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OK I can not wait for Oprah to get off vacation so, I made this question as, well I can't think of the word but I made this question in the form of an interview for you, 10 points for best answer.
question # 1 so people who are gay and lesbian on yahoo tell me, how much heat did you get if you came out in high school?

question # 2- when did you know when it was the right time for you to come out to your parents? and what was their reaction?
did they kick you out the house?

question # 3- if you have friends that are not gay or lesbian, when you came out to them, did they treat you differently, and
how did they handle the shocking news?

answer every question in the form of a paragraph.
I am bi and I love posting question to make people feel good about themselves.

2007-07-06 20:45:15 · 3 answers · asked by DEGENERES77UAL IS BI AND PROUD!! 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

and before I came out I was starting to shake like my blood pressure had suddenly dropped, I had friends by my side when I came out, and one of them was standing holding me because I started to cry a little and we both looked in each other's eyes and I said I am bisexual and they started to clap and give me hugs and laugh, I felt so relieved and I am crying as I am posting this question, one of the m told me they could see and feel in my body the NEED TO LET SOMETHING GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THAT HAD BEEN INSIDE OF ME FOR YEARS AND YEARS and years , AND WAS TEARING MY LIFE APART, and was going to make me do suicide to myself if I didn't come out, because I almost ended my life weeks before I came out, because I would had terrible nightmares about people killing me and ooh it was terrible, but I was able to control my self and this is the person who helped me come out, *** ELLEN DEGENERES*** anyway it was an amazing feeling to come out and, I want you to come out to and let all those

2007-07-06 21:33:20 · update #1

I want you to come out and stop thinking of killing yourself because you feel like you are the only one, you have to COME OUT AND LIKE ME, YOU HAVE TO LET ALL THOSE EVIL SUICIDAL FEELINGS FROM THE DEVIL *GO*!!!!!!!!! AND COME AND JOIN ME AND THE BILLIONS OF OTHER YAHOO MEMBERS THAT LOVE DIFFERENLY,
you are loved by god no matter what people say, now check out these links,


2007-07-06 21:55:12 · update #2

I am tired so I will take a nap now but, I want you to know I had the need to just let something go that had been in me for years and years and years, I have been out for 10 months now and I have graduated from the high school, now I want you to do the SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
go to my profile page and you will see a photo
from the Ellen sitcom with Ellen DeGeneres and Laura Dern, I will post my real photo
in about 7 weeks or so. I am back to normal those suicidal feelings are gone and I am feeling good about myself, and I want to end the show by saying we the GREASTEST LOVE OF ALL TO OUR PARTNERS, and no matter what haters of gays and lesbians take away from you they can't take away your DIGNITY and you FEELING PROUD OF WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go and give your partner a big hug and go do the same for your parents, because you are the GREASTEST LOVE OF ALL TO THEM and God, if you know someone who needs help coming out, tell them to email me for advice, see you next time. bye.

2007-07-06 22:10:34 · update #3

3 answers

1.) Not too much. Only one time did something negative come from it. One of my friends who was a girl told everybody I was hitting on her which was totally untrue. I still to this day have no idea why she did it. It hurt my feelings because we were good friends and as soon as she found out she started acting very uncomfortable around me and then she told everyone I was hitting on her. It made no sense at all!

2.) Well, I came out when I was 16 or 17. I knew it was right just because it felt right, ir felt like it would be such a huge relief. My mom was very supportive and actually happy because she had known since I was 3 yrs old or so she says. We celebrated!

3.) I tell all my friends almost right away because I love to talk about my girlfriend, she is a huge part of my life. Only women have treated me differently. Most of them do not but some of them all the sudden want nothing to do with me. Whatever, I don't care, It's not like I'm going to jump out of a tree and rape them, lol. Sometimes, I do wonder what they are thinking, though. Ya know, why? Why do the get so scared of me, It's silly because I am harmless!

2007-07-06 20:56:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

#1. The high school was fine. They consider it discrimination if people treat others badly because they are different.

There was one incident where a kid came up an punched my nephew in the lunch room, requiring some stitches. The kid never admitted as to why he did it. We filed charges, he AND his parents were required to go to counseling, he had to do community service, and he moved about 20 miles away. (However, this kid had been in trouble with school before.)

#2. My nephew came out when he felt he could no longer live a lie. His dad was very mean, telling him he hated him, screaming, hitting things, making my nephew cry. I toss his dad out and told him to take his temper tantrum somewhere else. My nephew's mom and sister and I (the aunt) stayed with my nephew and held him. (Since both the dad and the nephew live with me, the only one who'd end up getting tossed out would be the dad.)

#3 - My nephew's friends had absolutely no problem with it.

Other - The dad finally came to grips with his son and his son's boyfriend by just not ever mentioning the "gay" word. Apparently he thinks it would make him less of a man at work as a pipe fitter. (Red necks with low self esteem, apparently)

For me, at first my head had no problem with it. Later in the day after my nephew told me, my heart had a problem with it as I know the trials and tribulations he would have to live through with this kind of life. I also had this irrational idea that he had "changed". So, each day after work I'd have to go in his bedroom and talk to him about his day. Once I found he was just the same as he always was, I was reassured and no longer worried.

My nephew is a pacifist, does not drink, smoke or do drugs, and always has a ready laugh. I do not have to worry about unwanted pregnancies. He is very adult and gives me no attitude about chores or anything.

I would not change him for anything.

2007-07-07 04:29:13 · answer #2 · answered by Tina Goody-Two-Shoes 4 · 1 0

1. When I came out, I was seventeen. My grandma encouraged me to come out. She said, " If you come out, you'll be miserable until your family gets over it. If you wait, you'll be miserable until you come out." My friends were okay with it. Those who weren't okay with it, weren't my friends to begin with.

2. I just knew it was time. My dad called me sick; he still does. I haven't spoken to him in years. My mom condemned me to Hell, she's a Catholic convert. She still loves me, she just doesn't want me to go to Hell. All three of us kids are doomed according to our mom, for not going to the True Church. They didn't kick me out of the house, but they did send me to a therapist who "specialized" in converting queers. Didn't work, obviously.

3. Like much of the world, 90% of my friends are breeders. They're okay with it. Those who had problems with it, weren't my friends to begin with.

Is this what you asked for, more or less?

Take care.

2007-07-14 15:20:22 · answer #3 · answered by for Da Ben Dan--Dennyhill 5 · 0 1

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