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46 answers

This is good .......
I must admit.......
I read every answer and guess what .....
First there are noone is wrong or right.......

Based an indivdual belief system everyone is right..

There is Imaginary Past & Exists Now and in the future more will come... Depending on the topic......

Patterns are everywhere so is "modeling"

"Life is a series of pictures" "Some are true some are false manifestations of ones mind"

If you believe what modern day or society says from the past.

AKA Greek mythology ????
aka any religion or "beleif"
Makes me question why everyone wants to know when "Jesus is coming back" please..... lol
Is he bringing the easter bunny and santa too, maybe the tooth fairy....I hope so....

Pre-determined Future hmmmmmmmmm interesting
David Hume argued that while it is possible that one does not freely arrive at one's set of desires and beliefs, the only meaningful interpretation of freedom relates to one's ability to translate those desires and beliefs into voluntary action. hmmmmmm

I would have to say that Pre-Determined future needs a defintion of what it is?

Here is something to really stir things up......

Check out our solar system ....here is a teaser... Research about the saturn and pluto alignment.......

How do you know that the action you are taking is not pre-determined.

How do you know to ask the question about it?

How did you know you where going to pick this as the best answer...... but deciding now is going to be pre-determinded by me that you might not?

You are living it and are confused about which one you are in....

Now the question is the question is the question.....

This message should be read and thought and decided by the voters.........

You have a great mind keep thinking deep.....thought ........... feel, hear, visualize and meditate.....


2007-07-08 18:26:32 · answer #1 · answered by thinkpositivedave 2 · 2 0

Pre-Determined Future

2007-07-08 23:02:01 · answer #2 · answered by Cheese grinner 2 · 0 0

Pre-determined future because then you would not be able to enjoy the rest of your life and the purpose of the word future would be defeated. At least in an imaginary past there might of been some enjoyable experiences to reminisce on, but with the pre-determined future you will more than likely find yourself focusing on the negative aspects more so than the positive.

2007-07-06 12:00:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

We all have an imaginary past and live with that well enough - unless we have parents or brothers and sisters to contradict us. But a pre-determined future would take all the fun out of life. That's why seeing the inevitable is so discouraging. It's a bit like seeing the end of a car crash in the middle of it, when you can do nothing about it. But sometimes we have to live with that, too, and simply do the best we can - as Greenies know too well.

2007-07-06 15:39:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hmmm.........I definitely would agree with a pre-determined future because Im a very free spirited person and that idea would truly be HELL on earth. It can only be a fulfilling life if you have the ability to pick and choose between what you really want to do coinciding with who you are deep down that gives life any kind of meaning. As for imaginary past? I think it would be pretty sweet if we could just write off all the bad parts off of our past as imaginary, NO they really didnt happen to us. I think we all have lived what could be considered an imaginary past in one way or another because we see and perceive things so differently from one another. And dream things up in what would be our ideal lives all the time. Or at least I do anyways.

2007-07-06 14:07:35 · answer #5 · answered by Carebear 2 · 1 0

Well, if you mean something that is untrue by an imaginary past...well...that is bad.
And by a pre-determined future if you mean that to plan out your whole future well...that isn't really a bad thing.
But I mean it is true that as we grow so does our mind. our heart, our inner self, and with that the options within and around us.
So yes, planning is not a bad thing, but writing this whole biography of your future will not be a fulfilling task either.
I think one should learn to live in the moment and at that time. Everything else can be uncovered as we go along this journey of ours.
Like that motto . . . : Love, Laugh, LIVE.
I guess a pre-determined future would be bad and unwillinglu unfulfilling, but an imaginary past is something that is untrue...so I would say that it's the worse.
Still, both of these hold the same weight in options...it just ones desicion that might come forth to change it. - Stargirl.

2007-07-06 06:55:00 · answer #6 · answered by Stargirl 3 · 2 0

I would say a pre-determine future. Who would want to have an imaginary past.

2007-07-06 12:16:51 · answer #7 · answered by a.vasquez7413@sbcglobal.net 6 · 1 0

The imaginary past is worse. If you have an imaginary past, you're either lying to yourself or someone else (or maybe both). If you have a predetermined future, you're as free as can be. You can do whatever you want and still get to the set goal. If you want to sleep in, go ahead! If you want to quit your job, that's fine! You'll reach your set future regardless of your activities between now and then... sort of like having a coloring book and you can't go out of the lines...

2007-07-09 06:15:18 · answer #8 · answered by Chris 2 · 1 0

enki, I'd first like to say that the "duality" in most of your questions is one of the reasons they're so thought provoking. You require some of us to consider the shades & range of our grey zones, (if we have any). A black & white STATEMENT, especially if on a controversial issue is quite another thing, a true "either/or" leaving no room for debate.
Personally, I wouldn't want a predetermined future. That would bleach all the colour out of the fabric & basically leave us with nothing to do but twiddle our thumbs. You think? The reality is, that much of our "past" IS imaginary, our memories are quite selective. Our lives are not "built" on realities of the past so much as they are on our perception at the time, & our perception of the moment. Some memories are best kept unearthed, (although may psychiatrists have a propensity for digging away until the client's scaffolding is shattered without resolution). No, I wouldn't want a pre-determined future, & much of the past is imaginary.

Our lives aren't necessarily "built" on a past that is vague at best.

2007-07-06 14:37:42 · answer #9 · answered by Valac Gypsy 6 · 1 0

A pre-determined future is worse, in my opinion. Whether you imagined your past or not, you cannot go back in time to change what you may have done in the past. So, it doesn't matter if you sulk or not on what happened in the past. Nothing will change if you do that.

However, if you have a pre-determined future, that means you cannot control your life as it is in the now. Not having free will of controlling some of what happens in your future is absolutely dreadful to most people. In more common words, it sucks if you have no control over your fate what so ever.

2007-07-06 16:33:33 · answer #10 · answered by Winged Genius 2 · 1 0

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