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2 answers

I don't think the characteristics should change.

Rather, we're looking for a planet whose essence correlates to Virgo.

Eris has goals almost completely opposite to Virgo. Eris seeks to unravel, while Virgo seeks to cultivate.

Sedna makes more sense, as the Suffering Goddess, for we have seen the traits of Virgo suppressed during the Age of Pisces.

Vulcan also makes sense, as Virgo likes to work with its hands.

I tend to view Virgo as ruled by the Asteroid Belt (between Mars & Jupiter), headed by the 4 main Goddess asteroids (Juno, Pallas, Vesta, & Ceres). These four asteroids are the basic archetypes of a woman. Also, Virgo likes to break things down into pieces for analysis, resonating with the symbolism of an asteroid belt.

2007-07-08 09:03:00 · answer #1 · answered by Hooded Voodoo 2 · 0 0

I believe that each planet emits a different kind of energy wave which affects the behavior of particular elements/metals in nature.

So, if Vulcan was the ruler of virgos... the virgos would perhaps act more like a metal sensible to the constitution of Vulcan.

Actually the virgos might be linked to an element known as Vanadium. This metal is found in a special protein which collects vanadium itself inside bigger animals. It's called the Vanabin (read wikipedia article).

Besides, the Vanadium sulfate is currently used by some bodyduilders to provoke insuline rushes, and we know that virgos are strongly related to physical perfection.

"Vanadium has been detected spectroscopically in light from the Sun and some other stars."

Be cautious though. Vanadium is toxic. :)

2007-07-08 16:29:49 · answer #2 · answered by Roy Nicolas 5 · 0 1

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