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Is it zero, one or infinity?

2007-07-05 16:51:21 · 24 answers · asked by marc 2 in Science & Mathematics Mathematics

24 answers


2007-07-09 05:53:23 · answer #1 · answered by cutest pooky 3 · 0 0

The correct answer is neither zero nor infinity. It is undefined, and here's why:

When you divide zero by zero and try to get an answer, you are solving this problem:
0/0 = x
which can be rewritten as
0 = 0*x

However, we can pick ANY value for x, and the equation is still true. Therefore, x (the answer to our original question) does not have a single value. It is therefore given the title "undefined".

2007-07-05 17:07:08 · answer #2 · answered by lithiumdeuteride 7 · 1 0

Zero. Here's an example from my Algebra II teacher: When dividing 6 by 2, you're just splitting up the 6 into 2 groups. When you divide something by zero, it just stays in the same group, as if you've divided it by one..it doesn't really have a group.
I'm not sure if that makes much sense, but it helped me understand it..

2007-07-05 16:58:58 · answer #3 · answered by Amber S 4 · 0 1

The actual term 0/0 is undefined because of the zero-denominator. But your guesses show some good intuition, because it is possible to construct sequences of fractions {x/y} such that x and y both approach 0 but the limit of {x/y} is 0, 1, or infinity.

2007-07-05 16:59:30 · answer #4 · answered by TFV 5 · 0 0

no, it is not possible to divide by zero zero=nothing; how could you divide by nothing ? is it possible ? for example: zero divided by number(0/x) let a=0; multiply by 1 on both side a*1=0*1; hence a*1=0; now take that one to other side a=0/1; that is nothing but a=0; so, any number which divides zero is zero but if we take another statement(number divided by zero) x/0? let a=0; multiply by zero on both side; a*0=0*0; we may thing we can cancel the zero on both side but (once the values on the both sides are zero, we cannot put equal inbetween two conditions ) so, a*0=0*0===>0 hence, we cant divide any number by zero, if it is the condition, how come we can divide zero by zero??

2016-04-01 10:45:25 · answer #5 · answered by Maria 4 · 0 0

Zero goes into zero one time

2007-07-05 16:59:45 · answer #6 · answered by greghllwd 2 · 0 0

None of them. Zero divided by zero doesn't exists. It is indefinite.

You can not divide something by nothing. Or nothing by nothing. It wouldn't be a division

2007-07-05 16:56:45 · answer #7 · answered by Lando 3 · 1 0

None of the above. You can't divide by Zero

2007-07-05 16:54:19 · answer #8 · answered by Chaos Theory 3 · 0 1

Hi, it would be zero. If you have no apples and divide them by nothing then you have nothing. Good simple way to think about it. Also ANYTHING Times zero is zero. So basically its nothing or unidentified,

2007-07-05 16:55:20 · answer #9 · answered by Dogna M 4 · 0 1

GENTLEMEN, please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [whoops ! and ladies too!]

Division is defined as repeated subtraction, till zero is reached. So, if you wish to divide [say] 3 by zero, you can take it away an infinite number of times. So, ANY number divided by zero is infinity.

2007-07-06 12:19:40 · answer #10 · answered by Twiggy 7 · 0 0


2007-07-07 17:19:01 · answer #11 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

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