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There is this kid that makes my Latte's everyday. Nice enough guy. He is trying to work his way through the local community college to get his SEMIOTICS degree. He is always peddeling these insane cospiracies on me; Diebold stole the election, Bush caused 9/11, Bush outed the CIA desk jockey, Sasquatch killed JFK ect.. I usually just giggle and go on my merry way. Today he tells me "I am not paying anymore federal taxes because I am against america's war in Iraq".

I tell him "Lighten up Dude, You work at Starbucks! You pay no federal income taxes! Just relax LIB ~ No one in this country or this administration is going to force you to serve in Iran, Iraq and Afganistan against your will. Mostly young conservative men and women are doing that for you. So here is a "suggestion" shut thefuckup and let the troops do their job so they can come home. Pour a glass of white wine, light up some weed and RELAX. No one is going to DRAFT you from your mommy's basement".

2007-07-07 12:30:01 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

30 answers

Oh dear...do you make him cry on a daily basis?

2007-07-07 12:35:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 2

That guy is nuts. Bush didn't cause 9/11, because, if he tried, he would have failed. Valerie Plame was an agent in the field, not a "desk jockey." And Sasquatch was in Mississippi that day, trying to register voters; if anything, the men who killed JFK would've tried to have Sasquatch killed, too.

Back to seriousness: That kid doesn't know what he's talking about. America does not have a war in Iraq. Bush has a war in Iraq, and the American people have repudiated it. If what liberals say were truly tiresome, we wouldn't have kicked your fascist @$$es in the recent Congressional election, and Bush wouldn't have Nixonian disapproval ratings.

It is YOUR boys the nation now finds tiresome, and sickening. We are sick and tried of it, and your 2008 nominee is going to get left holding the bag for America's revulsion toward Bush, much as Kim Campbell paid the price for Brian Mulroney in Canada in 1993 and opened the door for 12 years of Liberal Party dominance there. Get ready for at least 12 years of Democratic government in America.

2007-07-07 12:59:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

exciting. before everything, do no longer in basic terms say "liberals." Conservatives (in the previous Goldwater) used to sentence hippies and radicals for disobeying the government. They pointed out the government with u.s.. the theory that the government is become self sustaining from Society (which this is not any longer inspite of each little thing, on the grounds it somewhat is a Social organisation), comes from 2 places, i think of: Political technology- it teaches that Civil Society is each little thing in society different than for government. immediately's conservative and libertarian politics- government is the source of issues, and "we" the ordinary everybody isn't somewhat represented by the government, which seems out for its very own hobbies. That mentioned, the government can address a life-time of its very own (groupthink, profession politicians, profession forms, staffers who make the genuine at the back of-the-scenes judgements for Congressmen, and so on). the government derives its capability from the human beings, in accordance to the US shape and actually some political philosophers. So the subject this is not any longer an argument of folk vs. the government, yet empowering the human beings by greater direct get admission to to the government (making it to blame to the human beings), in the different case empowering community communities and easily taking further and extra of government out of the photograph. on the thank you to respond to your question purely, it truly relies upon what you're growing to be to be at. in accordance to the form, the government comes from "us," although if "we" are no longer the government- our elected representatives are, yet even those representatives are nonetheless taxpayers and electorate. In Vermont, they have city conferences (direct democracy). which potential "we are the government." bye.

2016-10-01 02:41:10 · answer #3 · answered by arleta 4 · 0 0

I've heard about this movement of tax protest. They are even trying to get a bill through congress that lets people specify their money doesn't go to the war. I say fine, if they get to pick and choose, so should I. Send every dime of my money to the military, and not a penny for their stupid social wealth redistribution programs.

Your right though, they probably take 8 bucks a week out of your little friend at starbuck's paycheck a week and he gets a "refund" of $800 or more and he considers himself a taxpayer.

2007-07-07 12:43:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I cant think of any thing cute about a liberal. Next time tell him that the Democrats tried to bring back the draft not the Republicans. Then tell him Kerry , Kennedy, Cintons and Nancey Paloci are are aliens.

2007-07-07 14:28:57 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

At times it can be tiresome....but it is oh so entertaining to hear the wackos and their conspiracy theory rhetoric! I love how they just call you a stupid blonde, PNAC wh**e! They don't even really know if the picture you have as an avatar is really you or even if you are a woman! Classic!

2007-07-07 18:52:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

There are people on the left, right and center who just spout off whatever they here from Limbaugh, Moore, O'Reilly or whoever without thinking it out. They do not represent the thinking people of any of those positions any more than Bonzo represented Reagan's thought.

2007-07-07 12:39:43 · answer #7 · answered by David R. 4 · 2 1

LMAO... PNAC Penelope, you crack me up!!! Perhaps you are:
(1) a "PNAC Poster Child" believing in a "new world order" of American global dominance, parading as a staunch Republican/Conservative.
(2) a cleverly stealthed, (chit-stirring) spoon-carrying Liberal with a fun sense of humor, having one over on us all. Either way, your posts are a delight and I gleefully look forward to your next witty post! As always, "your argument is my justification"!!

2007-07-07 14:09:15 · answer #8 · answered by sagacious_ness 7 · 0 1

You need to get that idea out of your head that conservatives are mostly the ones serving. Wrong. wrong, wrong. How many rich kids do you know inlisting to do iraq. Well i can point you to at least ten young men and women who are in the airforce and army because they wanted an education and could not afford it. Why do you think they offer higher ed. and bonus do you really think its for the rich. Its to get the poor to inlist and it works. You need to shut the fvk up and stop being so dumb. They come back home an get out and they go democratic because no one likes war but a fool. BUSH,
tell him to send his daughters, my brother is in Irag and i pray everyday they will bring the troops home.

2007-07-07 12:41:40 · answer #9 · answered by margie s 4 · 2 4

You're right-no one is going to have adraft--because the neocons aren't going to be allowed to continue killing our young men and women just to advance their unAmerican agenda.

THe American people are awake now-andthey aren't buying the right-wing crap. 45 % of the country is ready to impeach Bush, 54% to impeach Cheney. Get the message?

2007-07-07 12:43:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Speaking of crazy theories, how's your little cake-walk in Iraq going, PNAC girl?

2007-07-07 13:34:48 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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