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1. Tax Relief for working Americans. His tax plan saved me 7K last year. I used that money to keep my kids in Private School where they learn the 3 r's.....not about heather having 2 mommies or how to put a condom on a bannana. Like they did GM & Ford, the unions have destroyed public education.

2. Honor & Dignity back in the oval office. It's important for me that my kids can look at our president and be proud. In Bush's oval office you have to wear a suit and a tie. Under Clinton, any chubby 19 year old intern could come in wearing a g-string, knee pads and carrying some k-y jelly. You have to admit LIBS. It's kind of nice having a President who does not spend all his time in front of special prosecutors, Grand Juries and Impeachment Hearings!

(Unlike Clinton, NO Prominent ELECTED official, or Major RESPECTED news outlet is EVEN calling for Impeachment hearings or Grand Jury investigations of BUSH)

2007-07-07 02:37:39 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

3. Democracy in the Middle East. Having a Democratic Iraq will stabilize OPEC and spread freedom to the hopeless Islamic people.

4. Leadership. Bush is a decisive leader. When he says something the world knows he means it. Unlike democrats, he does not stick his finger up in the air depending which way the polls are blowing to make up his mind.

5. Judges that don't make up new law but enforce the existing ones. The "no under god" and "gay marriage" judges are left wingers that hate this country and need to be removed. Alito & Roberts are Judicial Studs!

6. Keeping us safe after 9/11. Bush policies like wire taps, cuba interrogation camps, Patriot Act and ‘Fighting them over there so we don’t have to Fight them over here’ appear to be working. There have been ZERO terror attacks on USA soil since 9/11.

Thanks GWB!


2007-07-07 02:38:16 · update #1

15 answers

1) The overall tax burden on average Americans has gone up dramatically in the last 6 years, mostly because of Bush's domestic budget cuts.
2) There is no honor among thieves. Cheney and his crowd are stealing the Treasury blind as contractors in Iraq. Also, check out H.R 333, articles of impeachment against VP Cheney.
3) Democracy in the Middle East is an impossible dream. Their traditions do not allow for democracy...another example of imposing our values on foriegn cultures. That's why we were attacked on 9/11/01, and they are only making the situation worse by trying to spread democracy through the barrel of a gun.
4) There is no such thing as Leadership from Bush, he is just a tool for Cheney and the shadow government that wants perpetual war.
5) Every time a judge renders a decision it has the force of law, as a judicial precedent. Prior court decisions are cited as the rule of law on a daily basis in this country. To say that judges should not legislate is a mis-representation of our legal system, and it is used by people who have no respect for the Constitution.
6) We are no safer today than we were on Sept. 10, 2001. The southern border is still porous in spite of Congress authorizing a 700-mile fence. So far less than 10 miles have been built. Students and professionals from Muslim countries, such as the recent terrorists arrested in the U.K., are given visa's by the State department without any kind of background check. The FBI cannot even secure it's own weapons in Washington, D.C. On several occasions caches of weapons have been stolen from FBI vehicles and no arrests have been made in any of those cases. To be sure, Federal employees have been doing an excellent job protecting us, but to give Bush any credit at all is ridiculous. Career civil servants are carrying the load, not the President.
It's time for some people in America to wake up and smell the coffee.....Bush is part of the problem, not a part of the progress.

2007-07-07 02:41:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

1. I am glad you are rich. Gas prices ate up the very small tax break we got.
2. Dignity? How about all the records they keep hiding from the public. Honesty doesn't count as dignity?
3. I don't see a Democracy in Iraq. Just a bunch of killings.
4. Yes, very decisive leader. To hell with the people who elected him, he does what he wants.
5. Yeah, according to you on the far right we need all judges to agree with you. That's not healthy when half the population leans to the left.
6. I have to agree on that one.
By the way, you better stick to pitching your points in the evening. Seems like the other side are morning people.

2007-07-07 10:22:01 · answer #2 · answered by grumpyoldman 7 · 0 3

"It's kind of nice having a President who does not spend all his time in front of special prosecutors, Grand Juries and Impeachment Hearings!"

"Honor & Dignity back in the oval office. It's important for me that my kids can look at our president and be proud"

You can't be serious RedFaceRandy

2007-07-07 11:58:56 · answer #3 · answered by R8derMike 6 · 0 1

Well you hit dignity in the oval office fine, but somewhere you lost me on the 7-k. all me & the wife received was 300.00 & you know what ? Local taxes went up well above that. I voted for bush against gore, because gore is just a clinton wanna be when it comes to politics, & I voted for him the 2nd time, not because of his outstanding leadership, but rather his opponent. Kerry is a first class nut case, but now I ve FINALLY.........come to realize (and it took a few years) since I ve gotten older, it is in my opinion that the WHOLE political machine in DC is in bad need of an overhaul (to put in mechanics terms) or we should throw every freakin one of them back (fisherman terms)
The political system is completely busted. Thanks to the political elite. Mosrt folks blame the president & the vice for all the ills of the nation, but its the whole damned lot of them up there. Senators, Represenatives ALL.

2007-07-07 10:43:21 · answer #4 · answered by Job1000 4 · 1 0

There are places for people afflicted with your type of thought pattern. They used to be called asylums. George Bush represents the most venal, insidious threat recently visited on America. The fact that you listed saving $7,000 first demonstrates you share his "me first" ethos and selfishness. George Bush slithers on his belly across the stupidity of a major portion of the American electorate. As a disabled veteran, college graduate, I am embarrassed that my country has been so ruined by so few for their own profit.

2007-07-07 09:45:43 · answer #5 · answered by Joe M 2 · 3 2

This isn't a question. I really doubt that a man with an income bracket that would have a tax cut that netted him $7000.00 would spend so much time making a rambling diatribe like this.

Seriously, I got to call you on this one.

And your avatar... nah, no one is paying you that high of an income.

2007-07-07 09:42:39 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

bush is just as big a jerk as clinton, they are twin brothers by different mothers, disco boy. i think i'm going to puke. go wave a flag for your draft dodger president.

2007-07-07 09:43:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

That's pretty funny, have you done one of those about Clinton?

2007-07-07 09:41:27 · answer #8 · answered by ash 7 · 0 1

I'm guessing you like GWB. What was the question?

2007-07-07 09:46:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

All true and isn't it strange how it is so downplayed by the liberals and the media! He is a very honorable man but I can't understand this border and ILLEGAL crap. What's up with that???

2007-07-07 09:42:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

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