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because the US has the most people shot every year than any other country, and they are the cause of most crimes

2007-07-07 08:16:23 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

wtf? people, if firearms were banned, that guy at VA tech wouldnt have had a gun either!!! duh! besides, isnt it obvious that with less guns, less people would be shot? yes. people can find other ways to defend themselves. guns have killed more people than they "saved"!

2007-07-07 08:59:40 · update #1

"dont screw with our amendments"?! the government has totally screwed them up! and where the hell did hitler come in??? he never banned firearms or anything!! i would know because im FROM germany! AND i am not a boy!!!

2007-07-08 12:14:02 · update #2

gah! what is it with you? if murder and rape werent banned, there would be a HELLA lot more murder and rape huh?? making it illegal has reduced it!! and im not saying its all the guns fault either, that doesnt make any sense. im saying guns HELP kill people.

2007-07-10 07:49:46 · update #3

16 answers

No firearms should not be banned!! Look at Iraq I believe at this point in time they have the most people shot every year!! Guns are not the cause of most crimes, people are! Guns don't kill people, people kill people!

2007-07-07 08:21:32 · answer #1 · answered by mr.ease82 1 · 1 1

No, I think we should ban rape and murder first. We have? Oh, sorry. So why would a gun ban work better than a murder ban, exactly?

Anyone who thinks that banning an object automatically equates to the complete absence of that object hasn't really thought out the process. Guns in the wrong hands can cause tremendous problems. Guns in the right hands can solve tremendous problems. Stop blaming the tool and blame the person holding it.

ADDED 7/10 2:53 PM: No, what I'm saying is that your assertion that the VA Tech shooter wouldn't have had a gun is faulty. If you contnue to assert that banning guns will mean there are zero guns, then you must also accept that banning murder means there are zero murders.

And guns fire bullets, period. What you do with those bullets is up to you - whether it be hunting, target shooting, a crime spree, or lawful self-defense. But they're not designed to do anything except fire a bullet.

Oh, and Hitler did confiscate guns when he rose to power, using the registration lists generated by the 1928 Law on Firearms and Ammunition.

2007-07-10 08:56:49 · answer #2 · answered by Manevitch 4 · 1 0

It is stupidity like this that results in rights being removed forever. Ask Germany what happened when Hitler banned all firearms. Ask Austrailia what is happening there after near all firearms were banned a few years ago (by the way--all violent crimes are up 200%). If you attempt to ban guns then only honest law abiding people will suffer. Criminals can always get guns. Wake up America! We are on the brink of a governmental "Big Brother" situation. If Hillary Clinton and Sarah Brady get the guns then you and the honest people of this country will suffer. By the way...I am a cop and still feel this way.

2007-07-07 15:30:43 · answer #3 · answered by Jeff C 1 · 1 0

Banning firearms really worked well for the population living in NAZI Germany and really has effected the murder rates in New York quite well. Their murder rate is much higher than states that don't violate the God-given right to self-preservation.

Russia tried to block firearms in Chechyna and this occurred: http://englishrussia.com/?p=965

The VT Tech shooter lied on the ATF form, which criminals ignore laws anyway.

The last murder in this town was a stabbing. Are you for banning knives.

My dad was murdered by someone wielding a car. Something that has a million times the foot pounds per second than a firearm.

Besides blaming an inanimate object for the actions of criminals is more than just short-sighted, it is the refusal to call criminals evil. A gun is just a tool, no better or no worse than the person using the tool. And a gun isn't any more deadly than a hammer, knife or a rope.

If you don't like the fact we are citizens instead of subjects to our government...stay out.

2007-07-08 02:18:15 · answer #4 · answered by .45 Peacemaker 7 · 0 1

Jesus, another effeminate Nancy boy crying that guns are the great evil in America. Grow some balls and get a clue.

Firearms are not the problem. Drugs are the problem. Take the profit out of the drug trade and the killings go down. Mookie and Pookie can't make money on their corner because Johnny Crackhead can go down to the local CVS and get his fix.

Besides, suicide is the leading cause of firearms related death in this country. What are you gonna do now, ban people with depression?

2007-07-07 15:52:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If you take away all of the guns, then only CRIMINALS will have them. The founding fathers put the right to bear arms into the constitution so that the government could never get out of control. In an extreme circumstance, the people could overthrow the government, and set up a new one, as they did. We live in the greatest country in the world, under the best system of Government that man has ever created, even if it isn't perfect.

2007-07-07 15:25:05 · answer #6 · answered by Ben H 5 · 1 0

No, I do not think they should be banned. One professor with a gun could have stopped all those people from being killed at VA tech. Too much evidence against banning. Look up Kennesaw Georgia and your theory is blown to hell.

2007-07-07 15:26:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE PEOPLE DO. When were you attacked by a gun? If you look up the numbers states with carry conceal laws have much lower rates of crime. And to think that taking aways guns from law abiding citizens will end it is a dream and a lie. No criminal is standing line to say here take the guns I am a good person. He wants and will die too use them to Kill who he wants. The real problem is the USA is that bleeding heart Lib.'s do not face the facts and try to press their will on each and every one of us. It is our Constitutional right under the 2nd Amendment to bare arms and we will never give this right up. And count on the left to protect us look at the war on Terror you want to hug a Muslim when they want yours and my head. Wake Up and see what the facts are.

2007-07-07 15:25:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

to answer your question: no

to answer your bold statement: no the united states does not have more people shot every year than any other country. guns are not the cause of most crimes either. guns are more expensive than you think they are, and thus harder to get. even if the united states did ban guns, the criminals will still have guns anyways, because they are already above the law. by banning guns, one would only prevent law abiding citizens from owning them

2007-07-07 15:25:50 · answer #9 · answered by ha ha ha 2 · 1 0

No, banning firearms takes away peoples right to defend themselves against people like the VA-Tech guy.

2007-07-07 15:24:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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