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Democratic governments stay for 5 or 10 years ..what was so special in mahateer muhammad malaysian president that he ruled for 20 years

2007-07-07 18:34:23 · 2 answers · asked by yasir 1 in Politics & Government Politics

2 answers

Malaysia prospered economically when ruled by Mahathir Muhammad as President. It is one of the advantages of a leader that stays long in power.

2007-07-07 18:37:21 · answer #1 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 0 1

The Middle East and Malaysia will remain in a Dark Age until they set themselves free of a belief system that enslaves half their population and allows them to think that they can murder, annihilate, the rest of the world. What will set them back even further is the coming end of their oil reserves and or the development of alternative fuels in the West.

If Western civilization doesn't get tough on "Islamism" and either send them home or worse, all of us will suffer the consequences of what can only be called a racial and religious war against us that will drag us into the darkest of ages, blacker than the robes that they swaddle their women in. I ,for one, would rather die than be converted by a sword at my neck to any belief system. I will fight, my family will fight--join us now--call for the return of Muslims to their own countries. Withdraw their citizenship and send them, as well as those who have converted to their murderous system, back to their own lands.

Here is what they believe:

Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism
by Amil Imani

14 Feb, 2007

Time and again we are told by the politically correct “experts” not to worry about Islam posing a threat to our way of life. We are repeatedly lectured that only a very small minority of Muslims are troublemakers who are giving the peaceful masses of Muslims a bad name. We are also informed that the terrorists, who happened to be Muslims, are the disaffected and the young. And not to worry, since as the fire of youth turns to ashes of old age the rebellious will mellow, as they always have.
With heavy assurances like this, coming from so many know-it-all authoritative figures, we can sleep soundly without the aid of sleeping pills. After all, people reason that these pundits are “experts” whose job is to know and tell it like it is. Those who voice contrary views must be a bunch of racist, alarmist hate mongers. Who is right?

Wouldn’t be more prudent to let the facts settle the matter, rather than blindly accepting either position? Of course it would, except for one huge problem. In the face of threats, people tend to go to the mind’s medicine cabinet and take a few denial and rationalization pills, in the same way that it is the aspirin bottle they turn to when a headache strikes. Why not? We are the Easy Species. We love effortless, quick and simple solutions. And that’s not invariably bad. It has given us all kinds of labor and time saving devices.

Yet, the Islam problem is very real and deadly. Neither the pronouncements of the experts, nor the tranquilizing pills of the mind can make it go away. It is here and it shows every sign of imposing itself on us.

Europe is already badly infected with Islamism. It is the coal-miners’ canary. It is telling us that the next stop is America. We must act and act now. We must not sacrifice our cherished way of life and the lives of our children at the altar of political correctness: the incubator of Islamofascism

2007-07-07 18:38:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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