it all in spanish with english subtitles.
it is rated R. there is some language but it's not pervasive. there are also some slightly gory scenes involving war and mutilation. but it's not like super graphic. there are some shocking moments but it's not like saw or hostel.
i thought it was a fanatastic film. the story is very engaging and you really get into the characters. i was almost in tears at the end. you can't help but get caught up in the whole story. i totally recommend it.
2007-07-08 14:20:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
OK, some of the characters speak Spanish and some of the characters speak an old dialect of another language spoken in Spain- but there are English subtitles of course.
It is very violent- it's set during a war, but the violence is more...personal that that. It's all very up close and the camera really lingers on disturbing images.
It's very upsetting, definitely not a children's movie at all. But at the same time, it's a very beautiful movie, and well worth seeing.
2007-07-08 14:17:36
answer #2
answered by dscougar 4
Most people here have already answered some of your questions. I'll only add yet another opinion regarding your main concern: violence. There are a couple of scenes that are disturbing, but you can just look away until they pass. By today standards of violence in film, I'd say is tolerable.
It is a compelling, beautifully-told story, among the best movies of the last few years.
I highly recommend it.
2007-07-08 15:36:42
answer #3
answered by Letizia 6
Ok. This is a spanish movie. The characters only speak spanish. It is quite violent but just in some parts. The story is based in a facist spain during WW2 and the kid's mom gets married to a nazi colonel or general. She then goes through several things because the guy is a real *****. It's a good movie but there are parts in which you need to have a good stomach.
2007-07-08 14:16:47
answer #4
answered by Flaca 4
It is all in spannish w/english captions. It is set during a war or rebellion, the graphic violence is limited to a brutal execution or 2 and descriptions of torture (but they don't go into showing much of any torture scenes) There is some killing, death, and some scary creatures in the fantasy realm. Not a movie for the youngsters. Age group at least 11 and up, depending on the kid's level of maturity or inexperience.
Not that good of a movie. No where near delivering what they've got it hyped up to be. I was disappointed.
2007-07-08 14:23:39
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, the movie is only in Spanish but subtitles are provided. The movie is rated R because there are disturbing thematic themes. This movie is about death and a little girl's creation of a magical world to escape the harsh reality in which she lives. The movie takes place in the middle of a war. So, there are scenes with killing and even torture. However, the movie is extremely beautiful if you can overlook the superficial events of the movie and appreciate the message. Keep in mind this isn't a fun children's movie with cute magical creatures. This movie ultimately deals a lot with death. Despite this, I really recommend this film. The acting and directing is phenomal and it has a wonderfully enchanting score. I hope you decide to watch it!
2007-07-08 14:17:36
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I adored Pan's Labyrinth! I feel it honestly did exist...I imply, if you happen to seem at all of the parties that took situation, after which the tale informed within the starting, it appeared as though it used to be actual. I might feel it used to be existent within the film :) Sara Edit: The different solutions have well facets, I feel it most often is for the viewer to come to a decision. Good query!
2016-09-05 20:07:16
answer #7
answered by polmanteer 4
Yes, it's in Spanish with English subtitles. There may be a dubbed version. It's R for graphic violent and the violence is shocking. There is some gore. I was very disturbed by multiple scenes. I found it depressing. I wouldn't recommend it for most viewers. It's for the "artsy" types.
If you enjoy watching violence, abused children who have to escape terror and despair in fantasy; if you get off on tragic, tragic death and despair then this is the movie for you. The ending leaves you with a horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach.
2007-07-08 14:12:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I have not seen it yet but it is on my MUST SEE list. My sister in law whose taste in movies, I highly respect tells me that I cannot miss it. It is a political allegory about a certain war -- No not Vietnam nor the Iraqi war and about the dangers of ideology, something I feel is very apropos to today's world. As for being disturbing, Yes, I think it is probably meant to be disturbing and to make you think about what is wrong not only in the context of the movie but in the real world of today.
2007-07-08 14:34:55
answer #9
answered by Sicilian Godmother 7
first, yes all language is in Spanish,I do believe it is rated R,
because of the certain violence, disturbing no,I don't think so.
as a matter of fact I believe it to be a classic,better than most movies of fantasy out now, I would recommend it to anyone,especially those that have lived through the Spanish revolution Franco era, but all in all it would be entertaining to most adults with a knack for fantasy movies.My suggestion-check it out-its worth it.
2007-07-08 14:22:49
answer #10
answered by Tino Z 1