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There was a time we worked together for a common good to move our people forward. Now, it seems we're falling even farther behind the lines and between the cracks. I know there's no magic answer, but we need to start looking for any answer to rebuild pride, power and purpose in our people . .

2007-07-07 06:54:36 · 21 answers · asked by R. Lee Gordon 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

21 answers

One of the first things to do is to stop blaming "Whitey" for all the misery blacks go through. I have been told several times "your ancestors put my ancestors in chains!" Hmmm...considering that my parents and I moved to the United States from Germany when I was 8 years, this is probably false. But I'm white, so it's my fault, and I'm a little tired of hearing that.
That said, please consider this: the majority of black families are too busy working for a living, trying to raise their kids to be productive members of society, trying to get that taste of the "American Dream" to worry about trying to bring back the Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam, and the other militant black groups who did more harm to the black cause than anything "Whitey" did in the 20th century. The riots of 1992 probably did'nt help much either, especially when Reginald Denny was pulled from his truck on national TV and beaten nearly to death simply because he was white.
I realize I'm going to be called a bigot for my remarks, but it's cool. I've been called worse, usually by people who refuse to look at facts.
In closing, let me say that the American Blacks do not need Unity. They do not need militant leaders. They need the trade schools, engineering schools, computer schools. THAT is where the REAL power is.

2007-07-14 16:31:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I really feel those days are long gone. They started black unity because the blacks got treated like crap before and I would have done the same thing. We live in a much more diverse culture than before, and it's time to put all that behind us and move forward together. Everyone is accepted here...there are just some who still carry this and that's too bad really. I don't see color, I see a country who needs to stand together for MANY more important issues other than the color of ones skin. Black people have more rights than I do and I've never complained about it. However, I think the african culture is very fascinating and should indeed be kept. Same as indian american culture, arabic, asian, etc. It's part of what makes America AMERICA! You should use your time being more creative and share your culture with the rest of the world and allow EVERYONE to appreciate who you are. I know I would be interested to know.

2007-07-13 20:39:13 · answer #2 · answered by missnasa2001 4 · 0 0

this is a hard question. i've also wondered y we as a people have fallen so far behind. after martin luther king jr. was assassinated it seems like everything just fell apart. if we want to restore our unity and pride then we need to start in our black homes. most of the time there is no father in the home. our homes are broken and there is a single black woman raising children by herself. we are now in a day and age where black children need their fathers. there is so much opportunity for a child to be lead down the wrong path. we also need to set higher standards for ourselves. if we want to become a stronger people it needs to start with the black men. you all need to appreciate your women more and stop setting other women from different races on higher pedestals. you all need to come back into the broken homes and raise your children and take care of your families. im not trying to be harsh on purpose but the truth has to be told.

2007-07-07 14:12:37 · answer #3 · answered by hey girl hey! 4 · 2 0

The problem is the same as it is with all races. As Blacks were struggling, it was that struggle that brought unity. There has been huge progress within the Black community as a whole and now there are the "Have" and the "Have Nots" within the race.

Those with wealth, especially the youth, do not remember the struggle and their own personal desires have become more important to them.

Witness MTV's reality series about rich teens and their ultimate birthday parties.

It's the "ME" generation.

Welcome to the Human Race. You can't tell the Blacks from the Whites anymore etc.

2007-07-15 11:42:45 · answer #4 · answered by Mike Ologee 2 · 0 0

The only people that I'm trying to move forward is me and mine. Black people need to accept responsibility for their own ignorance and stop blaming others for their demise and social ills. There has been 1 step forward and 2 steps backwards. I've decided to no longer make it my problem. I'm going to keep moving forward and working to pave the way for my family and unite with those regardless of race that have the same dreams and goals that I have for me and my family.

There are some Blacks who have progressed, but there are some who don't want to work or grow. They're content where they are. I say leave them behind and move on! You can't save the world, so save yourself.

2007-07-14 12:53:02 · answer #5 · answered by hotchocolate 2 · 2 0

Hopefully this will answer your question.

I feel that blacks have a lot of self-hatred. They're so caught up in what they see on TV and what people like that now their thinking that light skin is best and dark skinned people are below everybody. They're so used to hearing about the stereotypes of black people that it's no longer just a stereotype. Although alot of black people tend to have self-hatred I believe they truly wish the best for their race. All we need is a black leader. We should have more activities for black children and black people to just get together and celebrate themselves. Those kind of things encourage us alot.

We need to start with us and not always go to "the white man" for help~

2007-07-07 14:20:39 · answer #6 · answered by LadyPureDee 2 · 1 0

The blacks will have to go back to following the "Laws of Moses" along with all the other races on earth to restore unity in the human race.

2007-07-15 12:11:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

this is a great question....you get a star..

I think that we adults need to hold the media responsibile....its one of the biggest factors for the downfall of the black community...young children have acess to booty shaking and gun blasting violence too soon, we need to make sure that radio and t.v. stations have a limit as to what our youth get access too. ..I'm not saying that we need to censor artists but we just to to limit access....if you want to make a song about some hoe thas fine but I dont want to see that song played on 106 & park which is a show that is maketed towards teens..

next we need to build more community centers for our children to go to. I live in the projects (polo grounds in NYC ) and there isnt a libray in walking distance, the parents (usually drug addicted) just let thier children run free in the streets ( as young a 5) there is no place for these children to go, but get in trouble. There are palces like the YMCA but it costs money (money many parents, esp those with multiple children cant afford)...but we cant sit on our butts and wait until the white man (gov't) decides on what we need, we need to get out vote and fight for what is right...

And even though I agree with Ryan about America as a unity..the black commnunity has its own problems...in NYC some classes are held in locker rooms and the gym b/c some schools lack funding...while upstate PUBILC schools have carpets

2007-07-07 14:14:28 · answer #8 · answered by Pee 3 · 2 0

It would take Black fathers taking responsibilty for their sons and daughters.
It would take Black men and women ending the cycle of self hate and degredation.
It would take us cleaning up our neighborhoods.
Education taken seriously.
Health related issues addressed.
Ending gangs and the need for them.
Opening community outreach centers and funding them with the dollars spent on jewelry and name brands.
Black celebrities (Other than the few who do) putting their money back into the communites.
Rap artists doing in school positive tours.
Singers and rappers being attainable.
Black lawyers, judges, and policemen mentoring troubled youth.
I could go on for days and days, but let's start with the person in the mirror.

2007-07-07 14:08:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Why do you want to have black unity? Why not have American unity where every American regardless of their race is together?

People need to get over their petty racial mentalities and just be individuals in a world where people are judged on merit.

2007-07-07 13:58:16 · answer #10 · answered by The Stylish One 7 · 6 0

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