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"The Senate is due to debate in February the proposed introduction of tougher border controls, including building more fences along a third of the border with Mexico.
The House of Representatives has already passed the bill, which has been condemned by Mexico. "

So Mexico thinks it's okay for it's citizens to enter our country illegally? Wouldn't that be government supported entry into a neighboring nation without permission? Isn't that what invasion is?

2007-07-07 09:02:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

5 answers

no, the mexican government believes that california, arizona texas etc, are rightfully theirs.

2007-07-07 14:41:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The sad fact is that congress has its Senators who, for the most part, have all businesses in their collective pockets. They truly don't care if an illegal citizen gets a job, as long as the business owner makes a staggering profit, because they view it that they, congress, will receive some of the financial run-off. It is a double-edge sword. The businesses are making it desirable for people in Mexico to risk coming here illegally, because they are looking the other way when hiring workers, because they can hire them at lower wages. Lower wages to us still means plenty of money in Mexico due to the currency exchange and poor economic status of Mexico. I do not condone Mexicans coming here illegally, yet I understand why they do. NAFTA didn't help matters out much, either. People who say "mexicans are hard working people willing to work for a lower wage because they are better than Americans" need to realize that the reason they do this is because the money they earn here is worth a lot in Mexico, plain and simple!! They send the wages to relatives in Mexico. This is fact. By the way, I HAVE worked jobs that most illegals have, beginning with an asparagus packing plant during my teen summers, to a cattle feedlot, to cleaning jobs, where illegals also were employed before I realized what the hell I was doing. I think people should come here..the LEGAL way and pay taxes, etc., not work with someone else's identity, social security number, and then split after awhile. It is not fair, plain and simple.

2007-07-07 17:30:42 · answer #2 · answered by enbsayshello 5 · 3 0

Well, we all know that many Mexicans are in US illegally. However, I don't think we can blame them or Mexico, but what we need to do is to propose harder and tougher regulations. Heavier fines for businesses that hire them. As long as they are here illegally, don't legalize them. I'm glad that we didn't pass the lastest immigration bill. For me, it was like lower drinking age limit to correct underage drinkings.

2007-07-07 16:40:05 · answer #3 · answered by jimmyct_2000 2 · 1 0

I think the Mexican Gov't should start reacting to the fact that their citizens don't want to live in their own country anymore and do something about it.

2007-07-07 16:33:21 · answer #4 · answered by Ladybugs77 6 · 3 0

First of all, no fence or wall will keep illegal immigrants out of the U.S.A. Fences and walls can be blown up, scaled over, or tunneled under.
Secondly, we're supposed to be a 'melting pot' of people from different races, cultures, creeds, political preferences and sexual persuasions. This country has always opened its borders to the weak, the poor, the downtrodden and the disadvantaged.
I believe those wishing to emigrate to America should do so legally. They should become legal citizens who vote, pay taxes, and obey our nation's laws.
But I also believe we are being extremely hypocritical if we try to keep these people from coming across our borders.
Unless you're a descendant of a native American Indian, YOUR ancestors were illegal immigrants! Four hundred years ago, in 1607, your ancestors started coming over here by the boatloads to escape religious persecution, to escape oppressive and tyrannical governments, and to make better lives for themselves and their descendants.
Did they bother to learn the Indians' languages and adopt the Indians' customs or cultures? NO.
They simply cheated the Indian out of his land (which he regarded as sacred and belonging to all people).
They eventually chased the Indians from the great plains, slaughtering millions of buffalo just for the sheer sport of it (while the Indian regarded buffalo as a source for clothing, shelter and food - if they killed a buffalo, they used all of it instead of letting its carcass to rot on the great plains).
Once our ancestors had successfully taken control of this new land, they eventually put the Indians (at least the ones they didn't slaughter) on reservations. Out of sight, out of mind.
Then these new white European settlers brought human beings from Africa to be bought, sold and traded as nothing more than person property (in a land where they declared "all men were created equal").
As we moved westward, we ran rip shod over the land, not caring about its sacred value, but seeing only as something to be squandered and used up.
When we finally reached the West Coast, we once again imported Chinese slave labor to help build railroads and dig tunnels through mountains. All so that the European white man could get richer and richer and richer as he raped the land and squandered its natural resources without regard for the future occupants of this new nation.
Mexico might think it's okay for its citizens to enter our country illegally - and that certainly is the wrong mentality. But it's just as wrong to try and keep Mexicans or anyone else out just because we don't want to share our bounty with them.
I wonder how we'd feel if those illegal immigrants decided to rise up as a group and steal our land from us? Cheat us out of Manhattan for $24 worth of trinkets? Rape and pillage and eventually put us all on 'reservations'?? We'd be outraged, and we'd fight back - just like the Indians tried to do when our ancestors did it to them.
If everything was fair and honest, the native American Indians would be the grand leaders of this grand land, and would be teaching us all how to live in harmony, share our wealth with others, and harvest greatness from this land. I doubt the Indians would ever have built smoke-belching factories or designed cars that spewed vehicle emissions and polluted their sacred air and water. -RKO- 07/07/07

2007-07-07 16:52:40 · answer #5 · answered by -RKO- 7 · 1 3

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