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Then why is everyone so on board with Universal Healcare? What makes you think that the government will do a better job when they have a whole country's hospitals to take care of and maintain?

2007-07-07 03:55:58 · 17 answers · asked by smellyfoot ™ 7 in Politics & Government Politics

Jeff S - You know that Canada has cheap meds because of legislation? That's a main reason why meds in the US are so expensive. The pharmeceutical companies have to pick up the profit somewhere else!

2007-07-07 04:06:44 · update #1

Xenypoo - I don't know what question you are answering...but you've made all the wrong assumptions.

2007-07-07 04:34:45 · update #2

Ambivalence - Are you familiar with the public school system. I'm pretty sure they are out in the open, where everyone can see how crummy they are.

2007-07-07 04:36:43 · update #3

17 answers

This may sound harsh, but should hard-working, self-disciplined individuals who sacrifice and act responsibly get the same treatment as some lazy, carefree welfare momma who thought buying a box of condoms was less important than getting her nails done?

Let's just call "Universal Health Care" by it's real name. We're all adults here. It's nothing but Socialized medicine, and I am living that nightmare here in the Czech Republic. Let me tell you what it is like.

You don't make an appointment exactly. You are simply told to show up on a certain date and time, but there are 30 people waiting also, and you will wait about 2-1/2 to 3 hours. If you need an MRI, forget it. The doctor will never authorize it until other options are exhausted. Do you know that in countries like Canada, where they have Socialized medicine, there are less MRI machines than in my former home of DuPage County, Illinois (suburb of Chicago)?

The dirty little secret no one will tell you is that Socialized medicine will cost so much that medicine and care will be rationed. You are thinking to yourself, "Care won't be rationed in the United States. We have rights! We'll do a better job than in other countries". If you think that, you are hopelessly naive. In EVERY country with Socialized medicine, you have long wait times for surgery. Let's say you hurt your knee skiing. You really want to wait three months for surgery? This isn't some doom and gloom scenario, it is exactly what socialized medicine is like everywhere, whether it be Argentina, the Czech Republic or France.

The only reason Liberals want Socialized medicine is that they know they can use it as a heavy-handed weapon at voting time. Every year, despite all the rampant corruption, poor service, underqualified doctors, long wait times and nightmarish bureaucracy, the Democrats will scare every family with children with dire warnings that those callous, evil Republicans want to take away their "free" health care. It will be harder for people to afford private health care because their taxes will have been raised to support that "FREE" Socialized medicine that allows the responsible hard working people to sit next to pregnant Loquitia and her six welfare babies.

----- ADDENDUM -------
What the heck is the second guy below (Niccolo) talking about? I have never presented myself as a health care provider, only as a dissatisfied patient. I think some people need to read a little more closely!

2007-07-07 04:18:23 · answer #1 · answered by pachl@sbcglobal.net 7 · 3 4

I'm a veteran and I'm very grateful for the VA hospitals. I would have no care otherwise. Having health insurance now last only as long as your job does. There are countries a lot poorer than the United States who furnish their citizens with health care. All civilized societies should do so. How productive we are depends greatly on how healthy we are.
As long as we only treat Americans, it would probably be more economical to give care to any who need it. I don't think we can do it for us and Mexico.

2007-07-07 11:07:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Last time pachi@sbcglobal used much of the same false choices and misinformation, he portrayed himself as a health care provider. I recall this because it occurred to me then that his statements sounded like he was an insurance salesman or something. Favor the system you will, you certainly have that right. Just don't lie about it for god only knows what reason.

Correction and apology: It was not pachi@sbcglobal that had previously represented himself as a health care provider in an answer. It was Pharmer. While many of the talking points were the same, I was wrong. I apologize to Mr. Pachi. In the future I will be more careful to be accurate when I chide people for their lack of accuracy.

2007-07-07 11:29:35 · answer #3 · answered by Niccolo 2 · 3 1

I do not want them running the show just cutting the checks is all .

People get sick in the third world and with proper treatment and medicines get better .

Tent hospitals for some people might work .

Lets let the doctors determine if you need a private air conditioned or heated room . Several months of the year the weather is better outside then in .
Stadium medicine with cots and some space between folks .

2007-07-07 11:16:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I don't think the recent upset about the VA Hospitals is the reason for Liberals wanting Universal Health-Care. That just doesn't make any sense, does it, since Bill Clinton introduced the idea of it through his wife, when he was president, and the Americans shot that idiot idea down as fast as you could say the word WRONG. Ma'am, the VA Hospitals have been, for lack of a more horrific word, unaccountable, and lacking in proper medical care since Lyndon B. Johnson was president. Don't blame Mr. Bush, because if anyone does, they will make a fool of themselves, for being DEAD wrong. Although, I must say some president should fix the problem. We've waited too long, through many presidents, of both parties, to do so.

2007-07-07 11:09:29 · answer #5 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 1 4

Before I started to answer your question, I took a look at some of the other answers. Not bad..........for people who don't know of what they speak. First of all, it was "HOSPITAL", one....... not the entire network of three hundred(300). I'm a Veteran.......although I live in Michigan, I've been to hospitals in Texas, Illinois and Kentucky, as well as three(3) here in Michigan. The VA health care system is ranked very high in the U.S. Compared to private care, the VA has kept up, even surpassed them in some areas. You better do some more checking before making statements you can't back up.......................LATER............

2007-07-07 11:27:38 · answer #6 · answered by veteranpainter 4 · 4 1

You weren't paying attention. The shocking neglect was in the outpatient services that had been privatized. The neglect came as a result of favored contractors fulfilling their bottom line missions at the expense of their promised service. Walter Reed, as a whole, provides excellent care. That's where the few recipients of socialized health care in our country -- you know the president, vice president and members of congress -- get treated.

2007-07-07 11:07:01 · answer #7 · answered by Mac 3 · 4 2

What are you saying? You support the cost of our medicines because they are cheaper in Canada? Maybe if we didn't spend hundreds of billions in Iraq Walter Reed would have more money and less Vets to provide health care. Remember now, this is our republican controlled government in action. Six years of complete control, eleven in control of congress.

2007-07-07 11:32:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Well, then I assume you believe the United States is incapable of doing what most first-world countries have done? Too bad a country can put someone on the moon but not take appropriate care of its people. You got stocks in that HMO?

2007-07-07 11:00:09 · answer #9 · answered by James S 4 · 2 3

Why would anyone be against a not for profit industry taking over a for profit one?
Surely all of you who are for (the current system) it can't all be millionaires. Isn't it time you people started to vote for your own economic benefit, instead of wall streets?

2007-07-07 11:01:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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