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I know a lot of people out there believe global warming is a myth despite the fact most scientists who think it's true have nothing to gain from it, and most scientist who call it a myth work for companies that are not environmentally friendly. My question is: Why are you willing to bet you're children's and grandchildren's future on this? If I'm wrong and global warming is a myth, what we will do is good for the environment anyway. Our descendants will have a better world to live on. If you're wrong and we do nothing the people of the future will have huge problems. I know you don't like or trust Al Gore, but can we really afford not to do anything about this when so many respected scientist say the world will be a very difficult place to live in less than a century?

So I guess my question for all the people who don't believe in global warming is are you willing to bet you're children's future on it?

2007-07-07 09:06:23 · 15 answers · asked by crushinator01 5 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

pachl I did watch you're movie, until I saw a man say there is no direct correlation between the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and the temperature. That is a lie, it's been proven these things are directly related. If anyone has any doubts they only have to look at our sister planet Venus, with it's 97% CO2 atmosphere and temps aroundd 440 C (almost 900 F). The movie looked interesting, and I actually used to have the same stance as you on this, but one of the men (I don't know who they are scientist of just people off the street,, I'd assume scientist but it doesn't tell us) told an obviously fabrication in the first few minutes of it,

2007-07-07 10:17:59 · update #1

The climate of earth does change over time I haver said it didn't, but it never has changed as quickly as it is now, what does that tell you?

2007-07-07 10:19:54 · update #2

15 answers

crushinator01: WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO!!!!! And read my additions. You are being duped.
At first I thought your question was satire, but then I realized in amazement your question is for real.

You talk as if the steps some people are demanding to combat "global warming" are without cost. The answer is completely the opposite. These steps being proposed would cost hundreds of TRILLIONS of dollars. They would completely change the world economy, and it would devastate any chance Africa has for developing. There is no way Africa can afford "alternative" energy sources. Africa will be doomed to remain poverty stricken.

What harm will the proposals do? Some idiots in Belgium are so spooked by thought that man is creating global warming that they have banned outdoor grilling. As crazy as this sounds, they actually have helicopters flying around with heat sensors to locate anyone who does not comply with the new, heavy tax on outdoor grilling. Say goodbye to your Sunday grilled rib eye in the back yard. This is the kind of nightmarish idiocy you are encouraging. You want some eco terrorist nazis telling you not to even grill a steak?

What harm will it do? Tens of thousands of businesses will go bankrupt. And do you really think that poor countries will be held to the same standards as the Western world? No, it will be just like that absurd Kyoto Protocol where all the third world countries (which laughingly includes China) get a "free pass". That means these countries now have the hugest strategic advantage against U.S. businesses and overnight we are unable to compete. Do you realize the catastrophic implications? Heck even Brazil was trying to get categorized as a third world country so it could have this unfair advantage!

I want you to watch this movie, "The Great Global Warming Swindle". Email me with your conclusions, or just post an update in this question. I want you to be seething with anger that idiots like Barbra Streisand (who barely finished High School, and Al Gore who nearly flunked Natural Sciences in college) try to pass themselves off as climatologists. Even if you only watch the first five minutes, you'll be heading towards the right path.

You can even watch this in FULL SCREEN mode, so it is like watching tv:


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Addendum: There is this erroneous, ingrained idea about CO2 levels. First of all, man contributes a puny amount to the trillions of tons of CO2 that comprises our atmosphere. One major volcanic eruption can produce more CO2 than all man's intervention for an entire year.

Read this: "A team of ice-core researchers, led by Hubertus Fischer of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in California, analyzed an Antarctic ice core that gives real-world records of atmospheric CO2 and air temperatures back to 240,000 years ago. The ice core record includes three massive Ice Ages, and the warming periods that followed them.

When the Ice Ages ended, the Scripps researchers found that air temperatures warmed long before there was any increase in atmospheric CO2. In fact, they said, the increases in CO2 lagged the warming by 400 to 1,000 years! That's just the opposite of the greenhouse theory that CO2 increases lead to warming. (The Fischer team's analysis was published in the March 12, 1999 issue of Science.)"


2007-07-07 09:45:51 · answer #1 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

Yes it has become a religion and Al Gore is the pope of the cult.Think of how much money certain groups will make off of the hype.Think of all that government money going to "research".Besides there is only so much you can do ,after all whoever controls the weather controls the world.Fear is the best political motivator. Climate change is part of the nature of the planet.Common sense is to have clean energy but until there is a buck in it all that happens is talk,talk and more talk.Government regulations,fines and penalties(gotta get that bailout money somewhere) We certainly need clean air and water .I am the original recycler and I don't waste energy just like many other people.I use energy and don't go for the "guilt" trip of doing so. I have a problem with Gore the guru who flies around a fuel guzzling jet.So does Queen Pelosi who opted for a bigger one to fly back and forth to California.Remember her saying she wants to save the planet,yeah she flies we walk.We can all start by using the new energy saving light bulbs. Oh I forgot they are the ones with mercury in them.Oh,well seems like a good idea at the time. I guess you all heard that some genius politician wanted to tax cow farmers for any that own more than 100 for emitting "methane gas" yeah it's true.Can we bottle it instead?Or on second thought send some from the bull to that politician as he knows the B.S. when he sees or smells it.

2016-05-20 23:31:15 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

The first part of your question regarding the scientists indicates the amount of misinformation you have on the subject. I personally feel that global warming is a colossal hoax. Its become more of a religion for those that believe it then anything truly rooted in scientific facts. However, even though I believe this, I still believe we should be responsible to the environment. Though keep in mind that humans are just as much a part of nature as anything else on Earth. A lot of the global warming crowd think the humans are the bad guys. Give me a break.

2007-07-07 09:47:55 · answer #3 · answered by J D 5 · 1 0

Thats the problem nowadays. Too many people are living in their tiny worlds not caring about the future. They just want to get throught the day, the week, the year. They always wait for someone else to save them from catastrophy and yell when it hits them.
Point in case: We just had a huge fire just up the mountain from me. Many lost their homes. No one thought it would get them and their homes. They did not want to leave until the last minute and they still thought someone would save them and all their stuff and even animals. No one did. The hundreds and hundreds of firefighters were busy enough trying to contain the blaze. And the police were assisting them. Sure the people left but many lost their animals and their stuff.

The same is true of Global Warming. Until it hits they will continue to ignore it, deny it exists, and go about their business. Many use the philisophy that bad things were predicted before (like Y2K) and nothing happened to us.
They just bury their heads in the sand unstead of being proactive. We need to stop the destructions NOW. Not 2 years, 5 years or 10 years away. It is NOW. Listen to the scientists and take action. Each one of us can do our part.

And for those that don't believe in Global Warming, just look at the polar bears in the Artic. They are malnourished and not reproducing. Many are dieing as I write this note. Their landscape and home is melting at a rapid rate and they not longer have enough food. Sure a polar bear is just an animal but if that animal can die so can the human one. Mankind is being threatened. Lets look for answers, NOW.

2007-07-07 09:17:45 · answer #4 · answered by Nevada Pokerqueen 6 · 0 1

I am still waiting for people to answer why the ice age ended?

The earth goes through stages, sometimes it gets warmer, wometimes it gets cooler. In the seventies we were going through a cooling stage, waiting for the next ice age. We have very little influence on what happens.

I live in Wisconsin, if the weather averages a 1 degree increase over the next 20 years, are we worse off? I say no. What about a 1 degree decrease? I still say no.

The fact is, we have kept records on temperature for a fraction of a fraction of the total life of the earth, and have no clue as to how anything will affect the world.

2007-07-07 09:32:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It is hard for me to believe that there are people out there who actually believe that global warming is a "myth."

What evidence do they base their belief on?

On the other hand, you are right when you state that, if we ignore it, we will have massive problems in the future.

Not liking or not trusting "Al Gore" has nothing to do with this issue. He just happens to be a very public figure who lost the bid for the Presidency and has written a book on global warming.

There are many other people who are saying the same thing about global warming and are not being heard.

But global warming does need to be one of the issues that can be addressed with the candidates for the U.S. Presidency.

2007-07-07 10:00:43 · answer #6 · answered by Ambassador Z 4 · 0 0

Global warming isn't a myth. What is a myth is attrributing it to human activity. Even the surface of Mars is heating up, with concurrent reduction of its polar ice caps. I've been a shortwave radio listener for over fifty years. In the past 20 years or so the frequency and intensity of solar flares has markedly increased.
Sure, there is climate change. But, to think that humans can band together and do something about it is the height of species arrogance. When it comes to this planet, we are the fleas on the back of the dog called Earth.

2007-07-07 09:11:45 · answer #7 · answered by desertviking_00 7 · 3 2

Just the fact that we have disposal diapers, plastic
grocery bags, 2 million cars in the United States & in
China should be enough to make you know something
needs to be done about the amount of trash & pollution
we are creating.
I just don't understand what people have against
cleaning up their planet.

2007-07-07 10:19:12 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

"are you willing to bet you're children's future on it?" Me quoting "you"...That's how the thugs in power ("terrorist media mafia") USE the BS to scare you stupid. PUT YOUR CRYSTAL BALL AWAY. Go spend NOW with your children and set the TV out by the road. If God wants it warm, you can bet yer *** it'll be warm!

2007-07-07 09:31:09 · answer #9 · answered by smellslikeBS2me 1 · 0 2

What we propose to do about it is a severe threat to economic growth, condemning millions of poverty stricken third world poor to early death...which is nice...

so long as the rich West feel good about it..

2007-07-07 09:15:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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