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Okay. So my friend's father beats her and sexually melested her when she wuz 8, 9, 10, 11 and12. She's really depressed and is VVVVVEEEEEERRRRRYYYYY suicidal!!! I've talked to her a lot and she's really open. She knows i'll always be there for her, yet she's still suicidal!!! she's hates being the center of attention, so i kno she isn't doing it for that reason. but im very worried. Her parents already kno, she's in counciling and everything! how should i help her?!?!

2007-07-07 11:58:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

11 answers

pray for her.

2007-07-07 12:02:39 · answer #1 · answered by monkeybananadog 2 · 1 0

Tell her suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem. Stop being a victim and become an over comer. Can't change the past so forgive it and start new. Why let it ruin your whole life. What better pay back could she give then to get on with her life and become a success.

2007-07-07 19:03:14 · answer #2 · answered by Sweet Suzy 777! 7 · 0 0

ive been in the same situation. i knew a friend whos dad physically abused her. i know what you are feeling, you dont want to betray her trust or lose your frienship with her by telling other people, and taking action. but at the same time, you dont want her to suffer in depression and do suicidal things. i would advise you to support her by any means neccessary, be there for her as much as possible. you should report this to someone. if anything happens to her, you will feel guilty and responsible. tell anyone who you think will help, preferbly an adult. even if she will hate you for doing this, you have to sacrifice your friendship so she is safe. it could break your frienship, and she might hate you, but she will learn to know that you were only trying to help. thats what a real friend would do. good luck

2007-07-07 19:08:30 · answer #3 · answered by hello 3 · 0 0

Tell her she cant change sucide, Ive have tried it, and Im glad I didnt do it all the way, see she is at a very dark place right now and is very lucky to have a friend, I didnt have that, so you tell her to write like I did: on your sheet of paper first put 1-5 (tell her to name five bad things she wish she could change), then 1-5 (tell her to list five good things that she wish could happen), then 1-5 (tell her to list five ways to get the good things in the future-she has to see a light, when your in that state you dont see a light), then 1-5 (tell her how will she get all those good things if she is dead), and explain to your friend her dad is the sick one, and she has to stop hating him to win, to win her life back, it will be hard ( I know how hard it will be, and not a short process), and continue to bring good happy thoughts and convo. into her life, and get her a journal, and put her anger, fear, and pain in a book, and everytime you help your friend go foward, and change is in her, tell her to read back on that, and let her know when she read back that she dont feel like that any more and thats her winning, and never to quit. print this out and give it to her please, and if she need one more friend or you: tookiebear2001@yahoo.com, pray to God for your success, I will too, this was the most touching one I have ever read on here, good for you for being a good friend.

2007-07-07 19:12:37 · answer #4 · answered by Tracy C 4 · 0 0

wow..well..i remember..i use to be suicidal =|...shes probably suffering from depression...but get her out of the house..and go have some fun..if she denies..thats because of the depression and suicide thoughts...u NEED to get her out of the house..and tell her that "if u commit suicide.....just think how ill feel..ill miss u and i wont have anybody there for me anymore or to have fun with..or a best friend"..try to be funny and make her laugh..it will take MONTHS or maybe a YEAR just for her suicidal stuff to go away....so be patient..and keep trying....and if she starts thinking bad about her self..deny it..and tell her the truth..and if anything bad goes on at home..tell her u can come stay over at ur house....and..if her father beats her and malested her..u NEED to go to the school counserlour..or the police..just for her own good...and so the suicidal thoughts will stop..cuz hes the main one doing it right now

2007-07-07 19:08:35 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know how much you want to help your friend, but this sounds like something that you can't tackle alone. You say she's in counseling, but she needs better help if the counseling isn't helping.

You don't mention whether or not she pressed charges against the father - which she can legally do - which makes it hard to give you a definite answer.

2007-07-07 19:11:26 · answer #6 · answered by Alana 3 · 0 0

Woa. Here's a quote:

"Suicide is a perminate solution for a temparary problem." -Gerard Way

2007-07-07 19:01:43 · answer #7 · answered by Mother War 1 · 1 0

tell her that suicide is a permenant solution for a temporary problem unless the problem is still going on w/her dad

2007-07-08 09:50:01 · answer #8 · answered by curlycueblonde 3 · 0 0

i had a friend like this, have her over as much as possible. because then you know where she is and you can help her.

2007-07-07 19:31:28 · answer #9 · answered by Lizzy 2 · 0 0

keep talking to her, and make sure she knows u'll always be there for her and that many people love her

2007-07-07 19:07:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

u realyl cant help her . i WAS suicaidl but i got over alot of it on my own

2007-07-07 19:04:22 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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