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yesterday i got realy drunk and the me n my boyfriend who is 25 started kissing and it lead on to more, he had his penis out and tryed to enter it into my vagina but i said no and he didnt but i know for a fact that our genitals were in contact at one point? could i be pregnant? as he had nothing in the way of proctection? what should i do????

2007-07-07 10:59:16 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

44 answers

If you're asking this type of question you probably are not mature enough for sex. As to your immediate concerns and actions, you are probably not pregnant if he did not penetrate you, but who knows for sure if he did or not given his behavior. Wait about 5 days and then go get a home pregnancy test. Go to a public clinic as soon as you can and get tested for std's just to be absolutely safe, it's probably not necessary but why take a chance. The clinic will not have to tell your parents.

As for sex itself you should probably go slowly and wait until you are ready and more prepared for it. When you do have sex make sure the person really is the one. Make certain that they respect you and use a condom, even if you decide to go on/use some type of birth control.

On your part getting drunk is irresponsible. You probably want to be more careful about your drinking and about your sexual developement and activities. Dating someone so much older at your age is not good thinking.

As for this guy you talk about.... Get away from this little boy. First off he doesn't respect you at all. He probably is using you and wanted you to get drunk so he could do his thing. His not using condom means he is a total idiot and doesn't care at all about you. Always remember that when you say no, it really means no, any male that does not understand that is not a man at all.

His age and yours is too far apart at this stage in your life. If you were 20/25/30 and he was 30/35/40, that would be a bit different. He is not only wrong in dating you but probably committing a crime depending on what state you live in. Get away from him and let nature take its course until you meet someone more appropriate to date.

We don't mean to preach, but trust us most people have experienced similar events. Best of luck to you.

2007-07-07 11:22:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First, if you're boyfriend is seriously 25, then he won't stop until he has sex with you because that is all he is there for. No 25 year old wants a serious relationship with a 15 year old. Second, if he did not ejaculate and didn't even enter you, then you aren't pregnant but you can still become infected with an STD so I would definitely get checked. If any of his fluid came in contact with yours, there is a chance that you contracted something. For future reference, I would definitely ditch this guy unless you do want to end up pregnant, or use protection, and definitely stop drinking.

2007-07-07 11:17:10 · answer #2 · answered by ChisseyGuwel 3 · 1 0

Why the hell are you dating a 25 year old?! He can go to jail for even TOUCHING you in a sexual way. You are not right for dating him and he is sick for wanting to date such a young girl.

Do you think he will actually tell you what happened if you ask? LOL He might say you didn't have sex to make you feel better, when in real life he did. A guy like that only want p**sy. I mean I know you are 15, but DAMN, you should know better.

Why the hell are you drinking at 15? Do you think it's cool to date an older guy who can buy you alcohol? He can get arrested for supplying alcohol to a minor as well! You being worried about getting pregnant is stupid! If you don't want to get pregnant, then wait till you are old enough and mature enough to have sex. Oh and DON'T get drunk alone with a boyfriend, or in any way, ever again!

Oh, and I am 22 and my husband is 34. We have a 12 year age difference. But the difference with US dating is that I met him when I was 21. I am old enough to make smart decisions and know if a guy is using me for sex. Also, him being that much older and dating me at 21 is LEGAL. Now if I were 15, he would be about 27. Then I would say, take a hike and meet me when I turn 21 buddy. If this guy really cares about you (and I doubt he does) then when you tell him it's over and to meet you when you are older, he would say yes and wait for you. But what man in his right mind would WAIT 11 years for anyone?

2007-07-07 11:28:36 · answer #3 · answered by mommy of an angel 2 · 1 1

Why would a 15 year old have a 25 year old boyfriend? You both better be careful because if you get pregnant he can go to jail for statatory rape to a minor. He is very irresponsible & sounds like he does not care much about you if he got you drunk & tried to take advantage of you. Yes, there is a way you could be pregnant, if he had even alittle bit of seman on his penis when he tried to enter. That is why you need to wait before even having sex because you are not educated or even old enough to be having sex or children.

2007-07-07 11:09:51 · answer #4 · answered by escape 3 · 3 0

It's in US drug stores called Plan B. It's a pill that prevents conception by making sure a fertilized egg cannot implant itself in the uterus. This is not an abortion. Abortion happens after conception. Plan B prevents conception.

I'm a TX mama, and I think you deserve a good talkin' to. Do you know that your bf could be arrested for doing anything sexual with you? You're not legal, kid. What does a 25 yo man want with a 15 yo girl? There's something weird going on here. Now let's talk about the 25 yo man who brought you alcohol and let you drink it. Maybe that 25 yo wanted to get you drunk so he could get laid. This picture is looking better and better.

So why are you hanging out with someone almost twice your age? Where are your friends, the ones you go to school with? What are you doing drinking enough to get drunk? Wasn't that a fun party? Hangover? Possible pregnancy?

My dear, you're making some stupid decisions. I'm glad I don't know his name, because I'd turn him in in a heartbeat for supplying minor with alcohol and statuatory rape.

You've got no business drinking or having sex, of course, unless you want to ruin your life before it's even begun. Early pregnancy, GED, flip burgers at Burger King, more kids, living in a little shack, crying baby, cheating husband. That's where you are headed.

That's what puzzles me. Your question seems well-written. That usually means the kid is smart. But a smart kid would keep her pants closed and stay on the right side of the law. She'd pay attention to finishing school and tell her bf to call her when she graduates college with her degree in journalism. If she still wants him by then, of course. He may not be good enough for her because she made something of herself.

Stay out of trouble, pumpkin,

2007-07-07 11:14:57 · answer #5 · answered by TX Mom 7 · 2 0

When a 25 year old is interested in a 15 year old, it's only for one reason. Yesterday you learned that first hand. Any man who will get his 15 year old girlfriend drunk and try to take advantage of her is not worth your effort. In fact, I sincerely hope you tell your parents about this situation, difficult as it may be.
The good news is you're probably not pregnant. It's possible, and I would definitely take a test if I were you - but wait until it's about time for your next period or it won't be accurate.
Please, please don't put yourself in this situation again. Dump your pervert boyfriend and find a nice guy closer to your own age.

2007-07-07 11:04:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

You're kidding, right?? You do know it is HIGHLY illegal to be doing what you're doing, right?? Your 25 year old boyfriend is a child molester. If your parents find out, he CAN be arrested for carnal knowledge of a minor or even rape if you said no,... and he WILL be branded a sex offender for the next 10 years. I don't believe you don't have enough brain cells to realise how disturbing this situation is... ugh...

You should actually go to http://www.nsopr.gov/ and look up this guys first and last name because he's probably already a sex offender. For the love of God, dump his ***, call the cops on him and get him locked up so he can stop hurting innocent, naive kids.... what you two are doing is wrong. And it's very illegal. Date people your own damn age!!!!

2007-07-07 11:07:59 · answer #7 · answered by Astrid A 2 · 1 1

Yes, it is possible to be pregnant, though unlikely. Sperm can travel into the vagina even if you don't have penetration.

As you may know, it is illegal for a 25 year old to be messing around with a 15 year old and you should be very worried about a STD. If he is messing around with you, he is probably messing around with others. You should see a doctor immediately to be tested for both a disease and possible pregnancy.

Please get yourself out of this situation. You are only going to regret it later.

2007-07-07 11:07:15 · answer #8 · answered by Joy 5 · 1 0

number ONE why at 15 are you drinking?????? and wtf do you have a 25 yr old boyfriend? that is against the law!!!!! for 2 counts giving alcohol to a minor (against the law) and satatory rape NO MATTER IF U AGREE OR NOT HES over 18!!!!!
but to answer ur question unless he came in u, ur most likely NOT pregnant, sperm actually has to go inside you not on the outside of u to get knocked up

BUT i suggest one U DUMP THE 25 YR OLD he's just sick for bieng with a child to begin with I SEE A PEDPHILE IN HIM!!!
by the way are your parents aware thier 15 yr old CHILD is dating a 25 yr old MAN????????????

2007-07-07 11:05:46 · answer #9 · answered by atv_chick_2003 4 · 1 0

Girl, you should NOT be going out with a 25-year-old guy at 15. I shouldn't even have to state a list of reasons why.

If he didn't actually put it inside you, you're probably not pregnant. But if his semen even came close to your vagina, then there's always the chance. Just to be safe, if you miss your period, you should take a pregnancy test (you can buy E.P.T. at most pharmacies, like Rite Aid or Walgreens).

2007-07-07 11:03:59 · answer #10 · answered by Riven Liether 5 · 2 0

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