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I am just wondering if anyone actually learned anything in the middle of it all. If you don't learn from your mistakes they get repeated and I have serious doubts about the future of the united states because of the unwilllingess to do anything other than bully and call names. so someone prove me wrong please.

2007-07-07 02:46:31 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

21 answers

Our experience with our Warmonger-in-THIEF's terms of office should have taught us, more than any other single thing, that our future as a free country absolutely DEPENDS upon our correcting our ELECTION procedures so that the obvious frauds that got Bush into the White House both times can NEVER be repeated.

As was well-documented by ABC World News Tonight on Thanksgiving Day, 2000, the Palm Beach County vote count was halted by bussed-in THUGS in a "Bush operation" that intimidated the counters. Followed by Bush's dishonest CRONIES in the U.S. Supreme Court finishing the job for him -- to their eternal dishonor.

In 2004, the exit polls -- which are so amazingly accurate as to have been employed in other nations to force a re-vote when election results were contradictory to them -- showed that Kerry was winning easily. So in that election, the new, paper-trail-free electronic voting machines were probably to blame.

To ENSURE that no such abuses (or possible abuses) can ever again occur, the Congress needs to QUICKLY enact a federal law that MANDATES the following: **ALL** electronically-recorded votes may be regarded as PRELIMINARY only... to be followed by an OFFICIAL tally of simultaneously-recorded votes on **paper**. No matter how wide the disparity in the vote count may SEEM to be from the electronic tally.

Today's typical 14-year-old can hack into those electronic machines. HOW MUCH motivation on the part of high-level Republicans would it take to alter critical vote-counts in this nation of docile and apathetic SHEEP?

2007-07-07 03:05:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

That absolute power does indeed corrupt absolutely. The true Axis of Evil. President Bush, V.P. Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld have set America down a path of self-destruction in their quest for power, money and control. I learned that six years after nine-eleven, our open borders are not important to them. Spying on Americans is important. The patriot act is anything but patriotic. If you aren't with them, you are the enemy. Dissent isn't allowed. Secrecy and loyalty are cherished above competence. I have learned that I am absolutely against this type of republican politics and that many conservatives cheer while this administration sells us down the drain and spends us down the tubes. Actually it isn't anything new, Nixon and Watergate, Reagan and Iran/Contra, Bush Sr. and read my lips. I guess it's not so much learned as re-enforced what I already knew.

2007-07-07 03:24:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I wish I could prove you wrong, but I can't. This presidency is a mess! Generations after us will have to suffer many burdens because of Bush, Cheney, and Rummsfeld. We need someone who can pull together both sides of this political arena and guide the United States toward what is reasonable and best for its citizens that live right here on American soil. I feel desperately sorry for those who suffer in other countries, but if we can't take care of our own citizens, how can we expect to help others while our country bends under government neglect? This is a mess.

2007-07-07 02:55:20 · answer #3 · answered by Teacher 4 · 5 1

1) The electoral college is still valid, because most Americans still are not ready to chose their executive;

2) Pay no attention to sound bytes;

3) Pay less attention to someone who claims to be a Christian and moral;

4) If a politician acts tough, he probably is just acting;

5) If a politician acts dumb, he probably isn't acting;

6) Don't choose a president based on the presidency of his father. Like father, like son does not apply.

2007-07-07 03:00:20 · answer #4 · answered by James S 4 · 4 0

I've learned that no matter how much a President tries (and succeeds)to protect the citizens of the United States, he will be attacked on a daily basis by the uninformed and unpatriotic who are far more concerned with returning their party to power than with the well-being of the nation. They're so power-mad that they fail to realize that if we don't stop terrorism, THERE WON'T BE A COUNTRY TO BE IN CHARGE OF!

I've learned that the Sheeple of this country are so ignorant that they will let their opinion of their Commander-in-Chief be formed by 7 second sound bytes spoon-fed to them by a pervasive electronic and print media with a bias so obvious that Ray Charles could see it. "If I saw it on CNN, it must be true."
Bull5hit! Read the whole story. Hell, read a book if any of you remember how. Want a real challenge? Read a book or listen to a program (Glenn Beck is a good example) that differs from your liberal views, and do it with an open mind!

I've learned that if Liberals are allowed to run this country, their reign will be short because by the time they realize that we're in trouble, Islamo-fascists will have reduced at least two major U.S. cities to smoking holes in the ground or unihabitable nuclear wastelands.

Let the "thumbs down" icon's flow! I don't care. I love this country too much to surrender it to terrorists or eco-nazi, global warming alarmists.

Educate yourself. From both sides of the aisle. Then vote your conscience (if you have one).

2007-07-07 04:24:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I learned to trust my instincts, if I sense that someone is dishonest and sleazy I should work much much harder to see to it that they lose the election. And that all the votes are counted. And I am doing that having become a registrar and a pollwatcher within the last several years.

2007-07-07 02:53:48 · answer #6 · answered by ash 7 · 5 0

That he has further divided this country in contrast to what he said he would do! He got us involved in war under false pretenses, without a plan to win it .. The cost of living has risen dramatically under his tenure, to say nothing about failure to up hold the laws {illegal invasion } Scooter Libby, Habeous corpus, yes, I,ve relearned lot, all politicians are liars, this one in particular!!

2007-07-07 03:03:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I've learned that a majority of Americans are fearful at heart and are sheepish in disposition. It took six years for Americans to start waking up to the threats to our own way of life that have come from Bush, and Washington in general.

I've learned anew about the sublime perfection of our Constitution (I always capitalize it), and I've learned how our country, and our Constitution, are only as strong as the number of citizens who are capable of giving a shtt. Thank God there are a few of us.

2007-07-07 02:54:11 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 5 2

if you have doubts..the only thing you can do is vote..

I have learned that redemption is only a virtue the left has domain over..because their leaders are few and far between

2007-07-07 02:53:50 · answer #9 · answered by UMD Terps 3 · 3 0

Yes, I have learned something. Though an IQ of 111 is substantially above average, it is still not high enough to understand the issues that would allow one to govern effectively. Let's insist that our next President have an IQ of at least 112...

2007-07-07 02:50:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

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