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Yah, I am going to trust these clowns with national security when they are afraid to go on the # 1 Cable News Network.

Liberals don't mind discussing who is more patriotic if patriotism is defined as redistributing income and handing out entitlements. Only if patriotism is defined as supporting America do they get testy and drone on about 'NEOCONS'.

2007-07-07 04:33:23 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

Go Fox News! Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity are the best!

2007-07-07 04:47:40 · answer #1 · answered by ItsScriptural 3 · 5 5

If FOX 'news' was news you might have a point, but FOX is just another propaganda outlet for the reactionaries of the current GOP. Nobody, particularly the non-existant 'liberal' strawman, has suggested that 'patriotism' has anything to do with redistributing income or handing out 'entitlements'. Further, 'supporting 'America' means supporting our Constitution and principles, not supporting flawed polices. By now you may have noticed that fewer than 2/3 of the US public backs the Bush administration...there's a reason for that....the GOP made a lot of unrealistic and unworkable promises to get elected. As it turned out the Bush administration was not only incompetent to deal with real problems it even denied such problems existed. Voters, as ill informed as they are, thanks to FOX in particular and the media in general, aren't stupid. They expected results and got zip. The Bush Junta proved from Day 0ne that they they had no clue no matter how much FOX tried to pump these guys up! Terrified of FOX? No....just not interested in legitimizing a propaganda and disinformation tool of the discreditied right.

2007-07-07 11:49:02 · answer #2 · answered by Noah H 7 · 2 2

They are not "Terrified" of Fox News, and the fact that it is the "#1" Cable news outlet is only due to the masses of sheep in this nation who accept sensationalism over fact.

It's the people who watch Fox that are to blame for things like Paris Hilton's legal problems being the #1 news item of the day, when we are a country at war, and have a foriegn policy that is alienating the rest of the world.
Get a Clue !
Why should any candidate waste thier time expressing thier views on Fox, when they know it will only be viewed by close-minded people who aren't about to vote fior them.
For example: President Clinton went on there to discuss his Global Initiative, only to be assailed about his failure to kill Bin Laden 10 years before.
Let's just agree that all the media are biased towards what's hot on any given day, and that the best policy for viewers seeking the truth, is to get thier info from a variety of print and electronic media.

2007-07-07 11:51:35 · answer #3 · answered by thehermanator2003 4 · 3 3

Oh please. Terrified? Theyre making a cheap political stunt, because moveon.org pressured them to do it. And I dont know if youve noticed, but only the most idiotic of the candidates refused to go on Fox. Theyre not terrified, they think theyre winning votes. Believe me, if they thought they could win more votes by going on Fox, those vote-whores would be all over it, but they dont, and theyre not.

Joe Biden, Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich have said that they have no problem having a Democratic debate on Fox, and plan to attend if Fox holds one. Kucinich in particular goes on Fox fairly often. I've seen him on Hannity and Colmes several times.

Please try to keep some perspective and avoid these silly partisan attacks. Kucinich is easily the most liberal of all the Democratic candidates, and as I mentioned, he goes on Fox regularly.

2007-07-07 11:41:10 · answer #4 · answered by Jesus W. 6 · 2 2

Democrates and Republicans both should be more terrified of Lou Dobbs on CNN. Lou goes into detail on news stories far beyond other news stations. Check out CNN and you will see what I mean...Lou Dobbs Tonight

2007-07-07 11:50:29 · answer #5 · answered by rocky19312002 1 · 2 0

I am thinking that rather than hilarity, it should give you pause and make you investigate their reasoning to see if it has merit. It is kneejerk reactions such as this that keeps the population politically polarized.
Check out their reasoning here:


I would agree though, that they should go on Fox if for no other reason than to show they aren't afraid to face down lies with truth. But, to claim Fox is unbiased is patently ridiculous.

2007-07-07 12:55:21 · answer #6 · answered by Slimsmom 6 · 0 2

Liberals don't go anywhere the truth might be about them. And the way they go on about the war. What about the war on poverty? Have they won that? How about our Independence from foreign oil? Did saving our environment accomplish that?
I'm sitting here scratching my head trying to think of something the Lib's have accomplished that is good for the country!

2007-07-07 11:56:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I see it as they are missing an opportunity to get their message out to Conservatives who watch Fox News.

2007-07-07 11:48:14 · answer #8 · answered by rz1971 6 · 3 1

LOL! I hardly doubt liberals are terrified. I remember Howard Stern went on Bill O'Reilly and when Bill offered him a "No-Spin Jacket" he said that he'd give the jacket to a crack whore.

That was classic.

FOX News is consvervative propaganda - yes, but, Liberals are not afraid to go on there.

And, after all, why would they be? It is Fair and Balanced is it not?

Nice picture of Republican porn star Mary Carey by the way, I remember when Howard dipped your head in a toliet.

2007-07-07 11:44:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

The candidates may as well go on Saturday Night Live as Faux News. Actually, SNL would have more credibility.

2007-07-07 11:39:54 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

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