully retire so we can all stop hearing about him. How many people around him, in his circle, have been charged with something to do with steroids? And he still says he's clean. Yeah Right and the Royals will win the World Series!!!
2007-07-08 23:05:00
answer #4
answered by bombinbrian 2
I also like Barry and my fav fb player is Michael Vick
2007-07-08 23:06:55
answer #5
answered by I don't know 5
Bonds is the man...i live in wisconsin and when the giants come here to Milw. in a few weeks i have weekend tickets in the RF bleacher...i am going to catch the HR ball!!! I can dream right?
2007-07-08 22:51:03
answer #6
answered by Chuck B 2
Nah. Homers don't impress me. During the Sosa-McGuire hype, I wasn't enthused.
My favorite ball player, back in the day, was Rickey Henderson. Any player that is good all around and steals bases (runs fast).
2007-07-08 22:51:48
answer #7
answered by perfectlybaked 7
He isn't even in my top 100 players. He's arrogant, self centered, even his team mates don't like him. Read the book. Give Alex Rodriguez a few years to break his record.
2007-07-09 05:29:44
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
If in fact he did not take steroids then why hasn't he sued the authors of the book "Game of Shadows" for slander. To me that says it all, if someone did that to me,I would take them to court to try and clear my name, he hasn't because he knows all the allegations in the book are true. He is bad for baseball.
2007-07-08 23:28:29
answer #9
answered by CrazyCubFan 2
barry bonds is the biggest thing to hit baseball in all the wrong ways. the man is a jerk, he has no people skills, reporters hate him for his negative attitude, then he is involved in all this steroid talk. barry bonds is the biggest piece of horse manure to hit major league baseball. i know he will break 755, and it will be a dark day in baseball...but i know AROD will destroy barry's record in 4-5 years. If Bonds goes to the H.O.F...he should defenately have a huge ASTERISK by his name. he is a dirty cheater.
2007-07-08 22:54:37
answer #10
answered by panchon2085 2
He's not my favorite player, but if a guy can hit 756 homeruns he deserves it, i hope i do see a broken HR record this year
2007-07-09 00:52:27
answer #11
answered by CAN 1