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I swear, I cannot see a single reason to live anymore. No-one listens to a word I say nowadays, and everybody seems so distant. The person I am in love with doesn't love me - not that she has any reason to - and I hate everything. I can't remember what happieness was like, and to be honest I don't think I can be bothered to wait to see what happens.
So can anyone in all honesty give me a good reason not to kill myself? And if the answer you give mentions making people late, I'll take you with me.

2007-07-07 12:08:02 · 56 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Psychology

I feel a bit horrible now, putting all this on you. I had no right to do so; I am sorry. I doubt I'd ever have the courage to actually do it; so don't worry - but life is just so painful at times.

2007-07-07 12:22:12 · update #1

56 answers

Because it would destroy your Mother lol that's why you shouldn't do it. If you feel like this phone the Samaritans they will talk thing's through with you. And on Monday go to your GP and let him know how you are feeling. If you just unload on people it will get better. Trust me I have been in your shoes and know how you feel but if you seek help you can move on from this :)

2007-07-07 12:15:15 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 1 0

I feel some of the same things you do sometimes. I feel like I hate everyone & everything sometimes, I don't remember what it's like to be happy or the last time I really was, I've become a very negative person over the years & just want to be alone. HOWEVER I know a lot of this is the result of my environment & surroundings, being burnt out on work & the daily grind, and the words & actions of the people around me (over which I have no control).

SO the solution for me is to find a place (to live & work) that's better suited to how I want to be-for example a slower pace, nicer more laid back people, an area that allows me to get closer to the things I like (or used to like if I can remember them! ;) & make my daily grind more pleasant. This may require moving to a new city or state, but hey, sometimes that's what you have to do.

Change your scene & you may change your mind.

2007-07-15 09:12:41 · answer #2 · answered by all4equines 4 · 0 0

Im not qualified to discuss mental health by no means. But I will tell you this much. Life is far too precious of a gift to just chuck it all away. Altho there is much that is unknown regarding the human mind, I have always thought of people contemplating suicide as sheer cowards. NOTHING is that bad to ever consider such an act. I will not sit here and tell you of the anguish, heartbreak, bad times, etc that I have endured in my lifetime....I also will not even TRY to minimize your woes, but nothing I have suffered thus far has been so bad (and there have been some bad things) that I was willing to give up and not learn from the experiences. Some important things we do in life is learn from our mistakes, make everything a learning experience to do it differently or better the next time, and be mature enough to take accountability for our actions. Its that old "for every action there is an equal reaction " thing. Grow up! Quit feeling sorry for yourself and if you really want help, dont ask for it here. Go to a walk in clinic or wherever and seek the help you need there. I truly hope its not just a matter of your crying due to losing a job or worrying about paying something...those things are minimal and can be rectified easily by getting out there and being a man. If its a drug thing, theres help for that too. And as far as the love thing....man up! Youre not the only one who has ever loved and lost...no wonder noone wants to listen to you anymore. Youre whining here to strangers about the breakup of your girlfriend....I can only imagine what your "friends" are hearing day after day after day after day............your heart will be broken a dozen more times before you finally find that special someone whom you will be with. And dude, this ex obviously isnt the one....lets face it...shes just not that into you. Thats a part of lfe we have all been thru. Man up!

2007-07-13 00:31:36 · answer #3 · answered by Debbie 5 · 0 0

Why does the train have to be fast?
A slow train will kill just as quickly.
Or is it because you want things over quickly?

One good reason for living is that is what you were created for. You were put on this earth to learn, grow and develop as a person. Sh*t happens to you so that you can learn from it.
But to learn you have to have a positive attitude. There is no point in looking inwards and complaining whoa is me!
You are an unique individual person, act like one.
There is always something good in every ones lives, look for it and be more positive.
Don't expect people to love you just because you love them. That is trying to control people and force them to do what you want.
For awhile forget about everyone else and spend some time getting to really know yourself.
Look for ways to have more fun, take life easy and chill out.
It is your life, you do have freewill, but you also have responsibility for your life and your actions.
Look around you and be glad you are not as worse off as millions of other people in the world are.
It's your life, own it, take charge and do something useful with it.
Best of luck.

2007-07-07 12:37:58 · answer #4 · answered by malcolm g 5 · 0 0

well i can give a few reasons although i am sure you will not like them, firstly you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself as this always makes you feel worse, i see you focus on the fact that the person you love does not feel the same so i am guessing this is why you feel so bad at the moment. if this is the case then you need to look at different areas of your life that you can focus on improving. for example you could improve a social life by joining groups in your area like salsa dancing or something like that. maybe there are members of your family who would love a visit off you or even a friend you have not seen in a while. No matter how bad you think it is, in truth it is not. Also i think that you have a low self esteam and that you should aproach this and see about raising your selfesteam through self help classes that are ran in your area. i also think that as you are asking for help through this way that it might be better advice if you spoke to a professional. I hope this helps you and that you will feel better about yourself soon. it is never as bad as you first think it is.

2007-07-07 12:47:38 · answer #5 · answered by caffiw 2 · 0 0

Once fallen to the feelings of helplessness, worthlessness and uselessness the meandering existence of isolation and loneliness follows, which does happen to most, at which time help is sought. But is it not true that even you would forget about those of whom do actually love you, even if they would not admit to feeling this way? That is, for who you are and not what you are. Be strong. Remember, not being every thing to every body, it is some times not possible to see beyond ones immediate expectations or other personal desires, but to what has been lost at this time. And remember, you are most probably are loved, albeit in a very different way, even if others care not to admit to how they feel.

In the future, try to keep things in perspective, because as soon as the perspective is lost things will fall to pieces; the latter being something we do not want, is it?

God bless, Liam

2007-07-10 10:05:00 · answer #6 · answered by Jabez 2 · 0 0

Dude, I've been clinically depressed many times in my life, and from what you are saying, it sounds like that may be where you're at right now. If so, the best answer I can give you for not throwing yourself under that train is that right now, you're in an abnormal state. What you feel like at the moment is not what you normally feel like. Whether this feeling was kicked off by events or just by accidents of genetics, your brain is probably short on the seratonin it needs for you to see the world from a healthy mindset.

See a doctor. If you feel the tracks calling you, call a suicide prevention line in the meantime. But ultimately, see a doctor.

2007-07-07 12:16:58 · answer #7 · answered by Yankee in London 4 · 2 0

Well I have been told that a person serious about suicide can not be talked out of it.

Let me tell you this, it is the single most selfish thing you can do, to leave this earth and the lives of the people that care about you in such a way that they can never find the answers. You taking you life will only cause heartache to many other people, the people that will forever wonder why they couldn't fix you, why you couldn't trust them enough to talk to them. Then they get to wonder how they did you so wrong, how their love wasn't enough to keep you.

Suicide my friend is not the cowards way out, in fact I would guess that it take courage to do such a thing. However it is just about the most painfu and heart wrenching thing for your family and friends to ever come to terms with, they never will.

I would lecture you into seeking help, but I am afraid that I would be wasting my time. This life has much to look forward to and to live for, but you my friend have to see it for yourself.

2007-07-07 12:16:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It is good that you decided that u would never be able to do that. I always think about that stuff, but i think of the people, that even though it seems like they don't love me, would be in misery if i died. And love doesn't work out if the person u love doesn't love you, you'll meet someone. Make a list of why u are important in the world, and that is all that matters, every one has a duty in the world, there is no reason why someone should be tooken away.

2007-07-14 08:44:27 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the fact that u asked the question means u still have hope that u do have a good reason not to. (which is a reason not to in itself) dont worry about bringing your problems here, there's no rule saying you cant and ppl have the choice whether to get involved...or not. all i can add to some of the great answers is that ur life is what U make it. some ppl lose their life, when they desperately hung on to it while they could so recognize that life is a gift, a blessing and you should make the most of it while u have it. u wont have it forever anyway. "this too shall pass" usually applies in most situations that get us down. get ur mind off ur own problems and help someone else with theirs. exercise, keep a journal, sing, check into yahoo answers every night to gain inspiration, insight and life lessons. be strong, it's all in the attitude so keep your positive!! good luck to you, i know you are going to be just fine!!!! :)

2007-07-07 12:30:22 · answer #10 · answered by lifesaclassroom 4 · 0 0

You can never find happiness till you are happy with yourself first. Sounds to me like you need professional help and someone to talk to and if you are not recieving love from someone you are giving love to then maybe go out and find another reciever. Plus trust me on this ....You dont want to get hit by a train... I have seen that. And killing yourself is a long term answer for a short term problem. You can have a thousand different answers but you have to make a inner change and a change of mind/thought before anything will help.

2007-07-07 12:16:01 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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