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My 5 mth old son is usually a very laid back happy baby.. He sleeps 12 hours at night, and ever since he was 3 months old, we put him down in his crib awake, and he falls asleep on his own.. He had a cold once before, but at that time, he just kind of whined throughout the night and I would jut get up to put his pacifier in his mouth. He just got a cold that is keeping him up all night screaming! Last night, I almost took him to the hospital because he just would not stop wailing, even when I was holding him.. I have a few questions - first, is it normal for a baby to cry like this when they have a cold? he is very congested.. two, is there anything I can do to shorten the lengivity of this cold.. Three, aside from draining his nose, inclining his bead, using a humidifier, and putting vicks on him,is there anything I can do to make him feel better? and lastly, I finally just put him to bed with me, and he slept in my bed for the first time ever.. Am I teaching him a bad habit?

2007-07-07 01:20:06 · 18 answers · asked by mj'smomma 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

18 answers

These are classic symptoms of an ear infection. Call your doctor or go to the ER ****NOW!!!****. If an ear infection is not treated right away it can rupture the ear drum and cause more problems. For the time being if you can't go right away a warm wash cloth held against the ears can help ease the pain. and if your little guy has a sore throat ( or ear infection ) sucking can actually hurt. Good luck and give your little man a hug 4 me!!!
Also putting him in bed with you while he is sick is not going to teach him bad habits!!!! bonding time is VERY important. you are letting him know that when he doesn't feel good your there to help him!

2007-07-07 01:28:57 · answer #1 · answered by sarahs_address 2 · 0 0

You say he has a cold? How do you know that is all he has? Did you take him to the dr already? If so and that is what they told you then...ok the best thing you can do is put a little pillow under the head of his mattress to help incline in when he sleeps. That helps the drainage and breathing. Give the poor little one some meds. Even if you just give him some tylenol. They have several safe over the counter cold meds for this age. Giving him his passy isnt really good during a cold as it will cause him to breathe through his nose that is all stuffed up and it will carry the cold jerms around on it so if you have to give it to him steralize it as much as possible.

Now if you have not gotten him to the dr get him there right away. He could have a nasty ear infection due to the cold that just hurts like heck.As for putting him in bed with you every once and a while like when he is sick is ok. But, be VERY careful you only do it every once and a while. Its a hard habit to break once you get it started.

2007-07-07 01:34:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I understand but that last is teaching a very bad habit that will be hard to break once started. It is OK to do it one night or two when he is so small and sick but watch it, it is a sneaky habit.

It is common for babies to cry with a cold because of the congestion. they cannot blow their noses and cannot release any of that sinus pressure. They feel it just like you do but they can't do anything about it but cry. screaming might be a sign of an ear blockage that could become infected. Ear infections seem to go with colds in small children and infants so be sure to have the doctor check his ears.

You are doing all you can mom so keep it up. Relax though babies are a lot stronger than we think they are in spite of how they look. the pacifier is a good thing it can help them get unclogged a little. Listen to your instincts, when in doubt always call the doctor, better to be safe you know. Good luck to you and your baby, he's got a real good mom.

2007-07-07 01:31:54 · answer #3 · answered by CindyLu 7 · 0 0

There is nothing wrong with putting a sick baby in bed with you. I did the same thing with all four of mine when they were sick babies and they turned out just fine. It kind of sound like his cold has drained down into his ears and he has an ear infection. Call the doctor and make an appointment and in the meantime switch off every four hours between Tylenol and Motrin and get some over the counter ear drops to take down the swelling in the eardrum. You should also get get some baby medicine drops for congestion. Pediacare works great. Hope this helps til you can get the poor little guy to the doctor.

2007-07-07 01:40:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you should take him to the hospital. He's just a little baby and needs special care. Don't trust us, you have no guarantee that we'll be able to give you the answer you need. Only a doctor can tell you what to do.
I also think that you should be careful about putting a pacifier in his mouth. I mean, it's very important to make sure he can breathe normally through his nose.
About your last question, I don't think that letting him sleep with you once or twice will make him want to sleep with you every night. However, many doctors advise against it.

I've just read one answer to your questions where a bath with eucalyptus is mentioned. That is very good, but some children get asthma symptons because of it. I did when I was a child and still do nowadays.

2007-07-07 01:32:15 · answer #5 · answered by Morango Girl 2 · 0 0

Yes, babies cry more when they are more uncomfortable, since he is very congested he cannot sleep comfortably and is probably just feeling very bad. Colds in infants can last awhile, up to 2 weeks. You can get Tylenol for infants and give him the prescribed amount for his age, this should help him to sleep at night. I would think the humidifier might be bothering him more then helping. Babies learn fast, one night (or a couple nights) in your bed does not have to be the beginning of a bad habit. He will just as easily learn to go back to his bed after he's better. He needs your comfort more now when he is sick.

2007-07-07 01:35:34 · answer #6 · answered by What's up doc? 1 · 0 0

I usually do not put ours in the bed with us, but when she had a cold I made a exception. We went to the doctor when ours had a cold, I would advise you to do the same. Mainly to make sure he doesn't have an ear infection. The doctor told us a babies first cold could last up to 2 weeks. I would give him infants tylenol, clean out his nose every diaper change, and use the vicks plug in vaporizer.

2007-07-07 01:26:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nothing wrong with a cuddle when you feel bad! Medised is good for colds as it has an antihistamine in which reduces swelling in the nasal passages and dries the mucous membranes a little. It also has an anti-pyretic (for high temperature) and mild painkiller for that horrid cold headache. He knows he feels like crap, he just doesn't know why, which is why he's crying so much. Eucalyptus oil on a cloth in his room or a couple of drops in the humidifier will help too.

2007-07-07 01:26:34 · answer #8 · answered by georgina155744 2 · 0 0


First, check his temperature and record what medications/treatments you have administered and when. You can call your Pediatrician (which will most likely be forwarded to Triage Nurse et. al.) and give the Dr. the symptoms and ask for their input.

It sounds very out of character for your son to be fussing as he is and also not indicative of a minor cold. It is important to be sure that if he has a fever, you regularly record the readings and you can give him Infants Tylenol drops or Infants Motrin to reduce the fever (not medical advise - just a suggestion, could be allergies, etc.).

Also, a bath with eucalyptus will greatly relax him and the natural menthol will ease the symptoms. GOOD LUCK!

2007-07-07 01:29:07 · answer #9 · answered by Cali Girl 2 · 0 0

He may have an ear infection and they can be very painful. He may also be teething which is also painful. My girls got really congested and even ran fevers when they were teething. Have you given him any tylenol? or a decongestant? You may want to go to the doctor just to make sure it isn't an ear infection, if it is, they will put him on antibiotics. Don't make a habit of letting him sleep with you but it isn't going to corrupt him for life to do it once in a while especially when he is sick.

2007-07-07 01:34:06 · answer #10 · answered by Wealth of useless information 3 · 0 0

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