Yeah, that would be a great idea!!
I don't know how many games my poor Detroit Lions have lost because of that stupid sudden death rule!!! I may be pathetic to still be rooting for them but.....Go Lions! lol!
2007-07-07 13:59:31
answer #1
answered by Mz. B 2
both NFL and NCAA need to go to a system that allows for a full quarter of overtime play. Whoever leads at the end of the additional time is the winner. If the score is still even, both teams get a tie. In playoff (or bowl game for NCAA), if the score is still tied after the OT period, go into a system like the NCAA currently has, with both team shaving equal opportunity to score...or better yet, each team attempts a 35 yard FG, if only one makes it, they win, if both do, move to 40 yard...until one team wins
2007-07-09 12:31:26
answer #2
answered by sabrekc 2
They need to do away with it, just as college needs to do away with their system, which, I'm sorry, isn't exciting but is instead extremely stupid.
Easy solution - play the full 15 minutes. Whoever's leading at the end wins; if it's still tied, it's a tie. In the playoffs, if it's still tied after 15 minutes, then it's sudden death.
2007-07-07 21:06:34
answer #3
answered by TheOnlyBeldin 7
I don't like sudden death either, but I'd say let them play the way they do in the NCAA and HS, except with a greater degree of difficulty. In HS, the OT is from the 10. In the NCAA, it's from the 25. In the NFL, why not make it from the 50?
2007-07-09 15:23:37
answer #4
answered by bigvol662004 6
i hate sudden death, its an obvious advantage to the winner of the coin toss. i think the best way is to have each team get the ball at least once. each team should have to play offense and defense. if the first team on offense scores, the other team has a chance to match or beat them. play until one has the clear-cut victory.
2007-07-07 19:35:32
answer #5
answered by jizdepski 4
I agree. it's completely unfair because its not football its luck; and luck should not decide football games.point in case.but instead of 6 points, how about 15 minutes and if no ones winning after 15 minutes, then sudden death.
2007-07-07 19:24:52
answer #6
answered by PATRIOTS FAN 2
I would like to see the same system they have in college, but start from the 50 yard line.
2007-07-07 19:37:02
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sudden Death is a primary part of the NFL's appeal. Imagine an NFL games going to three or four extra quarters.
---it gets really boring and tedious, like a baseball game that goes to 16 innings or more.
---ludicrous point/stat adjustment that throws a real monkey wrench into the inner workings of fantasy ball stats.
---a very real increased risk of serious injuries, which you don't see in MLB/NBA/NHL overtime periods.
---Luck is always part of a game's appeal and charm, and "sudden death" relies on that to a degree.
Therefore, keep Sudden Death, as-is.
2007-07-07 19:20:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
i agree with Jeff.
College OT makes ur palms sweat like crazy!
2007-07-07 20:22:03
answer #9
answered by ~Russ~ 2
College OT is much better, and much more exciting to watch!!!
What's more exiciting, this...
Or two teams trading punts before one kicks a FG???
2007-07-07 20:01:03
answer #10
answered by SW1 6