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more cellebrally challenged than they are?

I have noticed that people who believe themselves to above par intellectually are impatient and arrogant towards the average joe when they are dealing with them. Its probably irritates them when they cant understand why the average joe doesnt get something that they understand pretty much clearly.

Have you also noticed this? And do U think my observations are true?

2007-07-07 20:38:31 · 24 answers · asked by Daniel_Walton 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

Well aaron its not nice to treat someone horribly or unfairly just because they are less intelligent than you are.

2007-07-07 20:48:45 · update #1

Thumba...Im not talking about a situation where you are servicing them...Im talking about social interactions, like if you were working with them or other social gatherings.

2007-07-07 20:58:24 · update #2

24 answers

Not all intelligent people are arrogant and impatient. I actually have found arrogance to be a defense mechanism frequently used by people who are unsure of their positions. If they can deter you from arguing with them, you likely won't prove them wrong.

On the other hand, it's usually a waste of time arguing with such people anyway.

So go ahead and let people like that think they are superior. You know better.

OBTW, if you can't get simple answers to simple questions from an arrogant/impatient person, it almost always means they don't know the answer!

2007-07-07 20:46:35 · answer #1 · answered by Craig B 3 · 3 0

I don't agree. I think most people are smart and yes some smarter than other. All of the smart people I know are pretty well mannered. I find the rude "intellectuals" are those that have stuck their nose in a book and not had any life lessons and where were their parents when they handed out manners. The impatient and arrogant ones only show their insecurities whether they be smart or stupid or anywhere in between. I loved a little sign in a bank that said, "Classy Some people confuse good manners with good breeding" I've been on a few trips with a local university. The professors come along as chaperons for the younger students. Some professors were so rude. If I ever behaved like that, my mother would jump out of the grave and slap me stupid.

2007-07-08 04:11:41 · answer #2 · answered by towanda 7 · 1 0

Before I came to this YAHOO site I treated everyone the same even tho` I have an IQ of 149 which is 100 points above average; but having read some of the letters on here, and the way they are written and spelled, I`m beginning to have my doubts.
I cannot believe how stupid some people are when answering simple questions, mostly because they cannot understand what the question means or was about.
Replying to one answer below mine: intelligent people are not snobs, you do not know what a snob is, you must be very unintelligent to think that.

If they are foreigners, and do not fully understand English or able to write it, they, at least have a reason, but there are still the sub-normal thicko`s who actually think THEY are right and the intelligent ones are wrong.
The saying: "A wise man never needs his wits so much as when arguing with a fool..." is very true in this case.

An intelligent person is not a snob, if you think that then you are lacking in intelligence yourself and cannot stand the truth.
Also, well-educated people does not normally mean snobs, well-educated does not mean `intelligent.` Anyone can be `well educated,` it just means they have learned more. You cannot `learn` intelligence. Either you have it or you don`t.

2007-07-08 04:59:45 · answer #3 · answered by Montgomery B 4 · 2 2

Your observations are true and it comes down to primitive instincts pretty much! The smart can tell of the dumb and cant fathom someone is not as educated but these such people have not inherited class which would make them much less noticably ignorant! These snobs are classlesss and never will get what humanity means so they can just be as boring as they want to be with each other and leave the average joes to have a blast as usual! Class can not be taught to these snoots so keep on keeping on! I like your question and all arrogant bookworms can kiss my more arrogant average joe cheeks! Love it! They really need to learn human skills before leaving the house those so called intelligent people!

2007-07-08 03:48:08 · answer #4 · answered by brenda r 3 · 3 0

Well, I can only answer for myself, mind you, I am no
religious nut nor a snobbish idiot. With that cleared up,
I believe that the best way to describe my views is to
mention those that I have most contact, and they are
mostly common folk, mostly common workers. I did
have the best education available in Edinburgh, Scotland,
and it is possible that most ex colleagues view the world
quite unlike my views. My friends are mostly in the lower
layer of society. I suppose this is because they are the
ones that need most help, and it pleases me to help. I have
been the President of a top social club, and also Chairman
of the Board for years that exceeded the club‘s statutes,
this was upon insistence of the majority of club members.
The given reason was that I always helped those in need,
and that is what they wanted. I am a Christian but not a
fanatic and only attend church mass when I feel like I
should. So, I suppose I am an average Joe and it would
be a pleasure to meet you some day. What you say is true,
but I know of many exceptions, so cheers to you pal and
please do not forget that each and every one of us makes
a difference. In any event, I wish you all the happiness that
life affords. Iain

2007-07-08 04:13:02 · answer #5 · answered by Ricky 6 · 1 1

A lot of people with high intelligence have no idea of how to live normally or in the real world- they have no idea how life really works on the basic level that most people have to live at. I know someone with a head full of knowledge but knows nothing of the challenges of living everyday. On the other hand i started at the bottom and worked up- studied hard for a degree and have a good level of intelligence but i have worked and lived at the rough and tough end so i don't look down on those less cerebally challenged.

2007-07-08 05:09:26 · answer #6 · answered by Ellie 6 · 3 0

Well I think that might be a bit of a generalisation. I have known a lot of intellectual people and I would perhaps say the opposite is true. I am sorry to disappoint you, but I have to say I disagree with your opinion. I have mixed with intellectuals and scholars most of my adult life and have found that they do not look down upon people who have lesser intelligence. Intelligence can sometimes be a curse that's for sure, but most will not use it to the detriment of others who have not been so well educated.

2007-07-08 03:55:50 · answer #7 · answered by Dr Paul D 5 · 2 0

Yes, I have noticed this and it is true. A very good question, that being an average Joe, I do not have an answer for. I wish more people would take each other for what we are worth, and stop the judging.

2007-07-08 03:52:06 · answer #8 · answered by non o u biznis 5 · 2 0

Well I work with exceedingly intelligent people. And I can honestly say they never look down on me. I'm not of the opinion that clever has anything to do with nasty people.

Now thinking you're intelligent and actually being intelligent are different things. In my experience the truly intelligent people I know have nothing to prove.

We also know that intelligent is not one single thing but comes in different forms or category's. So one mans custard is another mans condensed milk.

2007-07-08 04:48:16 · answer #9 · answered by : 6 · 2 0

Have U noticed that unintelligent people have a habit of believing that intelligent people have time to waste looking down on people who are......
I was a waiter and was respect and treated well by your so called intelligent people.Yet the average Joe as you call them need that extra mile of service from us.It is a dog eat dog situation.

You have them bad on both sides and you have them good on both sides.

2007-07-08 03:51:55 · answer #10 · answered by thumba 5 · 2 0

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