Egypt is definitely a part of Africa.
2007-07-08 15:25:26
answer #1
answered by Ben 7
Egypt is part of Africa. I don't think it's just white people that think Egypt is not part of Africa, I'm sure there are lots of people of different races and skin colors which are unknowledgeable as to other countries. White people have invaded other people's land for power and security of resources, but so have the Mexicans, Spanish, French, British, Africans [Egyptians amongst others], South Africans now taking their land back, Indians vs. Indians, etc. I think you also need to realize, whites aren't to blame for everything.
2007-07-08 15:28:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is in Africa.
Egypt has alot of great history that comes from it. It is a small piece of great African history, but racism says that anything great cannot come from blacks. So they twist, alter, hide, & distort the all of sudden Egypt is not in Africa & Africa has no contributions to society whatsoever (this is the belief they have fabricated to degrade everything black)
2007-07-08 15:28:23
answer #3
answered by jitterbug 4
The confusion stems from the erroneous belief that "African" and "Black" are synonymous. North Africans (those in the Sahara and along the Mediterranean coast) are predominantly Arabs. Egypt, which geographically lies at the extreme northeast corner of Africa, is an Arab nation.
2007-07-12 13:07:11
answer #4
answered by Stephen J 3
Egypt IS definately part of Africa and is located in North African I believe. Everyone is aware of this.
2007-07-08 15:28:20
answer #5
answered by Engage Me 4
Are you racist or are you just ignorant? EVERY race in the entire world has committed acts of rape and robbery and has invaded other lands. And I'm white and I KNOW that Egypt is a part of Africa, what else would it be a part of? I have NEVER heard of white people saying such a thing, I think you need to clean the wax out of your ears.
2007-07-08 15:27:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Apparently you know some stupid white folks, but it isn't fair to generalize. Most I know acknowledge that parts of Africa and Asia were far ahead of and superior to most of Europe, for most of history.
Why do YOU assume that white people are all rapists and thieves? It makes you seem just as backward.
2007-07-08 15:32:51
answer #7
answered by emily_brown18 6
In Arkansas.
2007-07-08 15:24:30
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Egypt is a part of Africa, but it also is considered to be part of the Middle East.
2007-07-08 15:25:45
answer #9
answered by writersbestfriend 5
Ever here of the Berbers of North Africa, and the Egyptians?
Both Caucasoid. Africa has more than one race, capoids, negroids, caucasoids,pygmies, all from the beginning.
2007-07-08 15:25:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous