98% of Americans I believe would be a good guess
WOW- You have a lotta class, if that happened to me I would have ended up in jail for manslaugher charges for sure!!
2007-07-07 08:39:44
answer #1
answered by Renegade 5
Everyone that has died for our country, served our country, and anyone else that has stood behind the BRAVE men and women that have given us the right for freedom of speech and continue to fight for that everyday...sorry about your jacket but whom ever had the sheer brilliance to write that on there was just an idiot...they should have known better that it would be striking a few nerves.....There are so many Americans, and new Americans(immigrants) that are outraged when they see someone burning a flag....it is not just a symbol...it stands for so much more....read a little history and give a little more than a speech over a 7$ cup of hard to pronounce coffee and you will see what this country was really founded on.....
2007-07-07 08:51:14
answer #2
answered by mercedes.jackson 1
Obviously you need to do more research on the flag code.
176. Respect for flag
(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker's desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.
(j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.
(k) The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.
Americans disrespect our flag constantly, and are so unknowledgable about it, that they don't even know.
i would rather see a true patriot burning a tattered flag symbolizing the damage politicians are causing to our ideals, than some smug, self-righteous zealot buying a jacket, made in china with it on the back.
Also, I think any and every US Flag that says "made in China" should be burned. It is completely disrespectful to even allow them to be produce in China and sold in the united states. If anything needs to be banned, it is our flags being produced over seas.
2007-07-07 08:46:38
answer #3
answered by avail_skillz 7
So let me get this straight: you put a message on your back daring someone to light your jacket on fire and then you got ticked off when someone tried to do it? Doh.
As far as flags go, someone else said they're just a symbol. This is true, but the flag is an important symbol. However, I think the issue is a wedge issue that is dragged out periodically to get citizens all riled up when in fact there are no huge numbers of flag burnings actually occurring.
And if we want to make sure no one ever burns a flag, why don't we just make them out of inflammable material and move on to solve some really crucial issues?
2007-07-07 08:40:20
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I would never burn a flag just cause i have better things to do (maybe if i were on a deserted island and needed something to burn for warmth...) and its kind of over dramatic/annoying. But if someone really wants to they have every right to. It doesn't hurt my feelings. Lighting me on fire would, though. That kid was an idiot.
2007-07-07 15:41:19
answer #5
answered by catch me if u can ;) 3
I'm sickened by it, especially when it's an American doing the burning. However, our Constitution allows for those types of losers to basically contradict what the flag stands for.
Rather than passing an amendment banning the burning of the flag, I've always been a proponent of addressing the action in one of two ways:
a. Arrest the offending person for arson.
b. Enact laws allowing for a patriotic self-defense plea in the event that you beat the daylights out of someone burning the flag.
[Note: For those constantly looking to be offended or outraged, (b) was partly tongue-in-cheek.]
2007-07-07 08:45:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The fool who tried to burn your jacket should have been arrested for assault. And, you learned a valuable lesson. Offer a dare, no matter how outrageous or rhetorical, and some nitwit will take you up on it.
About flag burning making me sick. No, not really. The flag, after all, is simply a symbol of our great country. Look at the fools in the Middle East who go nuts in the street and stomp on our flag and burn it and carry on like a bunch of silly monkeys. Are they really worth responding to. Their flag burning actions are not hurting us. When you go to the zoo and a bunch of monkeys curse you in monkey talk do you respond, like Kramer on Seinfeld, or do you consider the source and let it go. People who burn flags, whether ours or someone else's flag, are publicity hounds. When you respond, you are abetting their sordid endeavor.
Just let it go. Choose your battles more carefully. Choose battles that are worth winning. Choose battles that advance your cause, not theirs.
2007-07-07 08:48:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you're worried about the symbol it represents (freedom), you should realize that the act of burning a flag is usually a symbolic representation of our freedom. We have the freedom to go against the government if we wish. The whole point of democracy is for the people to no longer be oppressed by leaders.
I'm sure the individual was not trying to be taken seriously when he "tried to light it on fire." I think they realize that you're trying to tempt them as an insult.
2007-07-07 08:46:15
answer #8
answered by Jacquelyn 3
Actually, the wearing of the flag in this manner could be construed as a violation of the US Flag Code. See the link below, in particular s176.
In view of the aforementioned code, I find it hard to understand why a Supreme Court decided flag-burning could be lawful. Given that the flag represents a living nation, that's like assaulting the President just because he is the President and C-in-C and expecting to get away with it. Ach, what do I know anyway? I'm just an immigrant (legal) with an interest in what makes my adopted country tick.
2007-07-07 08:40:43
answer #9
answered by skip 6
Banning flag burning is just another way to abridge free speech and if we give it up, we'll give up yet another freedom in the name of making the world safer. Is it really safer or just nicer for certain people?
I mean, the Supreme Court ruled against the sign "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" what's next? We can't even say flag burning?
2007-07-07 08:40:07
answer #10
answered by smartsassysabrina 6
Well two things. It upsets me that someone tried to burn your jacket. Not cool! But I try not to get all choked up over symbols. A flag is just that. Plus think of all the evil that has been done in the world over blind patriotism. Are people dying over seas over a piece of material or because what they think is right (regardless of how we feel).
I think George Carlin said it best "Lets keep Symbols for the symbol minded".
Saying my opinion, but I also hope you kicked his ***, because you have a right to yours.
2007-07-07 08:36:44
answer #11
answered by cosmiccastaway 3