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I know that celebrities have a lot or career responsibilites but I think it is a disgrace to have a complete stranger raise your children for you. People like Catherine Zeta Jones have a nannie for each of their kids. And Madonna is so into her career and body that I can't imagine her spending much time with her kids. Also Posche Spice, whenever you see her, her children are never with her. I HATE this whole nannie craze. If you decide to have children you should raise them yourself, and not decide to keep working 24 hours a day, for money you dont need and to stay in the spotlight. These women aren't really mom's to me, so why do they get so much credit. And to the kids grow up to resent them, or love them?

2007-07-07 02:26:45 · 8 answers · asked by liz-beth 1 in News & Events Media & Journalism

Oh and I'm not talking about normal people who have nannies (i think that's horrible too) but specifically celebs. WHO DONT NEED THE MONEY AT ALL, THERE CHOOSING IT OVER THEIR KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh if you decide to have kids, then take care of them yourself, put them in aftercare if you have to work alot, but if you cant afford it have 1 kid instead of 4

2007-07-07 02:38:59 · update #1

8 answers

It's not just celebrities that have nannies. My wife worked for about 3 years after we had kids. We could not afford to lose her income. In that period, we hired a "nanny" to care for my children.
It's a balance between wanting to stay at home, and wanting to provide a decent life for your kids. Believe it or not, there actually are some families that need to work 2 jobs to be able to get by.

2007-07-07 02:35:12 · answer #1 · answered by mark 7 · 4 0

Wow. What a judgmental, immature question. What is the nanny craze you are referring to? Nannies have been around for centuries.

How often do you SEE Posh Spice? And you talk with Madonna regularly, so you know all she cares about is her career and her body? You run into her in the locker room at the gym? You monitor the celebrity time clock, so you know that they all work 24 hours a day?

You have no idea what celebrities' real lives are like, and you're making judgments about people's character and home lives based on what you see in the pages of Us Weekly, apparently.

It seems like you are assuming that anyone who has a nanny doesn't care for their children at all.

Since I will freely admit, unlike you, that I don't really know anything about what a celebrity's home life is like, I will say that the following is an assumption: I'm guessing that having a nanny allows many celebrity moms to spend MORE time with their children, not less. If they take their child and nanny to the set with them, then they get to see that child during their downtime that day. If they leave the child in some other form of childcare, they don't see the child until they arrive at home.

You're still a teenager. I would suggest that you grow up a little and get some perspective -- perhaps a career and some kids -- before you write your first parenting book.

2007-07-07 09:58:00 · answer #2 · answered by jackielemmon 4 · 3 1

I think that anyone who lets someone else raise their child is an irresponsible parent. They are still parents, as they are caring for their child, but they are doing so through a third party that is not related. I agree with you - people like madonna and catherine are doing their children a great disservice by letting a nanny raise them, and then they have the audacity to go on the letterman show and talk about how good they are at parenting. I am a 37 year old divorced male, and I drive 700 miles every weekend to get to pick up my daughter. While we were married, my wife wanted to have a full time career and let the day care raise our daughter, so I quit working and became the stay at home dad.

The only way we are going to teach our children how to be functioning people is for the biological parents to do so. If you don't want to raise a child, don't have one.

Granted, Madonna, Catherine, and all the other celebrimoms are giving their children a life of luxury which I would not turn down, but what are they learning besides money will get you anything you want?

2007-07-07 09:47:16 · answer #3 · answered by Basil M 3 · 2 2

I think you are totally right. These celebs that have kids and then pawn them off to nannies are being very selfish. Of course they are moms, but I don't believe they are good ones. Why have children if you aren't going to love them and raise them yourself? I think that it is different in all cases, some children will resent the fact that their parents were always gone, and some will be fine with it and grow up to be normal. I think Jennifer Garner is a great example of a celebrity mom that has chosen her baby over the spotlight and is raising her child without help from a Nanny.

2007-07-07 12:31:44 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Well, when you are rich, you can literally "have your cake and eat it too".

Be honest, how many moms look back and sigh at the "life they gave up" to become moms.

This is why we are resentful at times when we look at the lives of people like these celebrities.

It's all part and parcel to the life they have picked. Their nannies are extensions of themselves, filling the needs their children have.

There are all kinds of people in this world. Frankly I don't want to judge their world, because yes, their children will grow up differently than the traditional "norm" of how you or I would do it as stay at home moms....(let's face it, what is the difference between working moms who put their kids in daycare?) Someone else is raising them, and as working class people it may be even worse because you don't really know how your kids are treated in your absence.

This is how the Paris Hilton's of the world are born or the troubled youths, and if the nannies leave and are switched, it can be very traumatic for a child too, so the kids may be kept busy and entertained and even educated, but they learn that mom and dads role is to be "out there" rather than "with them" so that is how they will likely be too, but how successful their children turn out in turn, will be another story.

They (celebrities) get credit because people are stupid and have the wrong values and see what the media wants them to see. These people are always in our faces thanks to technology and the times we live.

I don't care what they do. I have my life, my children and I raise them the way I believe is right. Frankly, I get compliments on my children's intelligence, manners, wit and compassion all the time. That is credit enough for me.

I've learned in my life, that what my children need is ME. They look to me for approval, for guidance, for support, for love and for comfort and self-esteem. That is my job and I don't care that I don't get paid for it. The best things in life are free, and anything worth doing is often done without expectation of any monetary gain.

When you have money, your world is a whole different ball game entirely. There are external pressures and expectations of your life and you have too many demands on your time to possibly meet them all yourself. You become an administrator for your life and run it much like a business.

So don't compare riches, the haves and have nots, because in many ways, I feel I am much richer than any billionaire could ever possibly hope to be because of what I value and what is important to my life and because of what I need and what I chose to be.

No doubt it's easier to run a business than to raise a child however, and I suppose that is what they really end up getting credit for--their ability to be able to blend the two and raise of child who has been pampered their whole life. In the end though their lives are very mixed up.

I find living a simple life is much more easier on your health and happiness and you find something they never do--the beauty and wonder of life and nature and the generosity of spirit and kindness that lacks in their paranoid world and sheltered world.

2007-07-07 10:21:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I agree with you but someone posted...wanting to stay home or wanting to give your kid a better life? That really irritates me. Children need love more then they need nice things. That is the most important thing. My kids friends have often said to my kids that they are lucky to have a stay at home mom. My kids are not lacking but no they do not get the best of everything. They get name brand items but only off the clearance rack. I don't see how giving your kids all the world has to offer in material items can even compare to the love they get from their mom after they get off the bus..or a home cooked meal because mom is not tired at the end of the day and stressed. I also can understand with the cost of living in general yes many people have to have 2 incomes. My husband would work 2 jobs before he would tell me to go get a job because he knows how important my job is to our children. He does not have a college education yet has worked hard to get in the position he has in his job to allow for me to stay home. It is possible to afford staying home with your kids as long as you don't have the attitude that you have to have all that the JOnes' next door have. I have 5 children ages 4-14. Its expensive we make sacrifices but we are rich with love. I am insulted that someone would think because mom stays at home you are not giving your children a better life.

2007-07-07 13:50:59 · answer #6 · answered by Ladybugs77 6 · 2 1

i am a parent so in a way i can make judgements yes i agree with you , some people are never content they want everything ,but you have to sacrifice one for the other , sadly it seems that some people think that their careers are more important than bringing up their children, take v beckham she's as miserable as sin , by having three lovely sons and one of the hottest men in the world you'd think she'd be happy but thats not enough for her . she loves herself so much that she will do anything to be in the papers , even if it means not spending much time with her kids , they all want to take a leaf out of julia roberts book, when was he last time you saw her in a film , .sometimes peoples egos are more important than their own flesh and blood sad really

2007-07-07 11:22:56 · answer #7 · answered by ♥BEX♥ 7 · 0 1

For many of these celebrities, children are like publicity toys. who help keep the star's name in the spotlight. Look at all the pictures in People Magazine of celebrities and their "adorable" kids.. Having kids is usually good for their careers, it keeps the stars in the public eye.

2007-07-07 09:35:06 · answer #8 · answered by susandiane311 5 · 2 2

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