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building 7 wasn't damaged bad, but it fell like a plan demo takes place.the wtc buildings were found to have there core steel sheared on angles like they do on planed demo jobs .this convences me it wasn't all terroist.and security was shut down for two weeks with no servalence being taken ,.and the bomb sniffing dogs were removed why why why.call me conspireicy thearist if you want or just say back off before they actually get cought. its hard letting murders get away with killing just because there in high places sorry.

2007-07-07 17:10:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

8 answers

here's the deal children... a little lesson in chemistry and physics.. question is ... do you really want the truth???

forget for a moment all the crap being implanted into your willing brain.... just for a moment..

construction grade steel's melting point is 2795F. regular steel is 2750F..

maximum temperature of jet fuel is 1472F...

now.... think back to the original news footage.. you know.. the raw footage, before the american media began to edit everything..just think back...

do you remember the the machinery removing rubble from ground zero? think people.. think..

don't you remember molten metal coming from ground zero??

I DO.. if you don't.. then your memory sucks...

molten metal means that temperatures had to reach a minimum of 2750F (regular steel melting point)...

if you have a grade two math.. you know that the maximum temp. of jet fuel is nowhere close to the melting point of regular steel, let alone construction grade steel which has a higher melting point..

these are facts... look it up if you want too... ask your science teach.. whatever floats your boat..


point number two....

the "official story" provided to you by your government via your lying media is that the fire weakened the steel so that it gave way and the top floors came tumbling down on the floors below creating the "pancake collapse"...

what's wrong with that story you ask?


pancake collapses of buildings lose momentum as it's coming down.. meaning that the time slows.. more and more and more..

these buildings came down at FREE FALL SPEED. which means they came down at the same speed as dropping an object in a vacuum (no air.. a bowling ball for instance)...

what does this tell us?? well this tells us that there was no resistance from the floors below.. and if there was no resistance from the floors below.. this means that the floors below had collapsed before the top floors reached them.. (GET THE IDEA PEOPLE)

Listen... I know it's hard to accept that this horrible event was created by your government.. truly.. I understand that... however.. the evidence speaks volumes..

everything that happened on that day.. had question marks surrounding it... (YOU HAVE TO AGREE ON THAT).. or you are far beyond being brainwashed.. that would place you in never never land..

All people are asking is that the evidence be looked at.. be scrutinized as if it was a court of law... wouldn't you want the court system to look at the physical evidence if you were on trial for ... let's say murder?? and you were innocent??

common sense people... common sense...

I could go on for days regarding those "QUESTION MARKS" ... but frankly.. don't have the time..

instead of coming in here and sounding like a complete member of the herd of sheeple... do your own research.. have an open mind... forget all the crap your government and media are feeding you.. AND THINK... JUST THINK.. USE SCIENCE.. USE LAWS OF PHYSICS.. LAWS OF GRAVITY.. CHEMISTRY AND SO ON AND SO ON...

2007-07-07 19:23:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Far as I can see there is no evidence that 9-11 was an inside job. There is no shear on the steel. The heat made the steel lose its tensive strength and it could not support the weight of the building. Far as building 7, it was in the line of the WTC fall and got hit by material from the towers. All the photos I have seen show this building falling before the windows blew out.

2007-07-07 17:31:48 · answer #2 · answered by smsmith500 7 · 4 2

The fire in the building apparently spread, unnoticed, to the entire building. In spreading, it spread completely evenly. Allowing the building to collapse "perfectly" icabodwa: the question is about building 7. A building not touched by the planes. The links you posted refer to the trade towers.

2016-05-21 01:44:52 · answer #3 · answered by saundra 3 · 0 0

If dog dodo was reported to be an organic health food touted by the Gores, Rosie O's ,and other hidden truth/conspiracy/nutritional "organizations ...> would you be eating your 3 servings a day???
PT Barnum (circus guru) famous quote is your answer..
"There IS a sucker born every day.....
My personal theory is that the plane blast shifted the swamp that supports NY so maybe the combination of physical destruction (planes smashing into bldg) plus the falling debris and the swamp shifting did the job...I don't really advocate spending $ or time trying to verify My theory..I prefer to spend my life thinking about more important items and ways to smile and relax... obsessive worrying is bad for your health

2007-07-07 18:31:09 · answer #4 · answered by cyansure 4 · 1 2

Did building 7 collapse on the spell check button?

2007-07-07 17:14:45 · answer #5 · answered by osborne_pkg 5 · 2 2

It was the "Skull and Bones" that did it. Bush is the Grand Pubah and Conservatives are trying to brainwash and dominate the world.

Learn to spell, you are a victim of Rosie O'Donnell and her ilk and you most definitely a lunatic conspiracy theorist. Where did you get your information from, moveon.org?

2007-07-07 17:30:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 5

Just because you said it does not make it so.

2007-07-07 17:22:33 · answer #7 · answered by ? 5 · 2 2

conspiracy theorist

2007-07-07 17:13:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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