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Im a muslim, I was born and live in the UK, and say to the ''muslim'' terrorists, if you dont like it here f*#k off home, because the rest of us the decent law abiding muslims, non muslims, blacks, whites and asians want to live in peace, so take your extremist views back to the non democratic hell holes your trying to create here, and you will be alot happier and so will we.

The time for political correctness has gone out the window, because b*stards like this are tryng to ruin the peace and harmony that the majority want to live in.

Islam's basic teachings are peace and harmony, it says it is forbidden to cause harm to another living thing, and to ssave a life is like saving the whole of humanity, therefore the people who are commiting such atrocities have a very warped mind, much like a paedo, rapist, murderer, in their mind they are doing nothing wrong, their sick, and use this religion as a reason, but its not in the name of islam.

2007-07-07 12:40:19 · 57 answers · asked by adnan k 2 in News & Events Current Events

i can assure you the majority of us (muslims) think in this way, i go to mosque once in a while, and have had discussions with friends, and they all think in this way, i think more of us should stand up and speak out, because there is more of us and less of them, togeather we can crack them

2007-07-07 12:53:46 · update #1

we shouldn't let them be our voice, and give our beautiful peace loving religion such a bad name, they are digging a deep hole for all of us, and in the end it will be us that suffers, due to the actions, of these lot

2007-07-07 12:55:34 · update #2

57 answers

Absolutely spot on! The idiots on Y!A too often need reminding that the vast majority of the Muslim population loathe those who kill in their name as much as the rest of us.

The links below show the truth about how most Muslims view such terrorists.




Kerry's parting shot is unnecessary and petty. Nothing you have said is in the least bit racist, no matter who says it. You criticise terrorists, not Muslims.

Ritefielder: Doesn't Leviticus also ban the eating of shellfish and offer rules about shunning menstruating women?

All 'holy books' are the word of man, not God, much translated and useful as spiritual guidance, not literal following.

2007-07-07 13:09:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 12 4

Well said, have a star from me. I am sick of the racists on here tarring all muslims with the same brush. Would they class white christians the same as all members of the KKK? After all that was a christian organisation.

I have virtually no knowledge of the muslim religion other than what I learnt at primary school at a young age, but I still know that it promotes peace and harmony, not hypocritical murder that these terrorists are carrying out!!

Ignore the racists they are too busy threatening and abusing people to actually have a decent arguement for their 'cause'

EDIT: Scots lass - spot on!! I can't believe you got two thumbs down for stating a fact!!

2007-07-08 00:51:04 · answer #2 · answered by Lady Claire - Hates Bigotry 6 · 8 1

Well done mate, spot on. That's what I've been telling everyone myself, but you've got the background and the knowledge I don't have to be effective.

What the majority of all the people in this country actually want is to be able to get on with their lives without any fuss.
That's white people, black people, Asians of all religions and nationalities.
On that very important level, people are all the same.

Ignore the people who spout hatred at you, and check out the number of stars your question got. Currently it's 25 out of 32 answers. That's gotta be something of a record.

Nice one.

For the guy who said the rally in Glasgow was under attended, well, there isn't a huge number of Muslims in Scotland, and call me silly but I just bet it wasn't publicised in the English press or media.
The fact that it happened is good enough for me, and the family I saw on the news wearing Scotland football shirts and waving Iraqi flags are part of the future of our country. Good people, and the likes of them are welcome.

Like another answerer said;

Leave our hame grown Scottish Muslims alone,
They'll hae nae truck wi the likes of you.

That's lifted from an anti terrorism poem. Not only is it very good, it's completely accurate.

2007-07-11 00:46:47 · answer #3 · answered by Beastie 7 · 3 0

I thank you for saying that!! we are all lost to being lumped in the same categories. More Muslims need to speak out ,sharply on what the haters and murderers are doing ,and its the same here. in this country we are hated all over the middle east and for obvious reasons. Do people outside the United States know that Americans are embarrassed that our president has been living in a state of denial about WINING!!! its such a delusional word and if everything st oped today we are still loosing. we will never in all our lives and history books call this a win of any kind! I am so sorry and we can only hope in November we can begin to WIN our sanity back!! Vote Vote Vote!!!!!

2007-07-15 02:57:13 · answer #4 · answered by makcadoo 2 · 0 0

I think terrorists just use what ever they can to make their warped views seem good instead of evil. They are cowards and try to justify the slaughter of innocent people by tarnishing a peaceful religion.

It is good to see the true believers stand up and show people that their religion is not one of hate but peace. I hope more people begin to realize that the vast majority of Muslims are no different from any other peron from any other faith. Good post

2007-07-07 15:35:49 · answer #5 · answered by at_wolfy 2 · 5 1

Firstly a star for your comments.

I am a non-muslim and echo your comments. These people are using the muslim religion as an excuse for what they are doing. I for one do not believe that what they are doing is of any connection to the muslim religion whatsoever.

They are trying to cause hate between our religions. The overwhelming majority of British people (whatever their colour, nationality, religious beliefs) will fight against this and not allow it to happen. We will not be beaten and will not live in fear. Terrorism cannot and will not win.

2007-07-08 10:07:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Well I have got to say I never thought i would hear this from a Muslim. I can say i am pleased to have been proved wrong. I congratulate you in coming forward with your views. I hope there are many more like you then perhaps the people of the world can put behind them another reason for senseless killing.I have no belief in any religion however i strongly believe it should be the choice of every one to pursue there belief in safety.May your god go with you.

2007-07-13 09:54:30 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Most sensible people do not consider all muslims to be potential terrorists and appreciate that the vast majority of them are peaceful people. My only criticism is that the muslims should do more to seek out the existing or potential terrorists and report them to the police. Surely leaders of the mosques and parents can see changes in the people and take appropriate action.

2007-07-07 22:30:07 · answer #8 · answered by david c 4 · 3 2

a good question! in the united kingdom we do have some who attempt to make human beings conscious that Islam does not help acts as such, in spite of the incontrovertible fact that many human beings do no longer supply as much as mirror and do exactly what they sense, that's incorrect, and all this great charade protester etc are not getting us everywhere as no person listens, many Muslims could lack the certainty on a thank you to bypass forward, could we be on the up front and practice them....? provided that eh... ;) Why some customers are saying you're uninteresting, i do no longer understand, it truly is what's incorrect with the Ummah we bypass forward with doing issues for your self, somewhat we could constantly be assisting guiding and helping others to the ideal way too!~

2016-10-20 05:34:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I knew there were some good Muslims out there. You really should all come together with news cameras and state what you feel, so others can see you want no part of killing in the name of Islam and do not condone the killings, even their own race.

Radical Islam by Radical jihadts hate everyone that is not like them. They use this as a reason to kill, when all they are, DEMONIC SPIRITS, and this has nothing to do with God. God is love Satan is chaos!

2007-07-13 19:28:20 · answer #10 · answered by NJ 6 · 1 1

Good on you Adnan thats what i want to hear and i hope all of you good folk will now keep this going and lets get these people out of this once lovely peaceful country and lets get back to it again and you will know what i mean when we get there and we will Good Luck to all of you a may you have backing from all who feel like you we are here to help at all times

2007-07-13 00:48:51 · answer #11 · answered by srracvuee 7 · 1 0

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