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I've heard people say its a cute and fun way to make a name "unique".......oh please naming your kid Maddison for ex. is not going to stand out in a sea of Madisons, its only going to seem like you can't spell or its a typo. Also whats up with the dreaded "Mc" in front of a name I always see, are you naming your child after McDonalds? Ok now finally whats up with backwards spellings? Nevaeh is the big one I see, but seriously its gets annoying hearing "This is my daughter Nevaeh, you know like Heaven spelled backwards! How original right?"....Isn't Heaven backwards Hell? Just because I think its a cute idea doesn't mean I going to name my child "Treah"(heart) or"Legna" (angel)............*phew* thats feels better to get that off my chest, ok rants over.

2007-07-06 07:41:59 · 18 answers · asked by <3 6 in Pregnancy & Parenting Baby Names

Bethanie is a nickname my grandpa gave me (my middle name is Beth) along with Annie B and B. It doesn't mean I go by it (I go by my real name Anna) or that I'm a hypocrite.

2007-07-06 08:01:36 · update #1

18 answers

Amen, sister. It appears some people want their kid to have the most unique name in the trailer park.

2007-07-06 07:56:10 · answer #1 · answered by DocPsych98 3 · 3 0

You hit the nail right on the spot! I agree with you 100% and more. I often mention that all the time on this board. Weird spelling doesn't make the name unique! Other weird spellings: Emmaleigh or Emmalee (for Emily). I also hate the Mc names too. Hopefully the child will not be fat so the kids won't call her "big mac". Backward spelling is the worst! Nevaeh...yuck! I also have to add all the names that end in "aiden/ayden" like Brayden, Caiden, Jaden/Jayden, Grayden, etc. If you put all those names together, I bet it'll be #1 in popularity. They are all the same names to me.

2007-07-06 08:03:19 · answer #2 · answered by luvly 6 · 0 1

personally after a lifetime of correcting people on spelling and pronouncing my name I am against this- because it is just a pain. Better off with a name not on the top 50 list if you don't want to be like everyone else but still choose something that's not off the wall with only 1-2 possible spellings. I named my daughter Sonja, most are tempted to Spell it Sonia, but at least they always say it right. And it is not as if the spelling with j was my invention, it's also a pretty common way to spell it.

2007-07-06 07:48:25 · answer #3 · answered by Sweet Tooth 5 · 2 1

anyhow, IMO for the final public of folk who choose to regulate up spellings, is via the fact this is them attempting to be "unique" and that they sense the only way they are in a position to make their toddler unique is thru giving them a trashy call or an illiterate one. in view that while does a popularity make a human unique? isn't it the guy that makes them self unique? BQ : The *worst* misspelling i've got individually come for the era of regrettably is that of my niece. She has a alluring call, if in basic terms it have been spelled ideas-blowing. Isyballe. What in God's call is SO incorrect with purely the traditional Isobel/Isabel.

2016-10-01 00:56:11 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What's even worse is how those of us with the original spelling of common names have to deal with everyone assuming we have one of the variations, thus even "normal" names get spelled wrong. I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell people that it was "Natalie", not "Natale", "Natly", "Natalee", or whatever other weird stuff people have recently been coming up with. (I'm glad when I got into high school I started going by just "Nat"; people haven't come up with any weird spelling for that yet...) I'm all for unusual names, but pick something original instead of just murdering an existing name... (Or spelling words backward; whats up with that?)

2007-07-06 08:11:49 · answer #5 · answered by Lycanthrope777 5 · 0 0

Yeah, I really don't like when people do that. Personally, I like names that are more traditional. But there is something that I was wondering: I thought most people with that name spell it 'Bethany', not 'Bethanie'. Sounds kind of hypocritical to me...

2007-07-06 07:50:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

They do if to be different but it actually causes more problems pronouncing it and the poor kid will forever be spelling the name to people.

2007-07-06 08:26:17 · answer #7 · answered by Sharon S 7 · 1 0

When you have a baby, you can spell their name which ever way you please. Dont worry about no one else. Every one has their own opinion, and all are never going to agree. So mind your business and worry about yourself. When your unique then people say its unique and you should stick to the regular, when your regular people say spice it up and its so boring. so its a lose - lose. You have to do what you want.
F U C K the world.

2007-07-06 08:21:17 · answer #8 · answered by BE HAPPY! 4 · 1 2

Traditional v. Uniqueness

If everyone was "traditional" I think life would be boring. And if everyone was "unique".......well, it might be a little too weird.
Mix us all together and it makes living quite an interesting experience :)

2007-07-06 08:13:30 · answer #9 · answered by ZEE 5 · 0 0

i agree with you...

but i will say one of my friends had a reason for her strange spellings. her husband would not allow her to name her kids unique names, so she just spelled them unique so she could have her own personality in their names.

to me it just sets the kid up to be teased and have everyone spell their name wrong!

2007-07-06 07:47:24 · answer #10 · answered by Havanah_A 5 · 2 0

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