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while ignoring the atrocities of another? So while attempting to take away our rights by attempting to enforce The UNFAIRNESS Doctrine (legal, political coercion at it's best), proposing disarming citizens of their legal right to bare arms, shoving political correctness and progressiveness down the throats of many who might not see things through your eyes and blaming ONE party for taking away your constitutional rights. Do you people ever check out the voting records?

2007-07-07 01:06:44 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

'bear', not bare.

2007-07-07 01:07:41 · update #1

26 answers

I have seen your posts on YA; although they are partisan, they are pretty much fair in analysis.

However, I do not believe you are being fair in this question.

Believe it or not, liberals are for the Second Ammendment allowing Americans the right to bear arms, not just for a standing militia. Below is a paper by a "Liberal" professor.

Concerning political correctness, some changes to our linguistics/jargon were necessary, because of the insensitivity to certain minority groups and disabled people.

If you had a developmentally disabled child, would you want people to brand him as a retard? However, I do believe some of the changes are a little too much. I still call a janitor a janitor, not a sanitation engineer.

Concerning Constitutional rights being taken away, the Patriot Act and its progeny, just like the president's Commander in Chief powers to declare war, were supposed to be emergency measures only. However, we no longer are at Code Red; thus, things need to be cooled down a few notches, including Search and Seizure violations.

As for the voting records on many of these measures, you are right; both parties are to be blamed. However, those who realize tht the emergency measures should be abated are now trying to change things.

Admittedly, both parties have their hypocrites because politics is about doing the right thing at the time, to avoid public scrutiny, as opposed to looking ahead at the possible ramifications of their actions, if it is unpopular.

Again, I usually appreciate your posts, because they are well-thought out and intelligent, although sometimes contrary to my political viewpoint.

2007-07-07 01:29:51 · answer #1 · answered by MenifeeManiac 7 · 8 3

Those are exactly the issues that make me shy away from the Democratic party.

I just cant see how anyone can read and study the history of the Constitution and think you can take away the right to bear arms. (dont worry Suthryn, my spelling is impeccable right up until I ask a question!) I just love the argument too that "the country was different then." Well, doesnt it stand to reason then that the country will be different in a hundred years from now and the right to bear arms may be needed to keep our country safe? This is a long debate worthy of its own post.

The PC movement of the 80's was a frightening thing to watch unfold. Im not sure how many of your were old enough to remember that in its glory day, people were actually sent to "education" programs to be taught the "correct way to think" when they were found guilty of violating unwritten PC doctrines. Here in Ohio it got even worse at Antioch College. If you attempted to hold the hand of someone without their permission, it was considered an act of "unwanted sexual aggression." At Miami University, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance was able to convince the administration to ban ROTC members from providing an escort service based upon the fact that men were all "potential rapists" and it wasnt right to have a "potential rapist" escort a woman home. They also were able to change the University's mascot from a "redskin" (they had permission to use the image from a Native American tribe) to a "redhawk"

Im curious Suthryn, what prompted this post in particular?

I dont want one of my "moderate" posts to go completely in one direction. I really do have issues with the Patriot Act and some of the methods the current administration is using in the name of "fighting terror." But those can be discussed in another post.

2007-07-07 02:14:53 · answer #2 · answered by Moderates Unite! 6 · 4 1

Wow, you should try to get more sleep.

What atrocities from the Republicans should we not be ignoring? And what about the Democratic Party's atrocities?

You don't really list them, you know. The Fairness Doctrine actually increases your ability to express your opinion, at least in theory. It might fail, but failure is not an atrocity.

Limiting firearms isn't really an atrocity either. Most industrial countries do it, without severely oppressing their populations. It might not be the best thing to do, but it's hardly an atrocity either.

And political correctness? you probably weren't even born before that phrase became a cliché.

So please, take a nap. Things will be better after a little sleep.

2007-07-07 05:33:45 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 3 2

The Fairness Doctrine was established to keep broadcast media, then the big media was radio, from becoming a pulpit of propaganda. Broadcasters now are rude, uninformed, and have malice for others and as such do not represent the best of America, and, commit to avarice and character attacks so common today.

The right to bear arms was a part of the colonies. In Conn, for example, in the 18th century, EVERY male HAD to receive training in firearms. It was felt that a people trained could provide "troops" at the ready when required, instead, of a paid army or standing army. This is why the language is such in the Constitution. It is preposterous for people now to think that owning firearms keep them "free". Sorry, but my 30 caliber rifle could not do much harm should the army come a running! Today, well, the world is more complicated. We have a well supplied armed services, and, it is not unreasonable to enforce some laws regarding firearms.

Political correctness is an issue that people talk about here for some reason. Hateful words are just that, hateful, and, you get respect by giving respect to others, so, what is the big deal here?

NSA is now conducting unimaginable surveillance on Americans now, in large part, because of the Bush administration.

2007-07-07 02:03:01 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

I always check ALL the voting records. Most of the time it's the dems that vote in ways I just can't agree with. But as of the past few years unfortunately the Reps are doing it as well.

I feel lost and confused sometimes. I really wish a "TRUE" conservative would come out of the woodwork and really stand for what conservatives are supposed to stand for.

Smaller government.
Lower taxation, especially if it is via the Fair Tax or Flat Tax.
Strong national defense.
Continued welfare reform.

That is all I want our federal government to concentrate on.

2007-07-07 03:33:25 · answer #5 · answered by scottdman2003 5 · 3 2

They don't need to. The socialist lib/left has, for decades now, claimed some sort of moral high ground, and because of that, don't have to answer to anybody. There can be no dissent from the left.Political Correctness,is nothing but selective correctness. Progressiveness has been subsumed by that very same leftist conceit. Let's remember Stalin's strategy for a moment, 1. Gain controll of all communication. 2. disarm the population. 3. Begin the process of indoctrination. What better way to accomplish these goals than to claim that a moral authority dictates compliance to a set of higher principals from which no one is exempt? If you disagree, it is because you simply do not understand the loftier principals involved.

2007-07-07 10:06:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Of course people don't check out the voting records. This requires work. We would rather have the television news tell us about the ones they oppose. Most people are unaware that the news agencies must make things controversial to sell commercial air time. Pray for the day where people give a crap and start holding elected officials to morals. It isn't today for most.

2007-07-07 01:15:04 · answer #7 · answered by spag 4 · 5 2

Neither party is innocent and only fools believe in the rhetoric spouted by either party's political leaders these days.

That said, there's a reason GOP leaders are now speaking out against the Bush Administration.

Bush has done for the GOP what Carter did for the Dems 30 years ago.

2007-07-07 01:23:49 · answer #8 · answered by BOOM 7 · 9 2

sorry, but life (and The United States of America) is Not as Black and White as you seem to think it is.

Nothing is ever so simple as to "..come down to.." one simple answer that works all the time.

Obviously your a conservative that supports Republicans and their policies.
Your questions are always slanted and aren't really questions in the true sense are they ?

Your just pushing partisan politics.

2007-07-09 06:10:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can bare your arms for me any day, darling.

You have discovered one of the tools of the seriously deluded, transference and re-direction.

The point about voting records is hilarious, these idiots only listen to what the propaganda machines spit out daily, never bothering to research or investigate anything that goes against their world view. Must be a pretty small world for them.

I am working on a piece about all of the socialist legislation passed by Congress since WWII, if you have any I would love to add it to the very long list I have.

BTW, you have described a socialist government to a tee.

2007-07-07 07:12:31 · answer #10 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 4 3

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