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I saw a movie in the early 60's when I was 9 or 10 years old. It was a black and white movie about an American spaceman who got lost in space and he ended up being coated with some kind of metal and it scared the dickens out of me and I still see the horrified look on his face. I can't find any friends or family who can remember the name and can't find it on the internet - does anyone know? Any baby boomers who like movie trivia out there? With all the world problems, I am worried about a stupid movie name, thanks!

2007-07-06 15:20:15 · 3 answers · asked by Bren G 2 in Entertainment & Music Movies

It was a full length movie, my aunt and uncle took me to the theater to see it. I nearly had a nervous breakdown afterwards, ha ha

2007-07-06 15:42:55 · update #1

3 answers

...oh yes!!! You just have to be talking about the 1959 sci-fi shocker, entitled "First Man Into Space"; I recall the film quite vividly, and I could go into great detail, about this classic campy film, but why not let the attached synopsis speak for me?? It will tell the whole tale!!!

What a coincidence!!! I recently answered a question, regarding the 1977 remake of "First Man in Space", entitled "The Incredible Melting Man"....

2007-07-06 15:52:43 · answer #1 · answered by Fright Film Fan 7 · 0 0

I was born in '50 and have always been a sci-fi fan since I was old enough to watch TV. The only thing remotely similar I can think of is that one where the scientists shrink themselves and their submarine, and go inside a man to try to fix a clot of some sort that's inoperable. In one scene a guy causes some sort of damage accidentally, and the white blood cells converge on him and start covering him up. Just seems funny now, but at the time it scared the b-jesus out of me. Don't remember any space movies where metal attacks tho.

2007-07-06 15:38:11 · answer #2 · answered by saturdays child 4 · 0 0

Sounds like something from the original Twilight Zone series with Rod Serling.

2007-07-06 15:35:06 · answer #3 · answered by no_einstein 4 · 0 0

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