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Just wondering, if you had to hang out with one group such as the skaters, jocks & cheerleaders, emos, band, dancers, brains, etc... just like in High School Musical, which group would I find you in?

2007-07-06 04:06:44 · 17 answers · asked by ? 6 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

17 answers

I hung out in the 'non' group. All the people who didn't fit into any group in my high school - kind of formed their own team. We weren't unpopular - but neither were we geeks, preppies, stoners, skaters, cowboys, or jocks. We were just a bunch of kids trying to make it through the horrors of high school.

2007-07-06 09:27:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I was the football player that had friends everywhere. My hair was 4 inches past my shoulders back then and it would cover my name on the back of my jersey. I was the only guy on the team with hair flowing out of the back of my helmet. The coach said I had to cut it or I was off the team. At the next game people from all over the school stood in the stands and chanted "It's a free country Coach Jones!" over and over..LOL Needless to say all the emos and jocks and cheerleaders, nerds were my friends. I was the vice president of student council, so I was cool with everyone. I always hated the "click" and made it a point to avoid them. Sorry, just can't pick one, but I would have hung out with you Nicky(you sexy thang!) Now I shave my head smooth every morning, I'm sure coach Jones would be proud..LMAO

2007-07-06 04:54:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I hung out with a group that defied explanation (unless you want to be mean). There really was no unifying band between us, except we didnt fit in anywhere else.
I was the underage dork who had to prove to everyone that even though I was younger and smaller, I was smarter, so it was okay.
There was ****** who was blatantly gay, but not old enough or comfortable enough to admit it, he came to school quite often dressed like Robert Smith of the Cure, who he was in love with, would say he was in love with often, then try to back track like he meant it as a respect thing.
There was **** who was a giant dominican who was in all ESOL classes, and truly had a heart of gold, or at least we think he did, he didn't speak much english, he just sat with us at lunch and giggled alot.
**** was a good friend to have, kind of a jock, he didnt play any sports at school, but he was an amateur bodybuilder who was popular, yet he would still join us for lunch, not in a condescending way, even after graduation, several years later, he would still hang out at UF.
**** and **** were twin basketball stars, they werent that tall, but they both looked to Larry Bird as thier hero and knew that one day they would both be the "new LB" in the NBA. They practiced constantly, yet still werent starters.
**** was the artist, not the dark artsy type, more preppy, just very talented. He didnt use body fluids or tears or whatever the stereotypical artsy person does, he wore clean clothes, kept his hair neat and did great paintings and drawings.
O|kay, I guess we could be classified, as the outcast dorks, but it didn't matter, it was over a decade ago.

2007-07-06 17:37:06 · answer #3 · answered by Damian B 2 · 1 0

None, I was a loner. My art teacher let me stay in the studio during lunch. I graduated h.s. over 10 years ago, so we didn't have some of the cliches you're talking about.

A few years ago, my class had a 10 year reunion, but I didn't go and still don't regret it. High school wasn't such a musical to a lot of us.

2007-07-06 04:29:24 · answer #4 · answered by germaine_87313 7 · 2 0

I played 5A (rating system for the larger schools) baseball for my high school team and received all-state honors, but I was never comfortable with the phoniness of the so called elites. I also worked part time at a grocery store and my buddies were the people I worked with who also attended the same high school.

2007-07-13 06:44:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I was the kid who played guitar, 2 varsity sports, and was part of a technical club... a dead head jock nerd... basically knew someone from every click in school, and had to float from group to group

2007-07-06 04:34:15 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I charged from group to group, no really we were let down into the town during school break, so I would go on excursions to see the ladies. Yeah!

2007-07-06 04:11:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, you could no longer carry out with them. To me, it looks like they're in basic terms a team of adult males and not a team of pals; human beings to hold out with once you're bored. to no longer point out, in case you're no longer into the flaws they're doing you need to get caught and busted for no reason. in case you will incredibly initiate over or proceed partying, then do it. tell them you're busy with homework or along with your companion (regardless in case you have the two of those). Or, be honest and say the stuff they do is stupid, in spite of it takes to get right into a clean croud (if that's what you elect).

2016-09-29 04:52:19 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

in my high school days i hang with the cool kids and school student officers I'm kinda popular back then but we were not the cool kids that is being despised and hated in school were kind a school role models. thats why all of my batch mates are my freinds.

2007-07-12 23:58:04 · answer #9 · answered by adnerb 2 · 1 0

I was considered a nerd in school didn't have many Friends so I didn't belong to a group but yes there was groups and you had to fit in one or you didn't belong I didn't belong!

2007-07-13 20:34:09 · answer #10 · answered by ~FliZo~ 2 · 1 0

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