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mayan calendar, i ching and few european prophets have predicted Doomsday will happen in 2012. Scientists think pole shifting might occur on December 21, 2012 which might cause chaos all over the world like earthquakes, hurricanes etc.

2007-07-07 09:54:33 · 33 answers · asked by Annie 1 in Science & Mathematics Alternative Other - Alternative

33 answers

Annie baby, you bring up a few good points... but... let's look a little closer.
(1) As far as the Mayan Calendar - they just ran out of paper and ink, if that's what they used back then. That's why it doesn't go any further than 12-21-12.
(2) Chaos...? You mention earthquakes, hurricanes, etc. We already have those bad things going on now. I might add - forest fires everyday, floods all over the place, War in half the countries, sickness, Aides, Priests doing their thing with young boys, murder,... do you need more?
(3) I Ching and European Prophets...? I've never known or heard of any prophet, tea reader, soothsayer, palm-reader, tarot card reader, or anyone else ever winning the lottery with their great "psychic" abilities.
(4) Pole Shifting...? The poles show that Senator John McCain went from the top to the bottom in the political poles. That's what I hear about pole shifting.
(5) As an ending to this... I... me... myself... predict that on the date of December 31, 2399, at the stroke of midnight... the time will change to January 1st, 2400.
There are no guarantees you understand; I'm taking a stab that I'll be right. Who's going to be around to prove me wrong?
I'm not picking on you, Annie. Honest. Just my thoughts on the subject of "predictors".

2007-07-11 01:13:29 · answer #1 · answered by Jay9ball 6 · 0 1

I have just a quick addtion to what those above have already said...

I've see the same TV show on the History Channel that I'm pretty sure you're basing question upon. To be really brief, their assertions about ALL these different sources predicting the end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012 are WAY off base. It makes "good copy" and sure gets the interest up when put on a TV format though! However, the main point I want to make, as a geologist, is that they TOTALLY misrepresented what is meant by a "pole shift". I mean TOTALLY.

The Earth's magenitic field is indeed beginning (so it appears, anyway) to reveal signs that it is breaking down. This is normal, we expected this. About every quarter to half million years or so, this happens and the entire field collapses. It then reorganizes and re-emerges with the opposite sense of polarity (that is, you compass willpoint "south" instead of "north"--geographically speaking). THAT is a pole shift.

We do NOT expect the entire crust of the Earth to suddenly go sliding over 1000s of miles! Back in the 1960s there was this guy (name escapes me) who wrote a book about these sudden crustal shifts; he supported his ideas wth a lot of physical calculations. It was pretty impressive--until you looked at it closely. Then it all fell apart. His main tenet was that a sudden horizontal shift had instantly transported happily grazing mammoths into dramatically high latitudes, where they at once froze...unchewed buttercups still in their mouths. Fun idea...and certainly creative, but not valid.

I was very disappointed that the History Channel messed up something like defining a pole shift so dramatically. Oh well, it just goes to show you what a lack of dilligence can lead to, I suppose.

Have fun!

2007-07-08 04:54:50 · answer #2 · answered by stevenB 4 · 1 0

Art Bell mentioned this on his radio program just a few nights ago. Interesting subject. I think we will see a polar shift at that time, others may disagree, it's just my opinion. Evidently there will be a worldwide catacylsmic events that changes the world as we know it. I have heard on the radio program too that the years preceding (between now and then) 2012 will be very negative, ie: floods, crops dying, people dying, hurricanes, global warming, population die off, etc. But like many people I'll believe it when I see it. In light of global warming and the melting of polar ice caps etc, thus rising of ocean levels. I think we will see a polar shift. But I can't confirm it. No one can! It's just a hunch!
there is a website called dieoff.com that reports that this planet cannot support a certain amount of people on this earth.

It will not be doomday like many believe, but rather a change in direction for all humans. what that means I do not know!

there are other sites that go on about this, the truth is we do not really know. There may be world changes that occur before this date, but to think that all is fine till this date happens is silly!

2007-07-07 20:40:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know that the Mayan calendar ends on that day. But their idea of doomsday was not that the earth would be destroyed, but more of a "the world will never be the same". I think that it is more of a rebirth. Hinduism has a belief similar to that as well. Maybe some major problems will occur that day that will change the way we live here on earth. Hopefully for the better. But I think something's going to happen then. I'm not that type of person, but the Mayan calendar is such a magnificent piece of work. I just can't help thinking that if something has been so right for so long, that it must mean something.

2007-07-07 10:05:45 · answer #4 · answered by Flanger_75 1 · 2 1

The Mayan calender was entirely more sophisticated than anything the Europeans of the time possessed. Their astute observations have proven correct many times.

Perhaps there is merit to the idea of Doomsday 12-21-12

Some theories I have read mention a possible recurring comet that comes close to our planet every few thousand years and showers the Earth with chunks of debris. Sometimes, if the debris is large enough it can create devestation like floods, volcanic activity or the onset of a new ice age.

2007-07-10 17:16:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

NO, scientists do not believe pole shifting will occur on December 21 2012, all they say is that magnetic pole shifting will eventually occur (as it has occurred several times in the past). And I emphasize: MAGNETIC. Which will not have an influence on climate.

Stop swallowing this garbage doomsday stuff. It was created by crooks to get money out of gullible people.

2007-07-08 04:59:31 · answer #6 · answered by Vincent G 7 · 1 1

The Mayan calendar ends in 2012 but that doesn't mean the world will. But documentaries have sensationalized and talked as though they predict the end that year. Whatever they said, there's no reason to believe the Mayans anyway.

2007-07-07 17:58:04 · answer #7 · answered by Mr. Bodhisattva 6 · 1 0

Im not sure where you get that in the I Ching, but the answer is no.
Its simply the end of the mayan calendar.
The mayan calandar isn't perpetual like ours. Our calandar will just keep going infinitly, days, months, years, etc.
The mayans had eras and periods of time plotted out.
They only plotted up to 2012, and Im sure if they were still around, they would have added more to thier calandar by now.

2007-07-07 10:36:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Scientist perdict a lot of things, somethings turn to be true but other things don't go as planned. There are a lot of things we still don't know about Mothernature and have just scrapped the surface. So I don't think Doomsday will arrive December 21, 2012.

2007-07-07 10:15:14 · answer #9 · answered by R.S. 2 · 1 0

I'd like to know what "scientists" are predicting that the poles will shift on that day. Also, I'd like to know how the Mayans, a people who practiced human sacrifice and did not even invent the wheel, knew more about the end of the world than people do today.

2007-07-07 10:15:35 · answer #10 · answered by Gary 6 · 1 1

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