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I slammed my liberal professor over this in class. He was all "you conservatives need to get with the times". I said you mean the times where EVERYTIME protection of traditional marriage has been put before the people it passes with massive support. Including in LIBERALS states like California and Washington. You mean those times Mr. "hiding out in University because I could never cut it in the private sector" Professor. Among the likeliest effects of gay marriage is to take us down a slippery slope to legalized polygamy , marriage between brother & sister & marriage between you and your pet! Unlike Blacks (liberal straw man argument) Gays can change their behavior and do everyday. What is Ann Heche these days? The Ban on Interracial marriage was stupid and needed to be changed. Liberals need to grow up and take their defeat at the polls like adults and quit whining.

2007-07-07 01:59:20 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

We liberals are assaulting traditional marriage, because we want to stereotype average Americans as anti-gay extremists ( making 'gay' the issue, not 'marriage' ). By creating a wedge in the electorate, we hope to trick "moderates" into moving left so that our larger goals might be accomplished: Socialized medicine; Higher taxes; Censorship of "hate" speech ( read: right-wing ); Borderless immigration policy; Incremental transfer of sovreignty to the U.N.; "Realistic" Age-of-consent laws (15); A planned, "Goal-oriented" economy; Global-Warming wealth re-distribution plan; Expanding "Eminent Domain"; Confronting right-wing authoritarian states abroad, etc...
You see, gay marriage is just a red herring to distract you redstate yokels from our real plans. Once we consolidate our power, the concept of marriage will be of no value to "the people", and therefore will be disbanded as an institution -- for the collective good.
Sorry, fellow liberal comrades, if I am "talking out of school", but I'm just keepin' it real. Besides, these rednecks won't believe the truth anyway!

2007-07-07 02:36:40 · answer #1 · answered by Tommy B 6 · 1 4

Do you suggest, therefore, that every time something is defeated once by popular argument then that issue should be closed for debate forever? If so then women, blacks and the middle class and working would all still be slaves to the rich white male christian few. People have to FIGHT for equality, not politely ask if a little fair treatment would be alright - if it's ok by you sir.

The "slippery slope" has been the argument against just about any form of equality, from emancipation to sufferage to civil rights. Just because one thing has been granted it does not mean that every thing will be granted. Just because slaves were freed it didn't suddenly make them equal people - that took another 100 years.

And in addition - if gays CAN change their behaviour why don't they? Why would someone be gay in a country where it is punishable by death if they had a choice in the matter for instance?

2007-07-07 12:57:13 · answer #2 · answered by Mordent 7 · 0 0

you say "The Ban on Interracial marriage was stupid and needed to be changed". At one time the people thought that it was necessary. And some day people will feel the same way about us having a ban on gay marriage the same as we feel about our ancestors for having an interracial ban.
Let me ask you this..... who are you attracted too? Can you control who catches your eye? Can you control who you are drawn too? My guess is no. No one can control who they are attracted too.
I would also guess that you love to eat chocolate. What if the government told you that you could not eat chocolate for what ever reason. I bet you would not be happy about that.
I personally know 3 gay couples that have been together for for 8 years or more. And they are more loyal to each other than some straight couples that I know. So why should they be deprived from being legally bonded from someone that they love so much and the benefits that come with marriage simply because the one they love is of the same sex? I think that is wrong and wish the ban on gay marriage would disappear.
And in case you are wondering, I am from Alabama (a conservative state) and I am straight and I am married.

2007-07-07 02:13:06 · answer #3 · answered by VMSS 3 · 6 0

Actually, I'd like to have you explain how marriage between Gays in any way harms marriages between hetero couples.

I can see people making a case for polygamy and polyandry on the grounds that there are too many single parent families.

Close kin marriages are banned because they result in genetically damaged kids, so they'e off the slippery slope.

And your argument regarding Blacks doesn't hold water, either. Michael Jackson is living proof that a cosmetic surgeon and a speech coach can cure anyone of being Black.

If you really want to preserve families, repeal the tax penalty for married couples, promote a living wage for everyone who works full time and use the money you spend on lobbying against Gay marriage to provide counseling for couples--not just when they are on the rocks, but before they get married.

Right and Wrong are not subject to popular opinion. Denying people Human Rights based on the fact that you think they're icky is Wrong, period. It's morally reprehensible, it's UnAmerican and it is a sin against God.

God made some people to be Gay. I don't understand His reasoning, maybe He likes showtunes--but I accept that He had one. Get over it.

2007-07-07 02:21:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Does anyone out there really believe this garbage? If you feel homosexuality is a sin because of your religion, well...I disagree strongly, but there it is in Leviticus. Of course, the argument about taking everything in the Bible literally is another issue altogether.

But polygamy? incest? Marrying my CAT? how does two knickknack store owners in Eureka Springs, Arkansas getting a legal recognition of their partnership have ANYTHING to do with these things? Are you honestly confused enough to make that connection, or do you just think you can scare someone else into buying it?

Infidelity. Insecurity. Dishonesty. Lack of communication. Economic hardship. THESE are the threats to "traditional" marriage, and they always have been. What a couple you'll never meet does to affirm their love can only affect you if you're ignorant and hateful enough to let it.

2007-07-07 14:07:13 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I’m for allowing gays to have the ability to share the same equal rights as every other citizen. Seeing how the issuance of marriage license have absolutely nothing to do with morality. Its my understanding that the license would grant the couple the ability to share in the same rights that heterosexual couples enjoy today. I see nothing wrong allowing that. I see no reason to force my Christian beliefs on anyone for any reason. Do I agree with homosexuality, no, but God has made it very clear that I am not the judge, HE is.

As to you comments about people wishing to marry their siblings or a dog. Do you honestly think that there is some mass movement that would see that come to fruition, that some how our country will time warp to some sort of Roman era style of society. Are you sure you know what year it is at all.

I’m sure your professor was quite amused at your blathering. I doubt you “slammed” him....I think what happened went more like this. Some stilly stupid child went off on an extremist tirade belittling anyone who doesnt not share in narrowminded view. The Professor ( with class and wisdom) allowed you to continue to jabber jaw about some baseless claim. In the end Professor refuses to engage on the grounds that it would be unethical to debate with you. Why wouldn’t he, because fighting anyone (like you) on an intellectual level when that sad little person was armed only with a wet noodle wouldn’t have been much of a fight in the first place.

2007-07-07 02:27:01 · answer #6 · answered by phule_poet 5 · 6 0

I would very much like to see the gay marriage thing put up to a national vote,however it would have to come up more than once because quite frankly the only reason it's been defeated in the past is because of the apathy of voters who do believe in equal rights for all people. Instead the only voters that hit the voting booths in any real numbers were hundreds of thousands of religious fanatics that were told how to vote by their local church. The only reason this issue is still around is because of the apathy of those who assume we as Americans would treat all Americans equally. They fail to realize that there are those who hate others simply for existing,and will do anything to avoid allowing the law to treat them equally. As for the whole "sanctity of marriage" bit,I think that argument died about the time we hit the 50% divorce rate,and when we became the nation with one of the highest spousal abuse rates on the planet.

By the way,for mobileautorepar(mrfixit) Kind of hard to take his idea that it's Satans plan seriously when he cannot even spell Satan? How does a supposed Christian misspell Satan?


2007-07-07 02:10:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I'm all for marriage. My wife and I have been in a "traditional" marriage for many years. I also have gay and lesbian friends who have been in stable loving relationships for many years, but who can't marry. I see no reason why they shouldn't. It certainly wouldn't threaten my "traditional" marraige in any way. Since you mention the straw man argument, surely you're aware that you're committing the logical fallacy of exaggerating the opponent's argument. Nobody is advocating marriage between people and pets. I think you made the best analogy yourself. Interracial marriage was illegal for many years. People thought it evil and unnatural, and made the same kind of silly exaggerated arguments against it. They were wrong. Someday your position will be seen as just as silly and wrong.

At the time of the American Revolution, slaves thought all this talk of freedom and everyone being equal meant slavery would end. It didn't. They were told to stop whining and accept their fate. It took almost another hundred years before we did the right thing, and another hundred years after that before we dismantled the last legal vestiges of racism. Black people tried to bleach their skin, and light-skinned black people tried to pass as white. I guess that's proof that nobody has to be black if they don't want to. They can change.

Oppression is oppression. I'll never stop protesting when the government sanctions it in my name.

2007-07-07 02:10:05 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I'm a moderate, and think this question is ridiculous. Fifty percent of all marriages (traditional) end in divorce. I like Kathy Lee Gifford's comment on this the best: "Why shouldn't they be allowed to be just as miserable as the rest of us?"

"Gays can change their behavior" - I'm guessing you aren't a med student.

"Liberals need to take their defeat at the polls and quit whining." The next time the Democrats lose an election by 500,000 votes I'm sure the Supreme Court will allow them to become the occupants of the White House... on the custodial staff.

2007-07-07 02:07:42 · answer #9 · answered by Paul Hxyz 7 · 6 0

Babe, I don't know who you're talking about, but take a lesson from a couple happily married for almost 37 years!

First of all, you build a relationship. You get to know one another and discuss ALL the various issues important to you (children, sex, money, careers, religion, politics, philosophy).

Then - and only then - do you consider marriage.

To make it succeed, you need to have emotional maturity, plus a sense of compromise, sympathy and forgiveness.

Any couple of ANY gender that can stay together more than 8 years is beating the national odds for first time marriages.

We could CARE LESS if gays want to be married. It doesn't affect our relationship one bit, and if you think it affects yours, you have other issues.

I suggest you watch the video below:

2007-07-07 09:18:49 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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