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I often find myself wasting time on internet neglecting my studies. I know I should not do this but I keep repeating the same mistake. How can I stop this?

2007-07-07 07:10:47 · 29 answers · asked by Someone 1 in Social Science Psychology

hmm..I understand I have to discipline myself..actually i have tried that many times but after few days my problem recurs..how to KEEP myself disciplined after I start disciplining myself? Today I wanted to do some calculations using a program on the computer..but for two hours or so I had been orkutting only!!! Why do I have so little will power?

2007-07-07 07:38:14 · update #1

29 answers

Stay away from the internet until your work is done for the day. I understand your problem though...I'm in graduate school and sometimes I just don't feel like studying, so it's easy to avoid it by doing stuff online...kinda like what I'm doing right now :)

2007-07-07 07:13:55 · answer #1 · answered by Angelia 6 · 0 0

This is a common problem among many students. The best answer is to 1) schedule time to study, and follow this schedule strictly, 2) find a study place free of distractions- usually libraries or empty classrooms work well, and 3) be carefull taking breaks- breaks are important, but you know yourself, don't get into any 'risky' situations.

For limiting time on the internet, use a stopwatch to track exactly how much time is spent per sitting. Keeping a log of time spent will quantify the problem, allowing you to measure improvements and see the big picture trends.

Procrastination is also a common problem. This is usally caused by mis-regulation of stress. Stress is good in that it can motivate someone to get work done, but too much causes a person to avoid work. Procrastinators often have trouble imagining the future consequences of their work avoidance. Practice imagining how your future self will feel if the work is finished before it is due. It always feels better to work hard first, and play hard second.

To find out scientists current findings concerning stress, keywords would likely be "stress" and "academic +/- procrastination" on scholar.google.com

2007-07-07 07:25:14 · answer #2 · answered by PsychophysiologyMP 1 · 1 0

I used to have the same problem...it affected my grades and it made me so angry at myself! I would always make excuses to use my computer "for homework". And then I would get sucked into it and just leave my homework sitting on my desk! Well finally I made a decision to myself, I had to put a stop to it! Grades are too important to throw away. So for me, I made myself a schedule. A homework schedule and with "play" inserted in it. I organized my time so I would complete the necessary amount of homework and still be able to do fun things. As it has turned out, it is even more rewarding that way! And procrastination is practically eliminated too. It makes me feel better about myself and my grades show it! So you should try making a schedule for yourself planning out your homework and study time and when and how long you will spend on it and other things! If this does not work, then you will have to take it a step further. Try taking the computer out of your room too, less of a temptation if you cant see it. And if that still doesnt work, maybe you need to get rid of it? Take the necessary steps to ensure your success! I hope this helps! And maybe you should also explore the reasons of why you are avoiding your work. Obviously the computer is more fun...but sometimes there are other reasons why you dont finish it. Such as you are afraid of failure, or you dont understand it, etc. So I just suggest you look into that!

2007-07-07 08:40:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This is not the case of lack of will power.Actually,the reason behind of being indiscipline is that the thing or person or anything special you care the most,persuade to possess and which similar to you and matches with your interest cause you to start neglect the other thing around you or which has prior importance in your life.

I would suggest you that manage your time ie set a time for your studies and netting and do not go beyond that time specifically netting.do some meditation.If you go beyond then ask your mom to make up when you go beyond time set.



2007-07-07 22:54:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If your studies mean something to you and you want to do well you will have to self-discipline yourself to spend the time needed studying. It's the same with tv; you've got to turn it off. One day, your class will be over and the neglect will show; tv and the internet will always be there. When you have more free time you can go and spend hours on it again. Just turn it off, go sit down with your textbooks and work and do it before you get behind. Get your priorities in the correct order.

2007-07-07 07:18:56 · answer #5 · answered by Goldenrain 6 · 1 0

Hi friend,
I am just trying to solve your problem by saying:

1.Firstly set your own target and think about that calmly.
2.Secondly pay attention on your goal first always, be whatever be the circuntances.
3. Discuss your problem in front of your close-ones,friends,teachers.
4. Always think about your ideal person and their achievements.
5. Whenever u switchover to internet, always be your goal clear in your mind.
6. Try to avoid unneccessary chatting . Juut do only your assignments firmly.

7. And the very important thing you could do is always accompany with some of your friends,close-ones so that they can keep vigil over you.

2007-07-08 01:08:38 · answer #6 · answered by ROMIL 1 · 0 0

first of all, you try to judge whether what you do in the internet is really a waste of time or you do something creative also. if you do creative things which help increasing your skills like imagination power (most powerful power) then you need not have to worry. you divide your study time and browsing time and arrange your routine accordingly. everything will be streamlined. but if you really waste your time and cannot control yourself then try these.
try nurturing your hobbies (other than browsing).
go out of your room and spend some time in the garden or with your friends.
and if these also do not work, you can try this...it has worked for me...you set your mind in the following manner. you have made a deal with god (if you believe in god) that if you waste your time in internet (by doing useless thing) then the person who is your most rival will become a step ahead (or any such mindset, which is horrible to you). the more you will waste your time the more he/she will be ahead of you. try to make this imagination as real as you can. it will certainly help you.

2007-07-07 07:32:19 · answer #7 · answered by sandy 1 · 0 0

well it is about this poor farmer, who had no land and had to work on other peoples land.

he had only one possession of his own in this world - his hand plough, made up of a wooden handle and an iron blade. He lived for free in a small chamber of a farm house owned by somebody else.

one day he thought, "to hell with this earthly life, I am going to live an ascetic life in the forest. He wanted to live in peace and careless and free like an animal, away from all worries of the world.

so he left his plough in his chamber and went to the forest and lived there and found peace of mind. But this lasted for only a few days! the thought of his hand plough was troubling him. Termites might have started on its wooden handle or somebody would have already got his hand on it etc.

he finally couldn’t bear no more and returned back to the farm. after a few months of the same life he again thought about living in the forest and finding peace. so he set out again. but again the thought of his hand plough troubled him and he had to return within a few weeks of living the ascetic life in forest

this thing repeated for 6 more times! every time he had to return to his farm. the 7 th time the poor farmer declared - "I will throw away my only possession and get rid of the problem for good" he decided to throw the hand plough in the near by river and climbed up on a small hillock on the banks. he was quite clever so he decided he would close his eyes when he threw the plough so that he will not be able to come back and retrieve it again even if he wished to.

so he closed his eyes and swung the hand plough around his head three times and with a loud cry, threw it as far in to the river as he could. he was finally happy and laughing and declared "I WON" and started climbing down the hill

but the king of the land was camping on the same hillock, on the way back to his palace. He had been fighting big wars with many of the neighboring kings and had defeated them all and was coming back victorious

he heard the big cry "I WON" and wondered who it must be. so he asked his soldiers to fetch the man. he saw it was only our poor farmer, still with a great smile on his face, like that smile on the face of a tiger who had secretly swallowed the hunter.

the king said in amusement - "Hey man, I have won the big war on my enemies and added a lot of land to my kingdom. I thought I was the one who was the big winner here and the most happy. May I ask you to explain your loud cry "I WON" and the happy smile on your face?

the farmer who was still very happy and smiling told the king, "your majesty, I have conquered myself! and that’s why I cried I WON. I am going to the forest, I want nothing any more and I have nothing to worry about"

2007-07-07 08:16:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i sometimes do this when im ment to be doing homework or research i just waste time surfing pointlessly just like googleing random words or going to random pointless sites.

The way i find it is to make a scheldule and stick to it and if you find yourself randomly surfing turn the computer off go for a walk then go back on if you must.

hope i helped

2007-07-07 07:15:32 · answer #9 · answered by koolkid2168 2 · 0 0

unplug the sum b*tch, and go outside, move around a lil bit, i have this problem too but severe enough to ask about advice ON THE INTERNET, HOW TO GET OFF THE INTERNET, LOL

2007-07-07 07:40:32 · answer #10 · answered by million dollar dreams 1 · 0 0

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