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Lately, i've been thinking about it, and life has seemingly loss all meaning and has become pointless.What's the point of waking up each day, going to school (or work) coming home doing more work, sleeping and doing it all over again? we work so hard for money. we try to get a good education so we can make lots of money afterward, but then what do we do with that money? use it to make more money..then one day we fall sick and die, and that money is useless. we try to live life, but what is living life? is it possible to actually life life happily and do what we are required to maintain living?..it bothers me lately that im 16, im young, and i have to worry about life. the point of it. the meaning behind it. is all this hard work worth it if in the end we die anyway? whats the point of life? to make the world a better place? (that's what i thought till recently)i keep seeing all the suffering and horror in the world, so how can i make it better? perhaps theres no point. whats the point?

2007-07-08 07:42:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

15 answers

Groundhogs day. lol

That is a brief summary and somewhat depressing outlook that may make it longer for you.

The point of life is to learn something new everyday, do what you enjoy and to make peace with yourself and the creator.

Give yourself a chance to pass your school and then you will have a deeper view and understanding according to events

2007-07-08 07:49:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You seem to be very perceptive. If you will read the book of Ecclesiastes in the old Testament of the Bible, you will hear King Solomon say much the same as you've said.

Unless there is a Creator (God) and we are created beings, there can be no point in life. Helping people or hurting people is all the same. If we deny the existance of God, all we can do in our time on earth is to chase after good feelings and there is no truth behind those feelings. All of our good works, e.g. "make the world a better place" are only things that stroke our vanity to make us feel better. We fill our lives with distractions so we won't have time to think about the pointlessness of life and the finality of death.

But if we will just accept that perhaps there is a God who created us, then that changes everything. Our overpowering need for purpose in our lives was put there by God to point us to seek Him.

Seek your Creator, even if you aren't sure He even exists.

2007-07-08 23:18:51 · answer #2 · answered by Dameon T 2 · 0 1

No one person can tell you what the point of life is because everyone has their own perspective.. Some view it as a pergatory(sp) designed to test and weed out those undeserving of the great and good afterlife.... Others believe that this is merely one of numerous lifetimes you live,each having it's own seperate lesson to learn and that after death, the part that had been alive, rejoins with your higher concsious and the lesson you learnt during your life is absorbed. Eventully, this would lead to the state of being called enlightment and youwould then ascend.

In reality, no one knows the point of life, save that Life is what you make it. Is there an afterlife? If you have faith in one, then there is an afterlife for you.. Drop a pebble in an unmoving body of water and watch the ripples... every action we do creates ripples... some actions just spread further and effect more people.

Philosophical questions on little sleep are not my forte ;-)

2007-07-08 07:57:05 · answer #3 · answered by Victoria H 2 · 0 1

The point is everything.
Feeling: You love someone, you love your child, you love your family, anyone. You also dislike things, but it's great because once you get married and have a child that generation can go on forever. So you're litteraly living forever.
It's not just about that but also it's making a difference, proving that you can do anything, we are not the only "humans" in the univervse, there is other dimentions, many people feel the same way but remember your soul & heart will go on.

Now I don't believe in a 'god' an I am not married nor have kids ((I'm only 16)) BUT I do believe life's purpose is good.

So be happy :)

2007-07-08 07:53:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You have to find fun things to do. I work and I also dance Argentine Tango on a regular basis. I also play a musical instrument, I attend dance performances. I read, study, do reasearch and make discoveries. Discoveries are fun to make. Presently I swim also but just a little, I am not much of a good swimmer. I also enjoy taking walks.

The point of life revolves around human interaction, communities such as a dance community, book reading club, basket weaving get together, Scottish games festival, Renaissance Fair, Theatre, Concerts, etc... Human interaction makes us healthier; but staying home and watching too much tv makes us usless blobs, oh I watch a little from time to time, but I don't own a tv myself, I just read.

Anyway the purpose of life is mutual for the Gods who desire to live with mankind, but not in this present sin cursed world. The universe was created because God was lonely.

Our purpose in life for now is to be happy, have fun, and socialize and do things with people, and to learn how to love one another. And to take care of our brothers and sisters, etc... Something that people in this world are not doing very well right now.

2007-07-08 07:55:16 · answer #5 · answered by David L 4 · 0 1

The point of life is to transcend into a Dog, the king of all species. To do this, you must spend time among the Dogs, and behave like them. Bark, lick, eat, sleep, and most importantly, sniff other people's butts. Then you will be transformed into a Dog in the afterlife and forever live in doggy bliss.

(i.e.: stop worrying about it! just do what makes you happy! When I was your age (hahaa that makes me sound old but I'm only 20) I spent a LOT of time thinking about this stuff and regret it SOOOooo much! I should've been out having fun and getting to know people and pursuing my interests and passions instead of thinking about how depressing the world is.)

2007-07-08 07:54:12 · answer #6 · answered by arfblat 3 · 0 1

The purpose of life is to find out the purpose of life. 8^)

Actually, because we have free will, we have the privilege, also the necessity, of determining the purpose of our own life.

It really helps to pick a goal and work towards it. It gives you hope. For an older person it might be to get the house paid off, to get enough in the bank to retire at a certain age, to raise the kids and get them educated and married off, something like that.

But at 16 you're not thinking about that stuff (and probably shouldn't be). Think about getting out of school, getting a job you like, getting your own place, getting married, etc. etc.

Yeah, we all die eventually, but in the meanwhile you're going to have a lot of FUN! You're going to have a fulfilling career (hopefully) that will teach you more and more all the time you do it. You're going to travel and see interesting things. You're going to meet people of the opposite sex who will thrill and delight you. You're going to eat delicious food.

We all feel sometimes that life has no meaning. But not all the time, just when we're depressed or something. If you do it right, most of the time you'll be too busy to think about it, hopefully doing stuff you like.

2007-07-08 07:50:29 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

stop. Step back and did a breath for a second. Ok, ok. I hope I am not seeing that you don't want to be here. No, you have to step back and look at all you do have or the forward to. Not the career and money money, but just life. Think of where you haven't been. Grand canyon, New York, the beautiful state of Washington. Boyfriends and maybe marriage. But don't get discouraged by what you don't have like marriage or no boyfriend. Ok the read this. Not saying you have to believe. I am 35 in August. I have a genetic disorder called Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Usually ends in death in late 20s or early 30s. Can be early or middle teen years sometimes. Especially if they choose not to use a breathing machine (ventilator). So I know about how it feels to be wondered what it is all about. Thought life was all about either a great career with lots of money or about leaving behind some ultimate achievement to society. So through junior high school, regular high school, and then college I really worked very hard in school and everything. I wanted to have the money because my disability could someday lead to a nursing home once my parents are gone. But what I really wanted to do is accomplished something very great and spectacular that would be in the history books. Well it really hit me when I graduated college with a 4 year math/computer science degree. Already had the 2 year associate degree in computer science. Well, employers don't want to take a risk. I can't just go and move anywhere. All the technology out there to send in work and video conference over Internet and they don't even want to think about it. Then money. Well if I make too I lose medical care. There goes any money making for life. Then in 2000 I decide well life is about love. Loving your family and then love of a significant other and marriage and loving your children. Well it was very frustrating finding anyone and then in early 2005 I met my girlfriend who I did anything for even doing things I don't think are right before marriage. (not saying you have to believe that but it shows how much I would have done anything. Anyway she broke up with me late 2005 because she says sexual things would be too difficult. Well my world fell apart. And looking and looking for someone. But women won't even talk to a disabled man to even be a friend to let alone possibility of girlfriend boyfriend relationship. Well might not ever have love like that does that mean my life had no meaning. I don't think so. Right?
I have always gone by "never let what you cannot do interfere what you can do". Always thought that means when you cannot do something just find something else that will lead to greatness. But now I still like that saying. I have a saying that goes along along with above saying. "Never let what you don't have interfere with you enjoying what you don't have".
It has taken me a long time to come up with this following way of thinking. Almost 35 years. We are here on earth to make decision in our life. Also the big decision we have to make it are we going to follow God during this life. On we going to obey his laws and which laws are we going to obey. He doesn't make us follow anything. Bad happens from the decisions he let's us decide on and some of humans make some really awful choices to do some really bad things to other people. Without choices we would just be mindless creatures and God doesn't want that. And not following God can lead to either torture forever or nothingness when we die. Most people don't realize but God forgive everything that we do as long as we believe and that we really are sorry. No sense lying to God. Also we are here to serve God. And when Jesus comes back we will have glorious life. And be happy to serve Jesus under that circumstance. That is how I feel. When you do that it is amazing how free you feel. Free about worry. I am still looking for success and love, but not so down when I don't get that. Just trying believing once or just try not being against the idea. I separate by saying how do I know if I don't believe or not if I don't learn about it first. I started out learning what I could and reading the Bible.
I didn't believe at all before 2005. Well a higher power, but there is more. I am now a member of an alliance Church.
And it has nothing to do with what you accomplish or give others. God wants us to be giving in our hearts but putts requirements on how we give. Just that we give our heart.
Feel free to say hello. To me

2007-07-11 06:00:29 · answer #8 · answered by tacman132 2 · 0 1

Your suffering from clinical depression...
One of the few (less than 5) built-in "points" of life is to survive...
Because us humans have the ability to "choose" any number of non-built-in points to stack on top of the primary ones (survival and reproduction), we usually choose something that entertains or informs us.
If "survival" isn't enough for you, it may be you think you've got it made right now in the "survival" area, so you're bored...
But just let me "point" out that...
One of the most important things necessary in this world to survive is...

NOT feeling life is pointless...

So you see why "clinical depression" is a serious illness...
It makes it so you're very likely to NOT survive, if you don't try to correct it...
Since you have the ability to create YOUR OWN points to exist...

I recommend you start trying to...or we won't be seeing too many more of your questions on Q&A in the near future...(try not to think too far ahead...concentrate on good living NOW...I, personally need you to believe life has a point, because that helps the world I live in become a better place...so live for ME, if nothing else...

2007-07-08 08:41:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I believe the meaing of life is subjective. To us maybe its live a successful life and pass it onto your offspring or something of the sort (you do this by going to school and get a good job). In some parts of Africa it may be to survive, be it from animals or genocide. Some may value religion and their meaning is to get into heaven. Others may think it's to give/recieve love or simply treat others as you would like to be treated.

I myself believe we all just animals, privileged enough to be human and not an amoeba. I think we as humans give life meaning, rather than just trying to survive and breed like other animals. The point of my life is to enjoy it as much as I can, experiences everything I can, know and master everything I'm capable of, and die. Maybe in the future I would want to find a wife and share my wisdom with my children.

2007-07-08 07:59:28 · answer #10 · answered by Spraynpray 2 · 0 1

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