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I am moderately liberal, well I am a libertarian as I also am moderately conservative when it comes to certain issues. I even think that Obama and Hillary are way too far to the left. They both want to limit our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and make this country more socialist, and they both want to dangerously take our troops out of Iraq as soon as they come into office. There is a story about how the Bildeberg Group voted unanimously to make Hillary President of the United States in 2008 in a 2002 meeting, which scares me as the Bildeberg Group, mainly run by the Rockefellers, who are admitted globalists hell bent on gaining power, possibly through a New World Order. It was proven she attended one of their meetings in that year through an attendence list, but she refuses to talk about it.

2007-07-07 08:24:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

"- Principles that Obama supports on gun issues: Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.
-Increase state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms."

2007-07-07 08:33:07 · update #1

16 answers

Vote for conservatives in the primary and support them in the general election


Fred Thompson

2007-07-07 09:03:15 · answer #1 · answered by GOPneedsarealconservative 4 · 0 0

No one is ever going to get guns banned in this country, so if that is your only reason for not voting for someone, you just vote libertarian, like you would anyway. I doubt that either choice will actually win, more people need to vote, and be educated before doing it. Most won't take the time to research and realise just how valuable their vote is, which is unfortunate and an epidemic. In the end, it falls on our shoulders, and we will have to live with the consequences for our actions or in-actions when it comes to choosing the right person for the job.

2007-07-07 13:47:04 · answer #2 · answered by Hot Coco Puff 7 · 3 0

It is too easy to get weapons, so yes they are right in taking precautions on who can get them, and how easily they can. They are not trying to take away your right to bear arms, it is a precaution. Just like the Patriot act is supposedly a precaution to prevent terrorism, and you don't mind that it is unconstitutional.

edit: Exactly, increase state restrictions. Why the hell do you want a semi-automatic weapon anyway?

If the Bildeberg group wants Hillary, what does that have to do with Obama?

2007-07-07 08:46:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

If Obama wins this could be the third time in a row the democrats placed a unelectable candidate in the presidential race. I dont like Hillary one bit, yet she is the democrats in basic terms wish.

2016-10-20 04:57:59 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Other than voting for someone else, you can't and don't have to do anything. Just sit back and watch as the wheels fall off of their campaigns and another Republican is elected. Thank God!

Uninformed people (and those in denial) may hate President Bush but when it comes time to vote and they're alone in the booth, even they know who it is who's kept them safe for the previous 7 years. They know Hillary is just like Bill (w/o the charm) and Americans aren't ready to vote for a man named Barack HUSSEIN Obama no matter what his qualifications are.

2007-07-07 08:38:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Let us not throw terms around so carelessly.There is just too much stuff thrown around in this post not to reply.

You say you are "moderately liberal" .First is that like being "moderately pregnant"?

Secondly and most importantly,as a self declared libertarian what you are in reference to liberalism is what is called a CLASSICAL LIBERAL.

You are NOT by any stretch of the imagination what is called a "modern liberal" (See Wikipedia-liberalism for an excellent definition).

When the term liberal is used today,it refers to modern liberalism and everything it represents which is NOT Classical Liberalism.

Most experts also agree that modern liberalism IS NOT a dirivitive / off shoot of Classical Liberalism but was born "on it's own" from other forces.

As a libertarian ,I understand why you would feel Clinton and Obama are far to the left but I suspect that to you Atilla The Hun would be to far left .

"Right to bear arms" ? Are you part of a militia? Obfuscators like you seem to not realize why the NRA has NEVER taken this entire "Right to bear arms" to the Supreme Court for resolution .If they and you believe you have an absolute right to bear arms then go to court.
The reason of course the NRA avoids the Court like the Ebola Virus is because of a dirty little secret they hope to keep and that is ,there is NO SUCH thing as an absolute right to bear arms.

What they very intelligently do do is to politicize the entire gun issue and use it's massive NRA membership and campaign contributions to force elected representatives to do their dirty work.

Dangerously take troops OUT of Iraq?? This obscene and illegal Iraqi was/is Bush's choice and as a good little right wing Christian he had absolutely no problem deliberately LYING about why he was warring and why Americans had to have their guts blown apart.It was all for oil of course as it always has been with the US in the Middle East.Nothing to do of course with liberty,freedom and democracy especially when one knows that the US destroyed a democratically elected government in Iran ;militarily,politically and economically fully supported Saddam from 1979 to 1990 even when they discovered that Saddam has genocided his own Kurds and to this very day totally supports vile ruthless
governments from Saudi Arabia to Egypt .

The US verifiable history shows absolutely no concern for the peoples of the region only their oil.

Further this Bush atrocity has transformed a previous TERRORIST FREE IRAQ (Saddam would never tolerate any challenge to his rule) to a TERRORIST HAVEN.

Furthur ,Bush has so angered humans around the world and majorities within the allied countries and the US has lost respect and position it will never regain.

His administrations blatant violation of the Geneva Conventions on prisoners and the US torture and slaughter of prisoners both in Iraq and Afghanistan has revealed the US for what it is.

There is a civil war going on in Iraq and like in Vietnam ,the US has no bloody right or purpose in being in Iraq in a civil war that Bush's war has created. The longer it stays there,the longer the civil war will last.

The idiocy of having waged this war is compounded by the idiocy of not realizing removing all troops today or next month or next year will make NO DIFFERENCE for the civil warring parties will just lay low until the US leaves.Whether all hell breaks loose tomorrow or next year is of no relevance .What is relevant is that all hell IS GOING TO BREAK LOOSE and it may as well be now than two years from now when the US death toll could be 8,000 and the slaughtered innocent Iraqi count could be 800,000.

Oh yes ,to answer your question.It is people like Bush and I suspect people like you given what you have written that NEED TO BE STOPPED not the Clinton's and Obamas of this world.

The world is as fed up and revolted by those a conservative neo-con like Bush and you a libertarian (and yes,You are on the far right) as they are about the communists etc on the far left .

2007-07-07 09:22:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

All you can do as one person is vote. The Republicans will not see the inside of the White House for a long-long time so perhaps you should pray.

Troops out- - - - - -say Amen- - - - -Peace

2007-07-07 08:47:12 · answer #7 · answered by GO HILLARY 7 · 3 1

Step 1 - locate a time machine
Step 2 - go back to Bush/Gore election
Step 3 - allow Gore to be president
Step 4 - everyone would be sick of Gore by now and would vote Republican

It will be very difficult for Republicans to win this election. Bush has alienated the base of the party and most independents. America wants change, and they will get it.

2007-07-07 08:33:05 · answer #8 · answered by wooper 5 · 3 3

Do you have a site showing where Clinton and Obama stand on the second amendment?

2007-07-07 08:29:01 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Yes. Blog for me, collect signatures from registered voters for me, call in on radio and television shows for me, and help me get nominated and elected to The Office of The President on any available party lines. I have fulfilled the constitutional requirements to assume the powers of The Office of The President of The United States, and have the history of defending human rights with letters to Amnesty International 1984-89, saved the lives of The United States Marines with my whole blood and blood platelet donations and earned the Award of Appreciation from The NY Blood Center, and prosecuted Foreign Islamist War Criminals on the Board of Directors to The Victims of Pan Am Flight #103, and am presently the Nassau County Executive Committee Chairman to The Constitution Party. I have appeared personally on Catholics for Life Cablevision channel 20 with former NYState Gubernatorial candidate Dr. Vincent Garbitelli taped at The Skidmore Law Office in Hicksville on Newbridge RD, and want you to also buy my all original music on cd "Rabbi Daniel Shalom, All Patriot, NO Act" from Tower Records on backorder from The Local Artists'Section and Empire Disc in Garden City,LI,NY, and request it at WHPC 90.3 FM where I visited in person and gave them a copy when I recorded it as "Dan Tobin skippy11550@yahoo.com (516)489-3989". I have also served as Nassau-Suffolk Chapter Delegate to The Pope John the 23d Assembly of The Knights of Columbus Christian Lay Fraternity, and performed with The Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera Company of LI, and Footlight Players of East Rockaway, and been chaperone for St. Thomas The Apostle of West Hempstead Summer Youth Theater 1997-99, and played guitar for tens of thousands at The Du Four Physical Fitness Center 1987-91 at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., and coffeehouses, bars, night clubs, and library basements over my years, and need your help in protecting my country from the illegal immigration from Arab countries and culpable for most of the terrorism and wars today, and to protect the innocent civilians who have been thus far spared because of my sacrifices, prayers, work, and counter-terrorism activities and advocacy.

2007-07-07 08:54:07 · answer #10 · answered by Daniel T 1 · 1 1

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