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The Muslims want the Koran/Sharia law to be the official law of all Muslim states so why not make the Bible the official law of the United States? Muslims want their religious law running their nations & I have a strong feeling that a lot of Americans want Bible/God's law running the USA.

Or is that a little to far fetched in this day and age?

2007-07-07 16:32:59 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

33 answers

This is why I'm the biggest supporter of Separation of Church-State. No religion should be supported by the government. Not Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc.

2007-07-07 16:36:13 · answer #1 · answered by Jeremiah 5 · 12 7

Actually, the people are not the ones who want the law to be Islamic, but we have to wait for the people there to rise on their own. It is not our place to rush them if they are not ready for it. I am sure the next generation will prevail. Every country has had to do it on their own. Just because a nations leaders are forcing the people to follow a regime, that does not reflect what those Muslims want. there are different Muslims, just like conservative and liberal Christians hun, OK?

2007-07-08 16:36:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Oh these seperation of Church and state people drive me nuts..

Our Constitution is fine as is..

Congress shall make no law regarding an establishment on religion or prohibit the free exercise there of..

One of the greatest things about out constitution is it allows us to be free thinkers...

Thats what makes our nation as great as it is... And that is why these other nations are failing..

We do have to have some "guideline" but to make us a nation that uses the bible as law will make us just like any other nation that is run by a religious sect...

2007-07-07 16:43:09 · answer #3 · answered by TheyCallMeMom 3 · 7 2

The great thing about this country that we live in,is our freedom! and to force "The Bible" on it's people,would be completely against what this country was based on,I mean really,our fore fathers left England,and came to settle in what has now become a great nation,so that they may have freedom of religion,and besides,not all Americans are Christian,there are people of many faiths here,and religion shouldn't be forced on any one!

So I guess my answer to your question would be Yes,it is a bit to far fetched in this day and age....and with that being said,I'll step down off of my soap box...LOL

2007-07-07 16:45:41 · answer #4 · answered by not2fancy4ya 2 · 4 2

Not at all. We are a secular country that happened to be founded by Christians. Our founding fathers had the forsight not to impose a particular religion on any group of people. We do not need religious texts dictating to those that do not believe in Christianity, Islam, etc. (I am agnostic and my wife is Hindu) I respect those that practice whatever religion and do not impose my beliefs on them. I expect the same courtesy.

2007-07-07 19:16:30 · answer #5 · answered by Kenneth C 6 · 3 1

We don't have the right to take any form of anything over the Constitutions those are never to be broken. We know who wrote the Constitution but the Bible was written New York, the man that processed made a picture of his son and that is picture he uses as God. I beleive in the passages of the Bible but the Constitutions was written by our forefathers. We don't want too replace anything just because a bunch Muslims decided this, we are American we keep our Constitution just like they are written and should never have been broken by anyone like George Bush broke them coming and going. Because he is a hypocrite sorry bas****.

2007-07-07 17:01:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

This evangelical, pentecostal, Christian believes that America would do just fine if our lawmakers and judges would just follow the "Original Intent" of our Founding Fathers when they drew up the U. S. Constitution!

Maybe you should read the Constitution again (or for the first time)! Our Constitution is based upon Biblical principles! Or maybe you don't know what Biblical principles are! In that case, maybe you should read the Bible! We certainly cannot count on the interpretation of the Constitution by the very liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justices we've had in recent years, who were able to find things in the Constitution that were never there! Plus, we cannot rely on some currently sitting Justices, who think we should follow international laws, rather than Constitutional Law! We need more Justices who subscribe to "Original Intent"!

Hey, "Contraversey", You obviously have absolutely *no* idea what God's Word, the Bible, teaches, *nor* do you know much about the founding of our nation, so perhaps it would be better if you would quit spewing out your vitriolic hatred, based on your ignorance and prejudices! You must have received your education in a Government (AKA: Public) School! A careful reading of the Tenth Amendment of the original "Bill of Rights" of our Constitution would show you that "Separation Of School and State" is one of its principles; but *not* "Separation of Church and State"!

Hey, "oceananemonie": How typical of non-Christians to presume *they* know what the Bible says better than we Christians do! The whole verse of scripture you have quoted only part of is, "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." Matthew 7:1,2(KJV) When your lord, Satan, tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness, he, too, took scripture out of context and/or quoted parts of a verse instead of the whole verse, to *also* suit his *own* evil purposes! You are welcome to judge me by the same measure with which I judge you and whatever measure I mete out to you, you can measure it right back at me!

2007-07-07 17:10:55 · answer #7 · answered by trebor namyl hcaeb 6 · 3 3

Absolutely not in any way, shape, or form. This country was founded on freedom of religion, and that's why it's the first clause of the First Amendment of the Bill of RIghts. State-imposed religion is not even religion at all, because faith by definition is something voluntary, not something forced on you.

2007-07-07 16:54:05 · answer #8 · answered by ConcernedCitizen 7 · 7 1

Why? The US Constitution preserves religious freedom, so why?

Do you know how many sects there are in this nation? Do you know how many versions of the Bible there are?

Oh, and by the way, the so-called "Religious Right?" A whole bunch of the above mixed together for the sake of LIFE.

Stop poking people in the eye.

2007-07-07 16:42:39 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 9 3

Absolutely not! As Americans, we do not agree on any specific religions. Even Christians argue among themselves. Many people follow no religion. I live in the midwest but I am from New York. Living in the bible-belt has given me a very quick leson in intolerance in the "name of God." These people ignore certain aspects of the Bible and try to control others with teachings the others don't necessarily believe. The biggest violation I see here is "Judge not." It is horrible. Also our government is based on separation of church and state. Basing our government on the Bible would never work here.

2007-07-07 16:39:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 10 4

Go ahead and try. The North will beat down the south again, and this time we'll take no prisoners.
U.S. laws are pretty much the same as virtually any other country. Most tribes, cultures, countries, etc. have super similar laws. Not killing, stealing, raping, etc. are laws that existed thousands of years before Judaism and Christianity.
Judaism is just a ripoff of other tribal customs and religions. Ever wonder why you finish a prayer with "Amen"? You're praying to Amen Ra, the Egyptian Sun God, conveniently borrowed by the Jews. They just renamed him YHWH and gradually eliminated the other gods.

2007-07-07 16:48:51 · answer #11 · answered by CaesarLives 5 · 5 6

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