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If you look at him in his first few years in the bigs, he was just like Barry and Sammy, skinny and now all three are huge. But yet no one ever mentions his name when discusssing steriods.

2007-07-07 21:25:19 · 25 answers · asked by K L 1 in Sports Baseball

25 answers

Roger Clemens has always been the archetype of a big white guy from Texas who might be otherwise named Bubba, and working as a bar bouncer or in the rodeos. Even in Boston in '86 he was clearly a very big, barrel-chested guy. Yet he has gotten bigger over the last few years. His head seems to have swollen in similar fashion to Bonds'---not only from ego, but as side-effects of possible steroid useage?

I suspect he did have some degree of steroid use, because otherwise the very idea of a top-notch 45 year old fastball pitcher is ridiculous. Nolan Ryan pitched until 1993, but his physical workout regimen was very well known, and finally even his body gave up on him. Obviously Ryan wasn't a steroid user. Either he played with pain, worked around pain using conventional stuff like Advil, or he benefitted from keeping his body in enviably good shape.

Randy Johnson is only slightly younger than Clemens and he may well still be pitching at age 45, though lately he's been on the DL list. RJ also gets the exception because his extremely gaunt, whipcrack-sinewy body is rather freakish even by the standards of guys who are six foot ten. (Just compare Johnson to Chris Young of the Padres, or any 6-10 hoops player in the NBA, and you'll know what I mean.) Something tells me he'll still be OK in 2010, if not Cy Young material by any stretch. . .

Anyhow, other than Nolan Ryan, Satchel Paige (also blessed with a unique physique) and (possibly) Randy Johnson, you most likely aren't going to see a high-caliber 45 year old fastball pitcher in the MLB . . . unless, of course, they are cheating with steroids and such. Otherwise, the next pitcher with a normal physique most likely to be still pitching at age 45, and not doing any steroids whatsoever, will most likely be Tim Wakefield. He, of course, is a knuckleballer. As long he has control over that knuckleball, he'll still be pitching effectively at age 60, for all we know.

I do believe Clemens cheated with steroids.

2007-07-07 21:43:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

It's hard to say who did or did not take steroids in this era of baseball. Clemens may have taken steroids, but I would not suspect that he has because he is still in great physical shape and rarely lands on the DL. The problem with steroids is they weaken connective tissue over time and a pitcher's shoulder would not be able to take the strain of pitching all the innings Clemens has if he was on steroids. And this is a guy who throws hard and mixes in a lot of breaking pitches.

I say Clemens is just a perfect pitching specimen and combines that with a great work ethic. And I don't even like Clemens, I think he's a dick for waiting until May to sign a contract with the Bankees or whomever else is desperate enough to pay him that kind of money.

2007-07-08 09:45:51 · answer #2 · answered by wise_guy_81 2 · 0 0

I'd say its quite possible that at some point in his career he might have tried steroids. I have no idea to what extent but he's such a compete that if he got wind that the guys with the bat were using he might do the same to beat him.
I don't, however, think he's using now. He would have nothing to gain and everything to lose. He's getting paid a lot of money but he doesn't really need it and he's already a first round hall of famer so he doesn't need to prove anything any more. The risk of ruining his reputation would be way to great, if he was great because of steroids he'd be out of baseball right now so he'd never get caught.

2007-07-08 07:22:04 · answer #3 · answered by Smoken Joe 2 · 0 0

Some players get larger naturally as they get older, some may have used steroids casually in the past and stopped when MLB implemented the drug testing plan, Some may have used drugs extensively in the past but not today, while others may still be using certain banned substances along with a masking agent so they can't be detected. Of course, everyones favorite players never took anything while others have had wide spread use. And, every novice fan also knows exactly the benefit of each of these banned substances and how it added to the accomplishments of each player they know used them. Can't you see where this is going, everyone thinks they know everything when, in fact, no one knows anything. Why can't we all just sit back and enjoy the game of baseball and let those in charge filter out the users without our help?

2007-07-08 07:19:37 · answer #4 · answered by Frizzer 7 · 0 0

Clemens was never mentioned to being involved with steroids because his pitching ability and his body has changed much over the years since he started pitching in the majors. Yea, Clemens has gotten bigger but who's body hasn't gotten somewhat bigger has they have gotten older. Bonds, Sosa, and McGuire became abnormally big in a short amount of time.

Clemens may still be able to throw 94mph but his body doesn't seem to handle it as well since he doesn't seem to be able to pitch a full season anymore. He hasn't pitched a season from start to finish in about 2 years now.

2007-07-08 06:18:56 · answer #5 · answered by jjburke 3 · 0 0

Actualy, as far as pitchers go, he's the name that's been brought up the most (aside from those who've actually failed a drug test like Mota).

As for whether or not Clemens used steroids, I'd like to believe he didn't, but a 1.87 ERA in 211 innings at age 42 is pretty insane.

2007-07-08 07:09:31 · answer #6 · answered by koreaguy12 6 · 0 0

Roger Clemens is someone who reveres Babe Ruth and the game of baseball. He would not stoop to taking steroids to enhance or prolong his career. It is called taking care of yourself. Not everyone that has gotten bigger throughout their career was on steroids. I remember another skinny young kid from Texas who grew also pretty big; his name was Nolan Ryan. So I guess what I'm saying is: No, I do not think Clemens ever took any steroids. It was done through hard work...

2007-07-08 06:00:12 · answer #7 · answered by P.I. Stingray 6 · 2 0

he has been accused by both Jason grimsley and Jose canseco.of course if they said if they were saying bonds that would be the final nail in the coffin.he has admitted to taking a drug called vioxx which has been taken off the market.

his weight has changed just like bonds.but of course his fans will say,that's just how big ol bubbas from Texas grow.its naturals.but with bonds ....oh no no..its got to be the steroids.
roger looks like a different man from when he pitched in the 86 world series.

and for the naive who say steroids cant help pitchers,most of the players that have been busted in the majors or minors have been pitchers.why do you think that steroids can build muscle enough to make you hit a ball farther,but cant build up enough muscle in the arm to make you throw a ball faster?get real.

most pitchers at this age are breaking down,slowing down,or are at home watching games on TV.

so yes...I'm saying that he has dabbled in steroids sometime in his career.

2007-07-08 07:02:45 · answer #8 · answered by mojo569 4 · 1 1

I think they while he was in Toronto he did. He was not a very good pitcher his last few years in Boston then all of a sudden he goes to Toronto and lights up. That is also where I see the change in his head size and his body. Here are some stats.

Last 4 years in Boston

40 wins 39 losses
3.92 ERA

2 years in Toronto

41 wins 13 losses
2.35 ERA

So all and all I believe when he left Boston to Toronto he began to use something, who knows what.

2007-07-08 07:34:24 · answer #9 · answered by red4tribe 6 · 0 1

I have his rookie card and other early cards, and he was never skinny. He wasn't even skinny when he pitched for the U of TX years ago. He has developed strength and muscle at a rate commensurate with that of a long-time pro athlete. Probably a little of that bulk is some fat, too, as losing that gets harder over time. To compare him with punks like Bonds and Sosa is to compare Dom Perignon with Diet Coke. . . .

2007-07-08 06:25:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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