Well excuses will not work since you did get caught. Why? you do not know the passion just came on. It is a normal part of life and yes we all have done it. The difference would be what you age was. If your over 18 than in most parents minds oh well no biggy, not happy but what can we say. If younger that is a different story and would be prepared for some repercussions. If you are under 18 and he is over 18, then would be worried about legal repercussions. Best thing as hard as it is, would be to talk with them
2007-07-05 14:41:58
answer #1
answered by Pengy 7
There is no excuse, i would just tell them the truth. Because obviously they saw the truth when they walked in. Plus that fact that i used protection. Stuff like how long its been since you started having sex, and with how many different girls. Because more than likely parents are going to ask those questions so you might as well tell them.
2007-07-05 14:42:43
answer #2
answered by ♫♪2 kids+1 wife=magical♪♫ 5
avoid this situation all together- tell them beforehand. If they don't want you to have sex, ask them why because they probably have a good reason. If you dissagree with this reason, tell them your argument, if it's a decent reason, they should consider it and if they still say no, accept that fact, and don't go behind their backs. If you do happen to get caught in the act, theres no way you can deny it. sorry, but you have to tell the truth. And if you have to hide the fact about sex, your probably not ready to do it anyway. I am a virgin (i'm 13 and waiting for marriage) so you can disregard me if you want, but this is my opinion on the matter and i think it is a decent approach.
2007-07-05 18:19:16
answer #3
answered by ~n~ 2
What excuse could you make?? They caught you, tell them the truth and get it out, if your worried about needing to lye or something than you shouldn't be doing it to begin with.
Good luck.
Toni Lynne ;)
2007-07-05 14:37:36
answer #4
answered by tonilynne 6
its not what it looks like
u were trying to lose weight
she had something stuck in her vagina and needed help getting it out n only ur penis could reach it
they imagined it
it was all a dream
shes really a blow up doll
lol nah not really just be honest
explain that you're responsible and you're being safe
if your old enough and mature enough they will respect you for it
however dont expect them to be happy about you having sex
2007-07-05 14:40:17
answer #5
answered by rachel 2
lol buddy they caught you theres no excuse! and if they caught you, your most likely to young to be having sex. keep it in your pants!!!! there isn't anything you can do but be honest with them.
2007-07-05 15:35:00
answer #6
answered by Small♥Town♥Girl 6
uh how can you get out of that one? you had sex! pretty much explains it... but if you want an excuse just say you were curious about sex.
2007-07-05 14:51:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
luckily i havent had to deal with this.. me and my boyfriend have been walked in on, but for some reason they either didnt notice because we stop, or they just dont care and dont say anything.
we are almost positive they know and just dont say anything.
but just be honest. be safe about it and say something like "i know the risks, i know what can happen, and im being safe about it"
you never know how they will react but just be honest.
2007-07-05 14:46:11
answer #8
answered by beach_chica199 2
There should be no Excuse ,Tell the truth,They already seen you doing the dirty deed.No for Lies.
2007-07-05 14:39:01
answer #9
answered by Dew 7
when my husband and I were engaged, his mom walked in on us.. didn't knock or anything and she just kept talking away. We just were like ummmm can you leave. And she walked out and said "carry on" which was REALLY embarassing and we couldn't finish. It didn't matter to her because we were the only ones home in the first place.
2007-07-05 14:57:43
answer #10
answered by lyzz_op5 3