I know how you feel. When I went off to college at a fairly expensive school (I was there on scholarship), I was introduced to students who had more money than GENERATIONS of my family had ever seen. It made me anger, jealous and embarrassed. But, one day as I was riding my bike home from school (I didn't have a car), I was so mad that I had to ride my bike. But, then I realized - I could have all of these angry feelings, but it would not change the situation. They would still have their cars, their money and their livses. That would not change anything. What I could change was my attitude and my goals for my life. I decided I need to work hard and be patient. In the meantime, stop being jealous (that is a sin in the bible you know!) and be thankful for what you do have. There are THOUSANDS of girls your age who WISH their parents could put $100 in their savings account. I know my parents never did that for me.
2007-07-07 13:39:43
answer #1
answered by TwinkaTee 6
Yes, I see where you are coming from.
You will go to college, get a great job, and have all the things those kids have. Do I wish you had it now? Of course. Be reality is reality, so how do you get where you want to be?
I think only like 1% of the population is rich. I wonder if the girl that teased you was jealous of something you have like great parents, or good looks/personality? I wish I could say some amazing thing to make it not matter to you, but I lost my magic wand.
2007-07-07 20:43:49
answer #2
answered by whereRyou? 6
Everyday and I am an adult that has worked hard, bee good and has and still takes care of his family.. Heck you have more in the bank than I do. Believe it or not riches in this world are not decided on how much money you have, but on what kind of person your are. Money does not make you a better person, although many young people whose parents have it think so. And eventually their time will come.
2007-07-07 20:46:56
answer #3
answered by Pengy 7
I feel the same way, and I work two different jobs. I live in a rich town, and I am on social sercurity. I work my a$$ off, and don't seem to get any where. I will do better when I am older, I don't doubt that!
2007-07-07 20:44:58
answer #4
answered by fjerseyman 6
what you need to do is learn how to appreciate what you got. there people out there who bust their *** all day everyday and still dont have a dollar to their name. you dont even have to work and you 100 dollars coming in every few months thats a lot better then a lot of people. and your rich friends that tease you about money, forget about them, your time will come. oh yeah when you realize how fortunate you are go to your parents give them a hug, tell them you love them, and thank them for all they have done for you
2007-07-07 20:52:38
answer #5
answered by n10zguy 3
now look here..if everething was handed to you,you wouldnt apprediate it...I am 30 & now I realize how good I had it..I didnt have a trust fund..HA!...I did get to go on vacation every year,had a roof,never hungered...I have 2 kids.I have to go to thrift stores for alot of there clothes.trust fund?!...once again...HA!..you are very blessed to have what you do.Your parents work hard for you & one day you will be thankful.as for your friends making fun of you...maybe not so goo a friend,huh?about that 800,000 trust fund..have ya seen a statement...& remember you can talk sh** just like the rest of 'em..if you want to lower yourself to that...could be worse.do you live in a trailor?Is your family on foodstamps?...I bet not...I AM..be thankful. Maybe you'll never get a welfare christmas.
2007-07-07 20:41:24
answer #6
answered by snozzberries 4
You feel poor because you probably are, especially compared to them.
In order to break out, you either need to marry rich or have an impetus.
That impetus has to strike you so hard that it forces your very essence to need money.
It's alright for you to feel jealous that other people were born rich, but you weren't. You need to earn it, and there's no help in wishing that you had what they have. Learn how to lucid dream (control your dreams) if that's what you want.
I have felt like that before, and it is one of the things that pushes me. Find something that pushes you, and succeed in life.
If you had kids and you were rich and spoiled them, they would turn out to be failures. This is because everything is handed to them, and they can't earn anything on their own. This is where you and them seperate.
2007-07-07 20:40:17
answer #7
answered by X3 2
yes i feel like this right now..but all i can possible say is you dont need designers clothes or a million dollars to go through life..trust me i have rich friends too and they take me for who i am so its like..yeah i dont care..
2007-07-07 20:44:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes, it's normal. But don't dwell on it. Everyone wants more for their life .Realize material things don't determine who you are or how good of a person you are. When it's your season you will shine. Appreciate what God blessed you with.
2007-07-07 20:42:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes its hard to match up, eh. I've had it well all my 17 years, but it really depends if you like yourself.
2007-07-07 20:37:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous